Chapter 8

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Kageyama's POV

"Achoo!" Tsk. Idiot caught a cold.

"Oi, Hinata. Come up here." I said, making my horse come to a halt. Hinata sniffled slightly and shook his head.

"I-I'm fine!"

"Boke, you're sick. And you're going to slow us all down. So get up here." I said, extending my hand. Hinata quietly accepted, grabbing my hand and getting up on the horse. Asahi and Daichi watched with small smiles while my parents just said for us to continue. I gave jean a gentle nudge, continuing onward when Hinata put his arms around my waist to hang on.

He stayed like that for a while, once in a while sneezing. After a bit, I felt him rest his head against my back, letting more of his body weight lean against me. Then, I heard a snore. Did this idiot fall asleep..! He's gonna fall off... stupid, orange-haired-

"Hold." I said, everyone stopping. I asked a guard to pick Hinata up and move him so he was sitting in front of me instead. My parents looked both confused and annoyed, but the watched in silence as the guard did as he was asked. I put one arm on either side of Hinata, holding the reigns while his back slouched against my chest. There. This way he wouldn't slip off the side of the horse.

We continued once the guard was back in his spot. I tried to focus on the trail in front of me, but Hinata's head was using my shoulder as a pillow. His head turned a little bit so I could see his face. As we walked, Hinata started leaning more to one side, a lot of his weight resting on one of my arms. I couldn't stay like that, so I adjusted him so he was straight in front of me again and removed one hand from the reigns. I wrapped that free arm around his waist, like a restraint so he'd be secure against my chest, and just rode with one hand. My father pulled back a bit, walking his horse next to me.

"What are you doing."

"..Just, making sure we get home before tomorrow." I mumbled, avoiding looking at my bastard of a father. He narrowed his eyes as me, moving his horse as close to mine as he could get before speaking quietly.

"Fine. But when we get home, have Daichi take the boy to bed. We have things we must talk about in private."

Time skip


"Yes, your highness?"

"Please take Hinata to bed. And, get him some medicine or something when he wakes up."

"Yes your highness." Daichi said with a polite bow, taking Hinata from my arms and carrying him inside while Asahi took the horses to the stables. All the guards returned to their posts while my father had me follow me inside. He walked into my room, looking around before sighing.

"Where is that old lamp."


"Because I want to see it." He said sternly. The last thing I wanted to do was let my dad see the lamp. I knew he never really liked my grandpa. Though, I never understood why. I just boiled it down to him being a bastard. I quietly pulled the lamp out from where I safely kept it, my dad examining it.

"You sustained a wound for this old thing?"

"..I told you, it's special because grandpa gave it to me."

"I think it is liability. You went against my rules and snuck out to the markets, and even got injured for it."

"Fine. I won't go to the markets anymore. I just wanted to make sure I got the right oil for it."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore."

"What?" I asked, widening my eyes when my father dropped the old, brittle and fragile lamp onto the ground. The glass shattered and some of the old rusted rim snapped along with the handle you could carry it by on top. My father stepped on what remained of the precious lamp on his way out. 

"You. Come clean this. My son broke something."

Yamaguchi's POV

I quickly went into the prince's room. Seeing a broken, something, on his floor. The king left as I kneeled down to pick up the broken metal and glass.

"Are you alright your highness? Did you get any cuts from the glass?" I asked, the prince just silently watching as I cleaned up. He stayed silent before asking quietly.

"Is Hinata in bed."

"Yes, your highness."

"After you're finished.. Have Suga bring him to my room." He said, turning and walking over to his bed. I tilted my head at the request, but shook it off and just continued what I was doing. After the mess was cleaned and I was certain there was no shards left, I discarded of the glass and metal before quietly knocking at the door of Suga's room. He opened the door, tilting his head at me.

"I didn't wake you, did??"

"No. Is something wrong Yamaguchi?"

"No. Um. The prince asked me to tell you to bring Hinata to his room..?" I said, Suga looking a bit baffled but nodding and heading off to do as he was ordered.

Kageyama's POV

"Your highness?"

"Come in..." I quietly looked over, seeing Suga holding Hinata in his arms.

"I apologize your highness. I tried to wake him so he may walk here himself, but, he wouldn't wake up." 

"It's alright. Just set him here." I said, scooting over and gesturing to the spot next to me on my bed. Suga walked over, gently laying Hinata down and asking if I needed anything else. I shook my head and dismissed him for the night. Once Suga was gone, I laid down silently while looking at Hinata. I stayed like this for a bit before putting my arms around the boy next to me and pulling him close to my chest and just holding him tightly. I don't know what it was about this, stupid little ball of sunshine, but him being here made me feel better. 

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