Chapter 29

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Confusion clouded my mind. She told me she'd leave me alone, then she was begging me to kiss her. She was toxic. Why couldn't she just let me get over it? There wasn't much time left at Hogwarts but I wanted to leave now. I couldn't stand being here a second longer. Being trapped in my room, the only thing left to do but think. It was driving me crazy. I decided I'd attempt a few lessons today, all the ones she wasn't in. Blaise or Pansy being my company at all times. I relied on them heavily throughout this. Although we didn't talk about her or the situation, they helped. I didn't like to spend too much time in my own room, my bed would just swallow me whole and I wouldn't be able to get myself out of my state.

It was late, too late, I'd fallen asleep in the Slytherin common room. Rubbing my neck at the deep cramp that had formed from my uncomfortable sleeping position. Being suddenly awoken from another nightmare. Blair screaming she didn't love me, my body melting in the rain as she stared at me with such hatred.
"Draco what are you still doing down here?" Pansy spoked, her voice thick with sleep. I could ask her the same question.
"I don't know." I shrugged. She took the seat next to me. A part of me wanted Pansy to go back to her spiteful self, I didn't like that she pitted me. It made feel so sick with guilt for letting the heartbreak completely control me. I was losing myself.
"You look tired." She commented. Then there was a long filled silence. Maybe we were both just too tired to talk. "I really hate what she's done to you. If I could, if you'd let me I'd turned her life into a living hell. You've got to trust me on that." I chuckled at her rant. That spiteful side was still there it was just aimed at Blair and not me. "I just want my friend back." She spat, her body forming into rage itself.
"I know." I hummed.
"You won't ever be the same will you?" I didn't need to answer, she knew it was true, I couldn't be the same, too much had happened. I sounded pathetic, so pathetic. That's why it was easier not saying it, save some of my dignity.

Carrying on with Prefect duties, me, Crabbe and Goyle went on the hunt for Gryffindor's, hoping to deduct as many points as possible, even if it was late. Rumour had it, Dumbledore's army continued even after him disappearing.
"Harry are you sure!" A voice echoed. Our ears spiked like a protective dog.
"I saw it, it's just like Mr Weasley! It was the same door I've been dreaming-" we'd heard enough, they were up to something.
"Get them!" I snapped at Goyle. "Crabbe come with me, we will find the others." Goyle ran toward the commotion, grabbing them to holt immediately.

We headed into a different direction back onto ourselves to find, Ginny and Luna catching up with the trio, jumping to their defences.
"Help Goyle!" I ordered Crabbe. Neville and Blair coming from yet another direction. Caught red handed. "Not so fast!" I shouted.
"Draco not now!" Blair shouted, she was frantic. "Please, tell your friends to let them go, it's important!"
"Take them to Umbridge." I ignored Blair, leading Crabbe and Goyle to the hand in. Blair pushed me, trying to defend her friends, threatening Crabbe and Goyle, snatching out her wand. Without a second thought I snapped mine out too, pointing it right at her neck. Could I curse her?
"You're going with them." I seethed. She stood there unmoved, shocked, fear lit her eyes. I dug my wand further, letting her know I was serious. "Go!" My voice didn't even sound like me. I was someone completely different, allowing the hate and the pain to consume me. I'd been stuck inside hurting and she was still going out her way to protect the people I hated the most, to continue in this ridiculous Dumbledore's army.

Forcing them to go further with the threatening of our wands, which they knew we would use, we got them securely into Unbridge's office. Her proud smile, fuelled our intentions. There wasn't revenge like it. My main target Blair of course, she stared at me with a deathly glare as my wand still stuck at her skin, not wanting to touch her with my own hands. But we were in such close proximity I could smell her scent, I didn't allow it to cloud my judgement, not anymore. I was over being sad, the next stage of the break up, being absolutely fuming.
"Why are you doing this?" She said through gritted teeth. I didn't answer, she didn't deserve an answer.

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