Chapter 2, Trial 1: Fight Off The Wolves

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Lily's POV
I'm not gonna lie-I did feel bad telling that story to Aaron and Piper, but I had to tell someone.

So why did I tell them the story instead of having to go through it myself?

Well, you see, I'm sick. I'm very sick. In case if I were to die soon, I just wanted to spend one last Halloween night with my little sister.

Now don't get me wrong. I love Aaron and Piper. I really do. They're great friends.

But I just didn't know if I could handle all those trials. I'd rather spend quite possibly my final night with my little sister than just leave and possibly never come back home.

While I was thinking about the story I told Aaron and Piper, someone knocked on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I said.

It was my Grandpa. He came into my room and sat on my bed.

"Honey, why did you tell your friends that story? Now they have to go through those trials and survive or die trying." He asked.

Frowning and sighing, I looked at the floor.

"I know, Grandpa, but you know I'm sick. In case if I don't live, I just want to spend one last Halloween night with my little sister."

My Grandpa nodded and patted my back.

"You'll live, Lily."

Raising my head up, I looked at him, an eyebrow raised. How did he know if I would live or not?

"I know you're trying to make me feel better, but how do you know? I'm getting sicker and sicker every day. The doctors said I won't live for much longer, and deep down, no matter what others say, I think they're right. Something tells me they're right." I said.

My Grandpa looked at me and didn't say a word. I sighed and walked out of my room.

I grabbed my Halloween bucket that was sitting on the counter. My little sister called my name.

"I'm coming!" I said as I walked towards the door. I held onto my little sister's hand, opened the door, and out we went for the night.
Aaron's POV
We walked through the forest, looking around every once in a while to see if our first trial was coming closer or not.

After a while of walking, seven people formed in front of us. Three men, three women, and one boy who looked around eleven years old.

"Uh....hello." I said. They didn't respond. My sister pulled on my arm.

"What if they're our first trial?" She asked.

"I doubt it. They look like normal people."

Turns out I was wrong about that.

They formed around us, trapping us in a circle. My sister and I looked at them, our backs pressed against each other, wondering what they were going to do to us.

That was until we realized what was happening to these people.

They started shaking. They fell to the ground. I could see claws sprout from their fingernails. Fur spread over their body. Their bones cracked and shifted as they turned into werewolves, their clothes ripping and falling to the ground as they transformed.

"My knuckles are feeling weirder than ever." I said, rubbing them.

"We have to get out of here! Aaron, come on! I don't think they can touch us when changing, or it'd be hard for them!" Piper whispered as she grabbed my arm.

"But we're supposed to fi-"

"I know! Just follow me!" Piper said. She let go of my arm and started running. She leaped over a werewolf. It didn't notice. Its head was facing the ground as its snout began to jut out.

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