Chapter 11: The Truth

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Amy's POV
I was still staying up. I just couldn't get to sleep, especially since my kids weren't back yet.

I sighed as I played one more horror movie on the TV. I was going to stay up for as long as I could.

But if I ever got tired, I'd go to sleep. It was as simple as that.
Well, the movie I was watching had just ended, and I was even more tired than I was before, so I decided to call it a night.

I shut off the TV and walked up the stairs.

I got changed for bed, did my nightly routine, and soon found myself lying next to Otto on the bed.

I was asleep before I knew it.
I didn't remember much of how I got to where I was in my dream that night.

I was in a white void at first. The more I walked, the more the dream began to fade into something else.

It started with a fog first, but the fog was only around my feet. Then it was followed by dreary scenery and tombstones.

I started reading the tombstones as I walked past them until one caught my eye. One that seemed new.

When I read it, I almost couldn't believe it. This was a dream, so it had to be a nightmare, right?


Yeah, it had to be a nightmare.

"Lily Kesher....but....but why?" I muttered as I stared at her grave, trying to make sense of everything.

"It's true, Mrs. Hallows." Someone from behind me said.

I knew that voice. It was Lily's voice.

I immediately turned around and was met with a smiling Lily. She looked relaxed and had her hands behind her back. She was wearing a white minidress with buttons down the middle, black pants that reached down to her ankles, and I didn't see her wearing any shoes.

No shoes....maybe she died in her house.

If she did die, that is. I really hoped she didn't.

But then again, why else would she be in this dream? Maybe it was just one of those dreams that you can't understand like with most dreams.

"In case if you're wondering if I died, the answer is an unfortunate yes." Lily said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Why?" I asked.

She walked closer to me, but still kept her distance.

Just as she was about to respond, I realized that I heard someone was walking over to us.

"I see you're having the same dream." Said a familiar voice.

"That sounded a lot like Otto..." I thought as I looked around to see if I could spot him.

And I did. When I looked to my left, Otto was walking towards me.

"Kinda interesting that we're having the same dream, isn't it, Amy?" Otto asked once he stood next to me.

"Yeah, it sure is." I said.

I looked at Lily's tombstone and turned back at her. Maybe she had something to do with this?

"Lily, do you have something to do with why Otto and I are having the same dream?" I asked as I stared at her.

Otto now turned around and was now staring at Lily.

"Oh. Hey there, Lily. I didn't see you there." He said as he waved at her.

Lily chuckled.

"Of course you didn't, Mr. Hallows. Anyway, the reason why you both are having the same dream is because I'm making you have the same dream."

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