Chapter 17

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"Nervous?" Blaise chuckled, commenting on my unusual erratic behaviour. How many times can one man check their hair before they completely lose it? Outfits perfected, hair is completely fine, shoes couldn't shine anymore so what was I so worried about? If that bloody girl doesn't wear the bloody rose I swear to Merlin she's going to regret it. "You look fine Draco."
"I know that." I defended. My looks were something I've always been confident in, I didn't need him to reassure me. Would be nice if Blair did though. "Let's go." I huffed, chucking my blazer over the top of me.
We found our way to our common room, where Pansy stood waiting for me in particular. Normally you'd meet your date at the ball but we didn't have to mess around with traditions like that. She wore a glittery black dress which showed off the curves I didn't knew she had, or was half as interested in.
"Don't you look dashing." She smirked.
"And you look..." I looked her up and down. Nothing extraordinary. "Nice."
"Wow look at you splashing out the compliments." She rolled her eyes. I probably could have picked a better word but impressing Pansy was not one of my goals for the night. She wriggled her arm undermine, being in such close proximity reminded me how strong and distasteful her perfume was. Someone ought to tell her not to wear that, no wonder Crumb said no. I mean I could tell her but let's not make her cry just yet.

We made our way to the dance hall, it was absolutely rammed with people all in their best fits. Other than Ron of course, we all made the effort to laugh at him whilst we walked past. I'd rather go naked than be seen in that rancid outfit. But there was a girl in particular I hadn't seen yet, was she not showing up? Had the rose scared her off? Fuck sake.
"Draco." Blaise elbowed me. I followed his eyeline and there she was. Something you'd see out of the movies, alone, walking down the stairs, absolutely gorgeous. She wore the most beautiful yellow dress that made her skin glow. The prettiest flower out of the bunch. And she wore it, she'd wrapped the single white rose around her bracelet. She wore it.
"What are you two gawking at." Pansy hissed. I should look away but I couldn't. It was so unusual seeing her in something that flattered her body so much. I noticed things I'd never noticed before. "God that colour is hideous."
"Shut it Parkinson!" I snapped. I dragged my eyes away, the whole reason I asked Pansy to the dance is because I'd seen her broken, I didn't want to be the person to add to that hurt. "Let's not hang about." I grabbed her hand which turned her sore frown into a deepened smirk. "They'll start dancing soon."

We saw the champions enter the floor first, Hermione and Crumb a pair. I ought to feel proud of myself but I knew it would have pained Pansy seeing her worst enemy with her crush. Now thinking back to it I wish I had lost. He could have been with Pansy and I would have been with Blair. I guess we both lost. "Now that colour is hideous." It wasn't but I knew Pansy would feel better so I said it.
"You're right it does nothing for her." Anything you say Pansy.

I wished the whole process would hurry up, I wanted to get to the good bit. But first the uncomfortable dance with Parkinson. My hand grabbed her waist again, hand in hand. I made sure to give us a little space but she soon crushed that up. We were so close that her breasts pushed up against my chest. Any normal guy would be going mad for that but it made me want to physically vomit. The last thing I wanted was to give Pansy the wrong idea. Giving me a compliment was enough for the night, I didn't want her to get too eager.
"What's up Draco? Have I got you flustered." Wrong very wrong.
"You wish Parkinson." I twirled her but her dress didn't flutter like the rest, instead it was incredibly rigid, it's only purpose to hug onto her body. Thankfully the first dance was over, and I could finally get away. Blaise covered me, offering Pansy a dance. I'd have to find some way to thank him. Blair wasn't hard to find in the crowd she was the dove in a herd of crows.

"A white rose, not like you." She smiled, a brow raised.
"You knew it was me?" How?
"No one else is quite demanding like you Draco Malfoy." I loved the way my name rolled of her tongue. I didn't know if it was the dress but I was seeing her in a whole different light.
"Well you still wore it." I gleamed, I had the feeling that this was mutual.
"Where's Pansy?" She eyed the crowd, still not wanting to become an enemy. I think it might be a bit too late.
"Blaise is taking care of her." I stepped closer, offering my hand out. "Now would you care to join me for a dance." Her smile glowed. She took my hand, the same lightening feeling electrifying my every nerve. Thankfully they played a few more slow songs, allowing me to get in close proximity. Her sweet vanilla smell taking over all my senses. This was very different from dancing with Pansy, instead of hoping to get away I wished I could be even closer. I didn't care if people were looking, gossiping, the smile on my face could not be covered and I was finally taking it all in. It was easier not to fight the feelings.
"You look really beautiful." I whispered in her ear. I saw the goosebumps raise on her neck, the fine hairs prickling.
"Thank you." She cooed. "I should have expected you to be wearing black."
"Not a fan?"
"No-" she defended. "You look really handsome." That eye contact, the emerald eyes, merlins beard I would never get use to that. She broke away giggling, I had that affect on her, not Cedric Diggory, not Neville Longbottom or any other of her many admirers, me. We danced in silence for a while and I noticed that the slow songs were coming to end, I wouldn't get another chance, not one that would be as romantic. Romantic? What is going through my mind. Fuck it. My thumb rubbed over her jaw, bringing her attention back to me, the eyes I could get lost in. I looked down at her red plump lips, mouth watering. I could feel her warm breath on my face, feel her rapid heart against my chest. I titled my head lower to hers, my lips grazing over hers, I felt nervous. I softly pressed them against her own and she didn't move back, no she stepped closer, her eyes fluttering shut, I followed. Her lips were smooth like silk, delicate like a petals. I pressed my hand on the small of her back, keeping her close. She followed my lead, when I opened my mouth, she did the same. I was absolutely intoxicated by her kiss. Daring, I let my tongue cradle hers, they soon danced as one. We were both smiling uncontrollably, breaking our kiss. This should have happened last year. Never the less I'm glad it happened now.
"What a tragic love story we'd make." I said, completely out of breath. She giggled, nestling her head into the crook of my neck enjoying the last few moments of the song. I wasn't one for slow songs but with her they became my new favourite.

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