Handsome (Brandon Flowers x Reader)

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If you guys don't know who Brandon Flowers is, he is the incredibly hot singer of The Killers (pictured above)


F/N - Friend's Name


"Oh, come on." 

"F/N, I mean it." You set down the rag that you were using to wipe down the counter.
"Come on, he's totally into you." F/N said. "He comes into the coffee shop every day."
"That doesn't mean he's 'Into Me,'" You Said. "It just means he likes the coffee that I make."
"Nobody likes coffee that much.." she mumbled.
"You Want to bet?"
She sighed. "I'm just saying, you're lonely." She Said. "You have the Perfect chance to change that."
A bell rang, and both you and F/N looked over to the door, where someone was just stepping inside.
"Sorry, we're closed." You Said, looking down and going back to wiping off the counter top.
"Oh, sorry..." he said. "I'll.."
You looked up, and realized who it was. "Oh." you said. "You can...come in anyway."
He smiled, then came over and sat down. F/N looked at you and smirked.
"Would you like the usual?" You Asked, trying to ignore your friend.
"Yes please." He Said.
You poured him a cup of coffee, and added a bit of cream and sugar, then handed it to him.
"Y/N." F/N said, then mouthed, "Ask his name."
You stuck your tongue out at her, then looked back at the man.
"Um...you've come in here every day," you said. "And I still haven't gotten your name."
"Oh." He said. "I'm Brandon."
"I'm Y/N." You Said.
He smiled, then took a sip of his coffee. You had seen him every day, but it was only now that you had realized just how handsome he was. F/N came over and sat next to Brandon and smiled at him.
"Hi." She Said.
He waved a bit, still sipping at his coffee.
"So...why do you come here every day?" She Asked.
"F/N!" You Said. "He won't come back again if you keep bothering him."
He laughed a bit. "Well, I really like the way Y/N makes the coffee." He said. "She gets it just right."
You smiled at him, then looked at F/N. "See?" You mouthed.

The next day, you woke up with a cold. Not wanting to go to the coffee shop and get anyone sick, you called F/N, and asked if she'd take over for today. Being the good friend that she is, she agreed, and went to the coffee shop. The day was slow, and not many people came in, but when Brandon came back in, she felt a bit bad that she couldn't make the coffee the same way you did. When he sat down, he looked around a little bit, wondering where you were.
"Is Y/N here?" He asked.
"Oh, she's sick.." F/N said. "She asked me to run the shop today."
There was a bit of silence, until Brandon Asked, "Can I Ask you something?"
"Sure." F/N said.
"Is...Y/N single?" He said, rushing out the last part, then blushed.
"Actually," F/N said, wiping her hands on her apron. "She is."
He bit his lip. "Do you think there'd be any chance that she'd.."
"Go for you?" She Asked. "Totally. I'm sure she'll be back here in a couple of days."
He smiled, then got off of his chair and headed toward the door. He turned back.
"Thank you!" He said.
"You're welcome." F/N said, smiling.

A few days later, you had gotten over your cold, and you were able to go back to the coffee shop. Part of you was hoping Brandon would show up again, but as the hours went by, you realized that he most likely wasn't coming. After eight, you went over and flipped the 'open' sign around, then went around and cleaned up the tables. Afterwards, you went to grab the mop, and heard a bell ring. You turned around and saw Brandon, drenched from head to toe.
"Oh.." you said. "Is it..?"
"Raining." He said, bringing his hand up to move his wet hair out of his eyes.
"Do you need some coffee?"
He came over and sat down, and you grabbed a mug and poured him some coffee, making it just how he liked it. You set it down in front of him, and he smiled.
"Thank you." He said, then took a sip. "Um...I was wondering.."
"Would you...Er," he said. "Go Out with me?"
"Go out with you?" You Asked.
"I'm sorry.." he said. "That was stupid."
"No, no...it wasn't." You Said. "I'd...actually love to."
He smiled. "Really?"
You nodded, then jumped, startled by a knock on the window. You looked up, and saw F/N outside in the pouring rain, doing thumbs up. "Yay!" She Exclaimed.
You looked over at Brandon. "She encouraged you, I'm guessing?"
"Sort of.."

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