Chapter 26

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Hinata's POV
What was taking the prince so long. I sighed, leaning back and looking up at Jean. I dunno what was going on, but at least Jean was here. He was good company, I guess.

"Hey, Hinata." I stood up, brushing my pants off as the prince walked over. Something in his hand.

"Drink this." He said, holding the bottle out to me. I scrunched my nose as I slowly took the bottle.

"Uh. What is it?"

"Just drink it please."


"Hinata." He said sternly. I looked at the drink again before slowly tilting it back and downing it. It didn't really taste like anything. The prince took the bottle back and tilted his head.

"Do you feel any different??" He asked. I tilted my head before feeling a little dizzy. The prince dropped the bottle and grabbed onto me when I almost fell over.

"Hinata??? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, my head just hurts." I grumbled, hanging onto the prince for a few moments. He held me and sunk us to the ground so I was sitting.

"Hey, why don't you sleep for a moment." He said, my eyes feeling heavy anyway.

Mini Time Skip
"Hey, waking up?"

"Mm... Kageyama??" I mumbled, my head feeling like someone smacked it. Kageyama laughed, pulling me closer.

"Sorry, are you okay Hinata?"

"Uh huh.. But what happened. My head hurts and the last thing I remember is something about us looking for the princess who's, missing???" I said, Kageyama smiling faintly.

After a brief explaination
"Wow. You do have awful parents." I said, Kageyama nodding with a small smile.

"Yeah, but as long as you're back to normal, I can deal with them."

"So. You really picked me over stuff you really dreamed about as a kid? Like.. I know you.. really want your dad to be, well, proud of you."

"Of course I want my parents to be proud of me.. But you and I know that isn't happening. Besides, the only person I really care about is you." He said with the tiniest blush. I giggled, giving him a kiss and hanging onto him tightly.

"So.. what now? If we go back, won't your parents be like, really really mad..?"

"Yeah, they would be. I'm not sure what to do now. I'm afraid if we go back, something may happen to you." Kageyama said quietly. I bit my lip, climbing into his lap and letting him cuddle me quietly. It was getting dark, so, we may as well make a campout for now and figure out which direction we were gonna go in the morning. Kageyama talked about where I could help him get some fire and stones for a fire when we heard what sounded like a carriage and some horses.

"Are you boys lost?" A man leaned out the window of the carriage slightly to look at us, lanterns and torches lighting us up. Kageyama let go of me and stood up, making sure I was behind him as he spoke.

"Who are you."

"Oh, apologies. I am Prince Oikawa. I'm returning to my father's palace."

"How far?"

"Still quite a few days. I was attending business at a distant kingdom for my father. Where are you two from?" Oikawa asked with a smile. Kageyama looked down at me before slowly back at this prince.

"We're, lost. Nowhere to go.."

"Well, if you two would like, you are free to come back with me. Is this fine horse yours?" He asked, leaning out the window some more to look at Jean. Kageyama nodded as Oikawa smiled.

"He's magnificent. Well, you two can join us on our journey. We have food and supplies." He said, Kageyama thanking him and quietly helping me up. We both climbed back onto Jean and followed the prince and his soldiers. I held onto Kageyama quietly, listening while it sounded like another man was inside the carriage talking to the prince.

Oikawa's POV
"Are you sure you should be letting these boys come with us?"

"Why not, they're lost and are miles away from any villages."

"Hm. You better home that these boys aren't robbers." My fiancé said. I giggled, pulling the curtain over the opening so no one could see us. I got up and sat on my fiancé's lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Oh Iwa-chan, don't worry so much they look like kids. Besides, we got a bunch of guards with us, what are they going to do." I said, giving him a deep kiss. He sighed, holding me in his lap quietly while I complained to him about pretty much anything I could think of. I hated long trips, I hated being cramped in the carriage and I didn't enjoy being so far from home. The only thing that made it bearable was Iwa-chan being here with me.



"Do you think we're ready? You know, to be married and then rule together?"

"I do. Don't you?"

"Yeah, I'm just nervous still. But! I'm very excited to get married." I said, giving my fiancé another kiss. He smiled faintly at me before pulling me closer.

"I can't wait to be married to you either. Now, it's late and you should sleep before you complain it gets to cold." I smiled, rolling my eyes but yawning tiredly. Snuggling closer to my fiancé before drifting off.

Kageyama's POV


"Um. Are you sure this is a good idea.." Hinata whispered while hanging onto me. I sighed, keeping my eyes forward and following the carriage.

"...No. I'm not." I said honestly. I had no idea if this was a good idea or not. We didn't know this other prince, we were now further from home than ever. And I was 'missing'. Maybe we should go back? I just want whats best for Hinata.

"Well, it's okay. I trust you! Besides, everything will be okay as long as we're together, right!" Hinata said cheerfully. I looked over my shoulder and down at his adorable smile. I smiled slightly in return and nodded.

"Yeah. Everything will be okay as long as we're together."

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