Chapter 14: Finally Finishing It

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"This isn't right....we should be going home by now." I said.

"What if this is a double trial?" Piper asked from behind me.

"Double trial? Whaddaya mean?" I asked as I turned around to face her.

"I mean, what if we have to fight these guys twice? Look at the floor, Aaron; they're still here." Piper said as she pointed to the floor.

I followed her finger to the floor.

And yes, she was right.

You'd think our dark selves would've faded into dust or something or just disappear, or even something close to that, but no.

They were still laying on the floor.

"That's weird....shouldn't they have been dust by now? Or at least disappeared or something...." I muttered as I looked at my dark self and then at Piper's dark self.

"Yeah...maybe we're not done fighting them yet." Piper said as she also inspected both of our dark selves.

"Maybe not....." I muttered as I stared down at my dark self.

His eyes suddenly opened. Taken aback, I practically-and accidentally-launched myself into the black floor below me.

I'm going to admit that that scared me. I was just staring at my dark self and then his eyes suddenly opened!

That doesn't happen everyday, that's for sure.

"Ah!" I heard Piper say.

I turned my upper torso around and noticed that Piper was also on the floor. The same thing must have happened with her dark self.

Alright, so I guess she was right. We weren't done fighting each our dark selves yet.

My sister and I both scrambled to our feet and our backs hit each other.

"I never thought that would happen. That's just plain creepy." Said Piper.

"Tell me about it." I said as our dark selves finally stood up.

Actually, I don't even know if I should be calling them our dark selves anymore.


You see....they looked just like us now.

The complete darkness from their bodies had disappeared. The only way you could tell my sister and I apart from our dark selves were by their eyes.

Yes, their darkness faded, but their eyes were still a bright red.

"Ha ha....looks like you'll still need to fight us." My dark self laughed.

He then threw his head back and started cackling like a villain. Piper's dark self hit his back with the palm of her hand.

"Stop laughing! We should beat them while they're still weak!" She said.

My dark self's laughter ceased almost immediately.

"....Right. You're right. Sorry." He said.

Piper's dark self sighed.

"Let's just fight them." She said.

My dark self nodded.

Next thing I know, BAM! He rushed at me and started to fight me again.

But I said he started to fight me again.

I stuck my leg out and tripped him.

He didn't regain his balance and fell to the floor.

"Hey! What was that for?!" He asked angrily as he turned around and looked up at me from the floor.

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