Chapter 21

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Small time skip (one day): Kageyama's POV

I've searched and re-searched every room in this place. I've asked each guard but none of them will talk to me. And none of the servants seem to know. I want to ask Suga or Daichi, but both of them took a mini vacation or leave or whatever for a few days and I have no idea when they would be back.

"Hey, where is Hinata!" I said angrily to my father. He furrowed his brows at me, ordering me to go to my room and speak with him there. I refused and stood in front of the guards and other servants.

"No, now where is he?!"

"He's fine"

"What do you mean by that!"

"We will talk about this later, Tobio. Go inside." My father said sternly. I gritted my teeth, knowing that I wouldn't be able to find Hinata like this, so I ran inside. I looked around in every room I passed before trying the dungeons, but of course I wasn't allowed down there. The guards wouldn't allow me to go to the dungeons, so I ran off to try and see if anyone saw where Hinata was taken or have seen him in general lately. I got the same answers as yesterday from everyone until I saw Suga had returned.


"Huh? Oh, your highness there you are! I was worried when I heard that you-"

"Have you seen where Hinata was taken!"


"Have you seen Hinata, I can't find him after they took him!"

"Your highness.. what are you talking about. Hinata is in his room asleep..?" Suga said with confusion. I stared at him in disbelief.

"Hinata's in his room!?"

"...Yes, he is..? Your highness, what is going on? I was told you were missing, so Daichi and I returned as soon as we could. And I am more than delighted to see you here and well and that Hinata has returned too, but-" I rushed past him before he could finish. I ran up to the servant's quarters and almost broke down Hinata's door by accident. Hinata looked over at me with a startle as I rushed over and grabbed him in a hug.

"There you are..! What happened? Where did my father-"

"Get off me!" Hinata said, doing his best to shove me off. I let go of him with a surprised look.

"Sorry, are you hurt? What did my dad do?" I asked, Hinata just fixing his outfit as he stood up.

"What are you talking about."

"...What did my dad do to you." I said, Hinata just looking confused and shaking his head. I slowly left, finding my father and barging into the room he was in.

"Tobio, that is very Inappropriate behavior."

"What did you do to Hinata!" I shouted angrily, my father sighing and asking the counsel members in the room to please leave. All of them glanced around but left quietly. Once they were all out, my dad looked at me composedly.

"You should be thankful I didn't actually throw Hinata into the dungeons for life."

"What are you talking about he didn't do anything!"

"That's not true, he's stupid enough to try and fulfill your silly little fantasy of running away with a lowly servant."

"What'd you do after you took him.."

"Your mother and I hired someone to make sure you wouldn't make a mistake and end up with him."

"What..?" I said, confused as ever. My dad just smiled and left while I stood there, trying to figure out what the heck he meant. He hired someone? I mean, Hinata was still here.. but something about him is different. He barely had to say anything to me and I could tell something is really off, I mean, he should've been relieved to see me. I quietly left the room and went back to Hinata's room.


"Hm? Oh.. is there something you need?" He asked as I walked over with a confused look.

"Hinata, what happened when we came back and my dad found us?"

"Uh, I remember being taken inside and I talked to someone, then I just, came back up here?"

"Who'd you talk to."

"I don't know."

"Well what'd he look like."

"Uhhh, he wore a lotta beads and wore all black." He said in thought. I furrowed my brows and thanked Hinata, leaving the room and slowly making my way back to the main halls.

A lot of beads and all black? That's a very weird outfit choice. Maybe I could find this guy. After all, I don't think I've ever seen anyone wear those kind of clothes. I know that no normal villager would wear clothes like that since it'd be to expensive. And I don't think any royals, nobles, dukes or anyone would wear clothes like that, people who are rich like to wear colorful and expensively adorned clothes..

"Hey, Daichi?"

"Hm? Oh, there you are your highness. Are you feeling alright? Suga told me he encountered you earlier but you seemed a bit, frazzled."

"Yeah. I'm fine, I guess.. Daichi, what kinda person would wear all black clothing and a lot of beads??"

"Why do you ask?"

"I'm just, curious."

"Well, all black and beads, feathers, bones, things like that is normally what people who danger into witchcraft wear." 

"What kind of things do witchcraft, people, do?"

"All types of things. They dabble in things that they shouldn't. Things like magic, summonings, curses, hypnotism, potions." Daichi listed off. I furrowed my brows and looked away. I didn't really know about any of this kind of stuff since pretty much anyone who did stuff like that hid or would be banished for the safety of everyone else. 

"Daichi, what's hypnotism? Like, what's it do?"

"It can do a lot of things, at least that's what I've read."

"What's the point of it?"

"Well, hm.. I'm not sure I remember off the top of my head. I read about it over a year ago."

"Where'd you read it?"

"It was a book that my dad gave me. He has it."

"Could... I borrow it??"

"If you would like. I can retrieve it for you by tonight." Daichi said with a smile. I nodded and thanked him before running off to my room. I don't know if I was even headed in the right direction of my research, and I don't know if this book would help, but I'd figure it out. Even if it took me the rest of my life.

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