Chapter 18

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Kageyama's POV

"Kageyama? Are you alright?"

"Huh..? Oh.. yeah I'm fine." I muttered, Yachi sitting down next to me. She patted my back quietly before folding her hands in her lap.

"So.. Um. I return to my home tomorrow. I was thinking that, maybe I shouldn't run away or anything..?"


"Well. I mean. If I do, you'll be left alone since your servant, ya know."

"I don't want you abandoning your own happiness for me, Yachi."


"I'll be okay. I promise." I said, Yachi looking uncertain. She stayed with me a bit longer before saying a goodnight. I watched as she walked back into the palace before moving from the bench onto the ground. Where was Hinata... All I knew is that he left, but I don't know where. Not that I blame him. After what I told him, he probably just wanted to be as far away from me as possible.

If I ever find him, I'm going to apologize. I'd want to see if he would come home with me. If he'd ever forgive me. I sighed, getting up and going back inside for the night. After I went inside, I wanted to talk to someone.

"Hey, Tsukishima?"


"Have you seen Suga."

"I believe he is in his room at the moment."

"Is he asleep."

"I don't know." He said with a shrug. I sighed, muttering a thanks and making my way all the way up to the servants quarters. Now.. which one was Suga's room..? I wandered around a bit lost until I heard Suga's voice. I followed it to a door and knocked.


"Um.. Suga, it's me." I said, Suga quickly opening the door and fixing his shirt.

"Ah! Your highness. What are you doing all the way up here?"

"I wanted to talk to you.."

"Oh, of course. But, you may always simply call for me with the-"

"Yeah yeah yeah, can we just talk?"

"Of course your highness. Where would you like to speak?"

"Can we just go in your room?"

"Well.. um. Daichi, is in here." Suga said with a small laugh. I peaked around him curiously, seeing Daichi sitting up in the bed in there. Oh, I had no idea that the servants had to share rooms, I thought we had enough for each one to had their own.

"Oh. It's okay. Maybe he can help too..?" I said, Suga smiling softly and nodding. He let me in and closed the door. We all sat on the bed, with Daichi and Suga on either side of me. I always felt comfortable with the two. They've been here since I was little, and they were always nice to me. 

"So, what did you want to talk about your highness?"

"Well.. um. Can I ask you about Hinata??"

"What about him?"

"Well, was he like. Alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"Before he left, did he tell you anything?"

"He told me quite a few things, your highness. He is, alright I suppose."

"What'd he tell you."

"Your highness, I-"

"Tell me!"

"...He shared with me some concerns about himself, and you."

"Like what..?"

"I had told Hinata I knew you two were, well, together. And once the princess had arrived, Hinata was quite heartbroken over the matter."

"...He was?"

"Yes. He was very upset, but he said he understood that you were truly happy with the princess. So he wouldn't get between you both by staying."

"Did he tell you at all where he went to..?"

"..He, asked me to not tell you."

"Suga.. please?" I asked, more like begged. Suga looked at me a little bit surprised before sighing gently.

"Apologies for my lack of formality, your highness. But, may I ask why you are asking about Hinata's whereabouts?"

"I just.. I want to.. apologize to him... and I want him to come back.." I said quietly, feeling both embarrassed and ashamed that I made Hinata feel so awful, that he ran away from me. Suga and Daichi exchanged looks before Suga sighed.

"Hinata left and went to work for a wealthy man, who's name is Atsumu Miya."

"Do you know anything else??"

"I'm afraid not. A name is all I can give you."

"That should be enough. Thank you, Suga." I said, giving Suga and Daichi a hug. I got up and ran off as quickly as I could. Alright, Atsumu Miya. If he was wealthy enough to hire a royal servant, surely he'll be easy to find. 

Sugawara's POV

"Yeah he definitely loves Hinata." I said, Daichi laughing and gently bumping my arm. 

"He certainly does. Did you see the poor kid's face when he saw me in here with you? It looked like he thought we were being forced into a small room and bed together." Daichi said with a small laugh. I nodded, giggling as he pulled me into his lap.

"Better we were just getting ready for bed than YOUR idea." I said, giving Daichi's cheek a pinch. He grinned, kissing me with a hum.

"Well the young prince is gone now. We can carry on my idea."

"Oh no you don't. We are going to bed."


"Ah ah ah, last time we did your idea, I was limping my way around the palace trying to clean it." I said, Daichi smirking. I huffed, but turned around in his lap and kissed the tip of his nose.

"Don't look so smug about it."

"Why shouldn't I? I'm the only one who can make you feel that way, aren't I?" Daichi said with a grin. I blushed, wrapping my arms around his neck with a nod. Daichi chuckled, holding onto me and lying down.

"Hey Daichi?"


"Do you think Kageyama will find Hinata?"

"With no doubt."

"What makes you say that?"

"Those two are in love. They'll always find each other."

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