Chapter 20

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Kageyama's POV
I helped Hinata up onto the horse, letting him sit in front of me while I climbed on behind him. I nudged Jean forward, Hinata letting himself snuggle into my chest while we began back home.



"How did you even find me??"

"Well, Suga ended up telling me the name of the guy who hired you. And no one else knew where Atsumu lived. So I went into the town and asked around. And I got lucky and found a small chain of people who knew, and I figured it out." I explained, Hinata nodding with a yawn. I smiled ever so slightly and moved the reigns to one hand and wrapped the other arm around Hinata's waist.

Hinata ended up falling asleep like this. We did have quite a while before we'd return home. It took me several hours to get here, and that was by galloping. Now we were going at a leisured walk, so we may not be home until well past morning. Ah well, it was night anyway, and I didn't mind as long as I had Hinata back. A few hours into our journey back home, Hinata woke up.

"Mm, Kageyama..?"

"I'm right here. We still have a long time until we'll be back."

"How long?"

"Probably quite a few more hours. Just go on back to sleep."

"Mmm... Can you tell me another story?"

"Alright. Hm.. Do you want to hear about how the stars get out into the sky at night??"

"Uh huh!" Hinata said excitedly. I smiled faintly, beginning to tell him the tale. It wasn't spectacular, but the story my grandpa would always tell me is that the sun owned a golden chariot that was made of fire. And at each night, when the sun set, the chariot would pull the stars behind it so that they'd be risen for when the moon came. And the fire from the chariot is what set the stars aflame and made them light up.

By the end of the story, Hinata had fallen back asleep. I smiled faintly down at him before yawning, Jean seeming a bit tired and sluggish too. Maybe we should stop for the night. I pulled the reigns, Jean coming to a halt as I held Hinata carefully and slid off and onto the ground. Jean followed me over to a tree where I tied is reigns for the night.

I grabbed a blanket from Jean's saddlebag and laid it down, putting Hinata down first before joining him and using my cloak as a blanket for the both of us. I pulled Hinata closer to me, watching as he snuggled up closer for warmth before closing my eyes and falling asleep with him.

The next morning

"Kageyama..!" I woke up to the noise of Hinata shouting my name. What the heck was going on? I got up quickly to see Hinata being dragged off by some soldiers wearing my father's royal crest on their helmets.

"Hey! What are you all doing!"

"Grab the prince." One of the soldiers said, a few of them grabbing me by my arms. I tried pulling away from them with a small growl.

"Hey let go of me, I demand it!" I shouted, watching as the soldiers got Hinata up onto a horse behind a royal guard. They ignored my demands and shoved me onto a different horse and having to tie my hands so I couldn't get off. Before I could do anything, the guard who had a hold of Hinata took off first. I tried to move and get off but before I could, the horse I was on began moving too.

"What are you doing!?" I tried shouting to the guard in front of me, but he just ignored me and kept going until we were at my father's kingdom. There was nothing I could do, so I stayed quiet and worried until we finally arrived at the front gates.

Hinata's POV
What was going on? At least I see Kageyama but I'm scared and this guard has a super tight grip on my arm.

"Ah, there you are, son." The king said as he walked out, a guard hoisting Kageyama off the horse and untied his hands. Kageyama scowled slightly and tried to walk over to me, but was stopped.

"Hey what are you doing lemme-"

"This boy is to be arrested."


"Why, as soon as the princess disappeared, he ran away from here. And not long after, you disappeared and we find you both together. It was clearly his doing." The king said, looking at me. I panicked as Kageyama argued that he had ran off to find me and the princess' disappearing had nothing to do with me. The king just ignored him and waved his hand, the guard holding my arm dragging me off.

The guard pulled me down to the dungeons and shoved me into a cell. I fell on the ground as he shut and locked the metal door. I groaned slightly, rubbing my arm that was probably gonna have a sizable bruise on it from that guy squeezing it so hard. After taking a few moments to reorientate myself, I got up and walked over to the metal bars and tried opening or shaking the gates.

"Hey..! Someone let me out..!!!" I shouted on the verge of tears.

"Tsk tsk, you'll be allowed out soon, don't worry." I turned my head and tried to look as far down the corridor as possible, seeing the queen walk over.

"T-then.. why am I here? I didn't do anything..!"

"I know."


"I want to tell you something. My husband's and I family have ruled this kingdom for centuries. And our son is next in line. Now, my husband and I have already looked over the fact that Tobio could possibly want a husband. It was bad enough if he did, but there are surrogates, he could still continue our bloodline. But he is supposed to marry someone worthy of him, not you." She said as a man wearing a dark cloak with the hood up walked over.

The queen opened the door and took my hand, making me follow her and this really creepy guy to another room. One that was all black and white. Once we were in there, the guy shut the door and started to chant and mumble to himself.

"W-what's he doing..?" I asked quietly, the queen shoving me towards him with a smile.

"Making sure you never interfere with my son again."

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