Still Into You (Gerard Way x Reader)

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Requested by: @Frank_Joyriding_Iero


"New York?"

Gerard looked down at his feet, kicking the ground a little. "I'm gonna go to college.."

"But New York is so far.." You Said quietly, then nodded. "But...We'll make it work...right?"

"Actually.." he mumbled, still looking down. "I was thinking...since this isn't any serious.."

You furrowed your eyebrows. "You don't think our relationship is serious?"

"We were only dating during high school.." he said. "It was a teenage thing."

"Gerard.." You Said. "What are you saying?"

He swallowed. "I think we should end it.." he said. "I mean, We're both adults now."

Your heart sunk. "Gerard...I.." You Said, at a complete loss for words. "I would be willing to go to New York.."

He shook his head. "I know that's not what you want."

"I don't care...I want to be with you.." you mumbled, looking down at your feet.

Gerard sighed. "I'm not about to make you uproot and leave everything." He said, running his hand through his short hair. "I'm sorry, Y/N..."

You looked up at him, tears in your eyes.

"I can't believe you right now." You Said, your voice hardly above a whisper.

You turned, walking towards the door as fast as your feet could carry you without running.

"Y/N.." Gerard Said.

You opened the door, stepping out, then slamming it with all the strength you had.

You stood for a moment, swallowing back tears.

How could he? You thought that things were great between you. You thought it was a serious relationship. Apparently, his mind was somewhere else the entire time.

Four years later...

You sat in your apartment by your computer, accepting friend requests on MySpace. You had countless, since in the past few years had become the singer of a band that actually got pretty popular.

An email from one of your band mates came through, and you clicked it.

Sub: Hey, the singer of this band looks strangely familiar ;)

You furrowed your eyebrows, then clicked on the email, seeing a link.

You hesitated, then clicked the link.

"You better not be sending me a virus." You mumbled as it loaded.

YouTube popped up, and a music video began playing.

The song was called 'I don't love you,' by My Chemical Romance.

What did your band mate mean by strangely familiar?

You watched the video, and a man came onto the screen.

You studied his face for a moment, then his voice, and it hit you.

"Gerard.." You Said quietly.

He was in a band, too? What happened to going to college in New York for art? And what about this song? It sounded somewhat like it could be about you, as dumb as you felt thinking that.

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