Chapter 5, Trial 3: Ghost In the Graveyard

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Aaron's POV
We were heading towards our next trial. While walking, we began to walk through what seemed like a very thick fog.

"Hold my hand, Piper." I said as we walked even deeper into the fog.


"I don't want us to get lost in this fog." I said as I reached my hand out and started to feel around for my sister's hand.

Something gripped my hand. I tried not to get frightened.

"It's just me." Piper said before I could say or do anything. I began to calm down a bit after she said that.

We walked through the fog, the fog getting deeper and deeper as we walked. Before we knew it, the two of us were completely enveloped in a white mist. We had to squint in order to see through it, but that didn't help much.

"Man, I can't see anything!" I said as I tried to look around.

"Me neither. Why is it so thick?" Piper asked. I looked to my side to see her just barely looking around like I was.

"Maybe this is our next trial." I said with a shrug as the struggle to see continued.

"I don't think so. I thought we were supposed to fight whatever got in our way, not walk through some random fog. Maybe there's something IN this fog that we have to fight." Piper said.

" might be right. I didn't think of that." I said.

All of a sudden, Piper nearly yanked me down with her. As she let me go and I regained my balance, I heard a THUD! on the floor next to me. The fog cleared only a little, and I could see she had fallen onto the floor.

"What happened?" I asked as I bent down to see what the problem was.

"It's my ankle! It hurts a little bit." Piper said.

"Lemme take a look." I said as I waved away some fog with my right hand, managing to see only a little bit in front of me. It looked like Piper had spun herself around.

I looked like Piper's ankle, leaning towards the ankle and squinting as much as I could. I could see that the ankle looked a little red, but it didn't look like anything too serious.

"Can you walk?" I asked as I stood up.

"I can try." I heard Piper mutter as I could just barely see her lift herself off the ground. She retracted her legs, and what I could see as the fog moved, it looked like she had tripped over some oval-like rock.

I started waving my hand around, trying to get some of the fog away. The more I waved some fog away, the more I saw more oval-like rocks.

"Huh...those shouldn't be there." I thought as I stepped over the one my sister had tripped over.

"So how well can you stand? Does it hurt to stand up?" I asked once I had met up with my sister.

"A little, but it's not too bad." Piper said as she moved her foot, probably checking on her ankle.

"Okay. Well, we should get out of this fog and try to find our next trial." I said.


I heard Piper begin walking away until she yelped out.

"Ow!" She said.

"What is it?" I said, but then bumped into something. I crouched down.

"What was that?" I asked as I waved my hand around. Some of the fog had been stirred around when I waved my hand and I was faintly able to see what looked like a tombstone in front of me.

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