New Invention (Part 4) (robot!Dallon Weekes x Reader)

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Once you got to the store, you parked in the parking lot, taking a second to look at the ticket the officer just gave you.

"Damn it." You growled.

You didn't have enough money to be paying ridiculous fines like this.

Then, filled with anger, you looked up at Dallon. "Dallon!" You Shouted. "Watch your tongue!"

He looked confused for a moment, then shrugged. "Okay."

He stuck his tongue out, going cross-eyed.

"What the ever-loving heck are you doing?" You hissed at him.

"Watching my tongue." He said, or at least that's what you thought he said. The fact that he still had his tongue out made it hard to understand him. "It appears to be impossible."

You took a deep breath, clenching you fists and trying to compose yourself. "Not like that." You Said. "Watch what you say."

"But you told me to act like you." He said, putting his tongue back in his mouth where it belonged. "You're sarcastic, aren't you?"

"Yes, but not to police officers.." you mumbled. "Dallon, you have to be careful. You can get in big trouble."

He looked down. "I'm sorry."

He looked genuinely sad, which made you soften a bit. You reached over, patting him on the shoulder. "It's okay.." You Said. "Just don't do it again."

You opened up your door, looking over at him.

"Ready to go?" You Asked.

He nodded.

"Will you pretend to be human?"

"Yes." He said.

You took a deep breath getting out of the car. You walked over to his side, opening his door for him since he still didn't quite know how.

He got out, looking up at the store. "Walmart.." he Said.

"The place that nearly every American shops for groceries." You mumbled, linking his arm with yours. "Come on."

The both of you began walking, and Dallon stared at people who walked by.

You realized that, apart from the scientists in the lab that did the tests on him, this was his first time seeing humans other than you.

"Dal, don't stare." You whispered as the two of you walked up to the doors.

He watched as the doors opening automatically, the same horrified look on his face that he had when he saw your cat.

"Automatic doors." You Said.

"This world is very strange." He said.

"I know."

You walked over, grabbing a cart, then took Dallon by the arm again. You wanted this to be a quick shopping trip, with hopefully no problems.

"Let's see.." you mumbled to yourself a while later. "I need milk.."

You had almost gotten everything, and, surprisingly, Dallon hadn't given you any problems the entire time.

As you made your way over to the dairy aisle, Dallon just looked at everything in wonder, his blue eyes seeming as if they couldn't take everything in fast enough.

You let go of Dallon's arm, walking over to one of the refrigerator doors.

"Stay right there." You said to him.

He nodded, looking around some more.

You leaned down, searching for the right milk brand, since you were pretty picky about which one you used.

Turns out, of course, with your luck, there was one all the way in the back.

You bit your lip, reaching your arm in.

It was hard to reach, but, thankfully you were actually able to grasp the handle of the jug.

"Yes!" You Exclaimed, pulling it out.

You looked back at the cart, but realized something was missing.

"" you began Frantically looking around, then ran over to the cart, putting your milk jug in and beginning to walk around. "Dallon!" You called.

"Yes?" You heard from behind you.

You turned around, seeing Dallon standing there, tilting his head.

"Where were you?" You asked.

"I believe I was in the electronics section." He stated

He held up a small box, and you took it from him.

"Micro USB cord.." you mumbled. "We already have one of these at home."

"I know." He said. "But I only have two percent of my battery remaining."

"What?" Your eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell me while we were at home?"

"It was still seventy percent then." He said.

"Dallon, I can't plug this in here!" You Said, tossing the USB cord in the cart and linking arms with Dallon. "We need to hurry and check out.."

You began to fast walk down the aisles, trying to quickly make your way to the checkout area, Dallon trying to keep up with you.

"I have low battery.." he said. "Running is extremely difficult..."

"We're almost there." You interrupted.

The checkout area was in sight, and you sighed in relief as you continued to walk.

Except, suddenly, Dallon stopped.

"Dallon, no.." you said, turning to face him.

He looked incredibly Tired, beginning to shut his eyes a bit.

"No, it's just over there.." you mumbled. "I can't carry you to the car."

He laid his head on your shoulder, sighing quietly.

Sure, it was cute, but right now, you weren't in the mood to be marveling over his adorableness.

You shook him. "Dallon, wake up." You Said. "Come on, Seriously?"

You shook your head.

"Fine, you know what?" You said, beginning to walk again. "This works."

It was a little harder to walk with Dallon basically leaning all of his weight on you, but you finally made it over to one of the checkout lines, sighing in relief.

"Okay, we're here." You mumbled. "This is good, right?"

You looked over at Dallon, who was tiredly poking at your face.

"Dallon," you mumbled.

He stopped poking.

"Can you stand straight?" You Asked.

"Battery is..." he Said, then froze for a moment. "One percent."

You sighed. "Well, we'll get you home in just a bit.."

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