I Don't Know (Part 2) (Dallon Weekes x Reader)

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Warning: Mentions of self harm

When Brendon went to sleep, he didn't expect that he'd be woken up by a knock at the door at three in the morning. And he really didn't expect that when he opened the door, he would see his friend, Dallon, standing there, sleep deprived and his eyes red from crying.
"Dal?" He Asked worriedly. "What's wrong?"
"I...I messed up.." he said, his eyes filling up with tears.
"Here, come in." Brendon said softly, leading his friend into the living room. He sat down on the couch and Dallon sat next to him.
"What happened?"
"I...proposed to Y/N." Dallon Said, looking down.
Brendon's eyes widened.
"You What?" He asked.
Dallon looked up at him.
"Dallon, you're right. You messed up, dude." Brendon Said, running his hand through his hair. "Do you have any idea what happened with her last relationship?"
Dallon shook his head.
"He was a jerk. He hurt her really badly." Brendon Said. "She's Afraid to be in a relationship again."
Dallon sighed. "Why....wouldn't she tell me?" He asked. "She's my best friend."
"She probably doesn't want you to feel bad for her." Brendon Said. "She's quiet about that kind of stuff."
"So," Dallon Said. "What should I do?"
Brendon sighed. "I would just give her time." He said. "She'll come around sooner or later."

The next morning, you woke up, and felt tears still running down your face. You had cried yourself to sleep the night before, thinking about your last boyfriend, and how he hurt you so badly. You had finally gotten over it, and then Dallon asked you to marry him. You kept telling yourself that Dallon wasn't your ex. He would never treat you badly like he did. But you were scared. So scared that you'd somehow mess up this relationship. You never even dated Dallon. Would going straight into an engagement be foolish? You finally lifted yourself out of bed, and looked at the time. It was incredibly late, and if you went to work, you knew you'd be late. You couldn't help but wish you had Dallon there to wake you up like he did yesterday.

You went out to the kitchen and opened up the fridge, seeing the breakfast that Dallon had made you yesterday that you never ate. You sighed. He cared about you so much, and you had been so blinded by what had happened to you in the past, that you couldn't even see it. You felt like calling him, but you guessed he was probably mad at you. Who wants to be told 'I don't know' when they ask someone to marry them?
You grabbed the breakfast from the fridge and put it in the microwave, waited about a minute until it beeped, then took it out. You sighed. Was this really what you were going to do? Be depressed all day? You needed Dallon. For years you had imagined what it would be like if he were more than a friend. But you blew it. You tossed the plate onto the table and threw yourself into a chair. As you ate, you couldn't stop thinking about how you hurt Dallon, and cursed yourself for being such a jerk. After you got the food down, you immediately felt like you were going to throw up. You got up and ran into the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. You began to sob, your whole body feeling numb.

Dallon stared at the phone, as he had been for hours. He was either waiting for you to call, or contemplating calling you himself. He wanted to talk after how you both left off. But should he really be the one to make the first move? Would that be wrong? Suddenly, the phone started ringing, and he picked it up hastily, answering it.
"Y/N?" He Asked.
"Um...no." The voice said,
"Dallon, you need to get over there."
"Y/N's house." He said, his voice full of worry.
"Oh no....What's wrong?" Dallon Asked, his eyes widening with fear.
"She just called me a bit ago, crying. She said she couldn't stop throwing up." He said. "She said that she feels terrible about yesterday. She's really beating herself up about it."
"I'll head over there right now." Dallon Said, Getting off of the couch.
"Just hurry...I don't want her to hurt herself or something.." Brendon Said.
"I promise, she'll be okay."
Dallon put the phone back, then ran out of the house quickly.

A half an hour later, you were still throwing up because of all of the stress you had put yourself through, and you were still crying as well. It had only been a day
Without Dallon, and you already felt empty. You knew he would probably never forgive you for what you did. You destroyed a relationship that could grown. Thinking of this only made you sob louder, so you didn't even hear the knocking at your door, or the footsteps coming into the bathroom. Suddenly, you felt someone tucking your hair behind your ears. You knew who it was.
"Dal..." you sobbed, not even looking at him. Tears ran freely down your face, and he wrapped his arms around you.
"Shhh.." he comforted you as you sobbed into his chest.
"I-I'm so s-sorry.."
He kissed you on the head.
"It's okay.." he said, running his hand through your hair. "It's okay.."
He checked you over a bit, looking for any signs of you hurting yourself. He took your arms gently and lifted up the sleeves, sighing in relief when there were no cuts or scratches. He looked up at you and wiped the tears from your face.
"Are you okay?" He Asked worriedly.
You shook your head, looking down. "I...ruined our relationship, didn't I?"
"Hey.." he said, lifting up your head gently. "You didn't ruin our relationship."
He hugged you again, and you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"I love you." You Said.
"I love you, too."
You pulled away from him and moved a few stray hairs out of his face.
"Yes." You said.
He looked at you confusedly.
"My answer is yes; I will marry you."
You had never seen Dallon smile so big in your life. "R-really?" He asked.
You nodded, and he placed a kiss on your lips.
"We're gonna get married.." he said excitedly.
You smiled at how excited he was.
"I love you, ya dork." You Said.

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