Chapter 15: Home Again

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My Mom hugged me as soon as I said that.

"I'm just glad that the two of you are back." She said as she let me go and then walked towards my sister.

"I was really worried about you two. It came to the point where I had to stay up really late." Said my Mom as she hugged Piper.

"We're sorry, Mom. We were just busy." Piper said as she patted Mom's back.

"No, it's okay. I know why." My Mom said as she released my sister from the hug and then walked inside.

Piper and I looked at each other in confusion, but then we looked at our Mom in confusion.

Mom knew what we were doing?

Or maybe she thought she knew.

There's one way we could know for sure, and that was by asking her.

Before my Mom could make it to her bedroom, we made sure to keep her in the living room. Piper and I sat next to each other on the couch and my Mom noticed us.

"Why aren't you two in bed?" She asked.

"We need to ask you something, Mom." Piper said.

My Mom walked over to us and sat in the chair next to us.

"About what? What's wrong?" She asked.

"You said you knew we weren't home. What did you mean by that?" Piper asked.

My Mom gave us a look like she was weirded out, but then she sighed.

" all happened in a dream. Lily was in it." My Mom said.

"So Lily also showed up in her dreams...."

"She told you why she died, didn't she?" I asked.

My Mom looked at me and nodded.

"She appeared to you too, didn't she, Aaron?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, she did. She told me she was dead and then tried to fight me." I said.


"To make sure my guard was up." I said.

"Oh, I see. Those trials.....make sure to tell the story to someone next Halloween." My Mom said as she looked away.

Don't worry, Mom. I'll definitely tell the story about the trials to someone who deserves it. Then she looked at Piper.

"So what about you, Piper? Did you have a dream about Lily?"

Piper shook her head.

"No, I had a dream about....well, I forgot what it was, but it had to do with anime." Piper said.

"Interesting. Why didn't you have a dream about Lily, Piper?" Mom asked.

Now it was my turn to speak. I still remember Lily telling me something about why she hadn't appeared in Piper's dream.

"She told me that either I could tell her or that she would appear in Piper's dream sometime later, Mom. She also said that I could tell her about the dream during the trials, but I thought it would be best to wait to get home." I said.

"I see."

"So then what about Dad? Did he have a dream about Lily?" Piper asked.

Mom nodded.

"Yes, and your Father's also asleep right now. We actually had the same dream." Mom said.

"Same dream? How?" I asked.

"It was all Lily's doing. She said she wanted us both to have the same dream." Mom said.

"By any chance, did she also wake you two up with some weird glowing shoulder technique?" I asked.

"Yes! Is that how she woke you up, Aaron?"

"Yeah." I said.

Piper leaned forward in her chair as she outstretched her arms. I could tell her eyes were closed through the darkness.

"Wait, wait, WAIT. I don't get it. What glowing shoulder thing?" Piper asked.

"Lily wanted us to have the same dream, Piper, so she got us into the same dream and woke both your Father and I up. We had a different dream when we fell back asleep." Mom said.

Piper sighed and laid back down in the chair.

"Okay, I guess I get it..." She muttered.

Even though I could tell that she was still confused.

If I were her, I would probably be confused, too.

"Don't worry, dear. I'm sure you'll come to understand what we're talking about very soon." My Mother said as she reached over and placed a hand on Piper's shoulder.

Piper just shrugged.

"Well, I don't know about you two, but I'm tired. I'm gonna go back to sleep now." My Mom said as she got up from her chair and walked away from us.

Before she disappeared down the hall, she turned around to us again.

"Oh, and I'm going to take you somewhere in the morning."

"Where to?" I asked.

My Mom just turned around to us.

"You'll see." She said as she turned back around and began walking down the hall.

My sister gave me a confused look. I just looked at her and shrugged.

How was I supposed to know what my Mom was thinking? I didn't.

It's not like I can just walk into her mind and find whatever she was thinking about a few minutes ago.

I got up from the chair, yawned, and stretched.

"Come on. Let's go to sleep." I said as I patted my sister's shoulder and walked away.

I heard my sister get up from the couch and she started following me down the hall.

I started to get changed for bed. Once that was done, I laid down in bed and noticed Piper staring at me in the doorway.

"Eh? What is it, Piper?" I asked as I propped my elbows onto the bed so that it now looked like I was sitting up and looking at her.

I couldn't really lay down and look at her with the location my bed was at.

"Are you tired?" She asked as she walked into the room. She was already changed for bed and was wearing a long, white t-shirt.

"A little. Why?"

"I was just wondering. I'm not." Piper said.

" why are you in here?" I asked.

"Just to check and see if you were tired or not. I'm going to try to go to sleep now. Good night." Piper said as she turned around and walked out of my room.

"......Good night. That was weird." I muttered as she walked out of my room.

I laid back down on my bed and was out like a light before I knew it.
Piper's POV
Once I was back in my room, I laid down on my bed and tried to get to sleep.

Remember that I said tried.

I tossed and turned and tried to get tired. I already guessed that my brother was asleep by now.

After a while, I my eyelids grew heavy and I closed my eyes before I knew it.

I didn't even realize I was asleep until I knew I had arrived in a graveyard.

"Hello, Piper. It looks like you've finally had your dream about me." Said a familiar voice.

I turned around and saw Lily sitting on a tombstone.


End chapter

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