What Are You Doing New Years? (Patrick Stump x Reader)

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It was a cold day on December 29th, and you had just gotten home to your apartment from a long shift at work.

As you walked inside, you toed off your shoes and made your way over to the couch, where you threw yourself down with a long sigh.

After just laying there for a moment, happening to glance at the date.

"December 29th." You sighed.

You had forgotten that it was almost New Year's Eve, but honestly, you didn't really care. You never had anyone to spend it with, and you definitely didn't want to go to your friend, Pete's party alone again, which had resulted in you drinking a little too much and almost going home with some random dude. Thankfully, Andy stepped in to saved you, but you weren't so sure you wanted to risk letting that happen again.

You honestly didn't mind just spending the day alone, ringing in the new year on your own. Besides, it was just you; You didn't have a partner to ring in the new year with.

You decided to get comfy and put on The Office, as you cuddled up on the couch, scrolling through your phone.

As you were however, your phone began to vibrate, signaling that you had someone calling you.

Reading the caller ID, you smiled a little, before reaching for the remote and muting the television. You pressed the answer icon, before bringing the phone to your ear.

"Hey, Patrick." You smiled a little.

Out of all of Fall Out Boy, you were closest with Patrick. You had known him the longest, and had been through thick and thin together. He was and always had been an awesome friend to you, not to mention sweet as can be.

"Hi, Y/N." He replied. "How are you today?"

You sighed a little. "Just got back from work.."

"Oh...rough day?" He asked, seemingly hearing the exhaustion in your voice.

"Yeah." You mumbled.

"I'm sorry.." he said.

The thing about he said sorry was, it didn't sound like a pity sorry. It sounded like he was empathetic and truly understood what you were going through. He was always like that, empathetic and caring.

"It's alright." You sighed. "Anyways, How're you?"

"I'm okay," he said, before chuckling. "I can't believe tomorrow's New Year's Eve."

"Me neither." You mumbled. "I actually forgot about it."

"Oh." He laughed a little. "I've been too excited."

"About what?" You Asked.

"I...Um.." he mumbled. "I mean...what are you doing New Year's Eve?"

Your eyes widened a little. Why was he asking?

"Um...nothing, actually."

"Really?" He sounded more excited than ever.

"Yeah, why?" You chuckled a little.

"I, Uh...was wondering if you'd like to go to Pete's party with me." He said. "I-if you want! No pressure."

You felt your heart skip a little as you thought about it. I mean, why wouldn't you go with Patrick? He was seriously the perfect friend. Surely he'd be fun to go with.

You swallowed. "Um...sure.." you mumbled, smiling a little.

"Really?" He asked. "You'll go?"

"Of course, Patrick.." You Said. "That would be a lot of fun."

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