Somebody To Love (Josh Dun x Reader)

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All respect to Debby!! I think they're the cutest together! I just used her for the purpose of the story.

And Ahhhh, I love this song!! 1r is like, my biggest obsession lately. Anyways, I hope you guys like this imagine!

Song: Somebody To Love by OneRepublic


Never could imagine
The way the story happened,
You with someone new

You sat in a slightly ripped leather chair in your friend, Tyler's living room. The room was rather crowded, but only because Tyler and Josh had been hosting a party for the release of their newest album, 'Scaled and Icy.'

You looked around at everyone, seeing very few people that you actually recognised. Gripping the glass of wine in your hands just hard enough to not break it, you began to wish that Tyler or Josh would come back from wherever they had gone off to.

Preferably, Tyler.

You and Josh had a history, and things still weren't completely the same, although the two of you had agreed to stay friends. The year and a half that you had dated were perfect, and part of you still wished you could run back to him. The reason you broke up wasn't even valid, was it?

You remembered exactly how he worded it and everything. Hell, you even remembered what outfit he wore; days like that, you don't forget a single detail.

"We've been friends since we were we really want to risk ruining that because we think we're in love?"

You swallowed, Josh's sentence playing through your head again. You hated thinking about it. You wished you could just forget that you ever dated, have things go back to the way you they were.

The thing was, though, you'd always go back to loving him. Ever since you were teenagers, you had feelings for him, and those were never just going to disappear. Inevitably, You'd have watch him move on, and still be stuck with feelings for a man who no longer loved you.

Pulling you out of your thoughts, both Josh and Tyler walked into the room, Tyler holding his daughter, Rosie, and the hand of his wife, Jenna.

You felt your lips curl into a small smile as you looked at them for a moment, before looking over at Josh.

Your smile faded when you saw that he was also holding someone's hand. She was tall, but also wearing high-heeled boots, which made it difficult to determine her height, and she had long, wavy red hair. Her lip-glossed lips were curled into a smile as she looked at Josh, who's smile was equally as wide.

To your surprise, the two of them began to come your way, and got almost wished that you could just sink into this chair and disappear. Josh and the woman sat on the couch that was beside your chair, and Josh leaned in a little bit.

"Hey, Y/N!" He said, smiling at you. "I want you to meet my girlfriend, Debby."

Your eyes met Debby's, and you waved a little, giving her a small smile. "Hi, Debby."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you, Y/N." She Replied, smiling back at you. "Josh told me that you guys have been best friends since you were kids?"

Your eyes happened to connect with Josh's, and he quickly looked away, averting his eyes to his feet.

You bit your lower lip, nodding a little. "Yeah," you mumbled. "We have."

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