Music Really Does Bring People Together (Party Poison x Reader)

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Requested: @Rogerandbrianmaylor

Hey! I hope this one's okay! I actually thought it was kinda cute.


K/N: Killjoy name

You remembered meeting him so well. You were Hanging out with your friend, Fun Ghoul, one day, sitting around and enjoying the nice weather, just chatting. And then he showed up. The sass queen himself. At first glance, you knew you both would clash.
"Who's She?"
"Oh, um.." Ghoul Said. "This is K/N."
"Hm." The red haired guy said, his hands on his hips.
"K/N, this is Party Poison." Ghoul Said to you.
You narrowed your eyes. "Nice to meet you," you said, then added a quiet, "I guess."

After that day, you would go to see Ghoul, and Poison would almost always be there. One day, you met Kobra Kid, Who was Poison's brother. You liked him a lot, as he was nothing like Poison. He stayed quiet, was polite, and best of all, he didn't have a ton of sass. So, when Ghoul was busy hanging with Poison, you had a friend to talk to.

"You know, Poison likes that band." Kobra Said one day, pointing at your shirt.
"Iron Maiden? He likes them?" You Asked. He didn't seem like he was capable of having a good taste in music. Suddenly, you heard Poison yelling at Ghoul in the other room.
"You do the dishes, it's my fucking birthday!"
"It's his birthday?" You Asked Kobra.
He nodded. "In a few days."
You looked down at your shirt. "So, he really likes this band, huh?"
"Yeah." Kobra Said, seeming slightly confused.
Since you had a tank top underneath your shirt, you pulled it off and handed it to Kobra.
"Can you give this to him for me?" You Asked.
"You might wanna wash it first, though." You Said.
"Honestly, I don't him Poison would care whether or not it's dirty."
For the record, you still didn't like Poison. You just though it'd be a nice gesture since he liked the band, and it was his birthday.

You definitely didn't think that he was undeniably adorable.

Not one bit.

A few days later, you got a phone call from Fun Ghoul. He was asking you to come over to celebrate Poison's birthday, and, after a lot of persuasion, you agreed. When you showed up, Poison was in the living room on the couch, staring at a pile of gifts on the coffee table. Everyone else was in the kitchen, so, as much as you wanted to go in and join them in decorating the cake, you kind of wanted to sit with Poison, so he wasn't lonely. But you definitely didn't feel bad for him. Not at all.
You sat next to him, and he stared at you.
"What, am I not allowed to sit?" You Asked.
"No..." he said, looking away and blushing.
" that a blush?" You Asked.
"No." He said.
"Dude, you're as red as your hair."
"No I'm not!" He protested.
"Guys, stop arguing!" Ghoul Said, coming In and shoving a few gifts off of the coffee table before putting the cake down. He lit the candles, and stood up.
"Happy birthday, Poison." He said.
"Make a wish!" Kobra Exclaimed.
Poison laughed, looked like he was thinking a bit, then blew out the candles. Ghoul served everyone a piece of cake (Poison's first, of course,) and everything went silent as everyone ate.
"So," Poison Said, looking over at you. "I, the shirt."
"Oh, good." You Said.
"Thank you.." he said, blushing again.
There was more silence for a moment, then you said, "You know, you don't seem that bad.."
He smiled. "You just figured that out?" He asked.
"Eh, it kinda took a while." You Said. "You're too sassy to get along with sometimes."
"I'm not sure I should take that as an insult or a compliment." He said. "But, You're not too bad either."
"Are they talking to each other?" You heard Jet ask Kobra.
"Looks like music really does bring people together." Kobra Replied.
"So," You Said. "What'd you wish for?"
Poison bit his lip.
"I don't know if I should tell you." He Said. "It might not come true."
"I'm pretty sure that's a myth." You Said, then leaned in closer and asked again, "What'd you wish for?"
"For this." He said, then leaned in and kissed you.

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