Chapter 9

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Back and forth, black forth, the pace was driving me up the wall. I had to find someone I could confide in. Crabbe and Goyle? No, they'd make fun of me, they wouldn't understand. My father? No again he wasn't good with the heart to hearts, wouldn't understand either. And my mother she'd end up slipping to my father so I couldn't turn to her either. But my thoughts were racing, I was angry, confused, annoyed but also relieved if that made sense. It shouldn't make sense, none of it did. I was making an absolute fool of myself, but I had dug my whole to deep, left way too many open doors. Snape! I couldn't imagine him being the most comforting, his lonely soul probably had never felt anything other than coldness, but he did know inside information on her, which would be helpful, closing one door. Not giving it anymore thought I rushed over to his office, coming up with some questions, I didn't want him to know exactly who I was on about, so I had to keep it simple.

"Draco." He announced my arrival, head not out of the pages of his book. "And what is it I could help you with." He sighed, no interest into my problem at all.
"I have a question professor." His eyes looked up, edging me to go further. "Is it possible for a wizard to read minds?" Yes, I had caught his attention.
"Do you believe someone could be preying on your thoughts?" He cocked a brow.
"Possibly." I answered truthfully, trying not give too much away.
"There are certain spells, certain ways thoughts can be collected, but it's not commonly learned at your age. There's techniques to block a person accessing your thoughts."
"Could you teach me them?" I jumped, if I could stop her getting in my head, if that's what she was doing, it might be easier for her to stay away. I didn't like the idea that she knew my every thought, it made me anxious, a massive weakness.
"You aren't at the stage where such spells could be taught Draco." Although I was willing to try anything, prove I was capable, but I knew there was no way to persuade Snape. It would be a lost cause.
"Well are there any ways to know if someone is... reading your mind." It really did sound ridiculous.
"Is there anyone in particular you referring to?" He was picking and I didn't want him to know much more.
"No sir, I just don't like the idea of someone rattling my brain." He knew I was lying, although a good liar I was, Snape knew I was keeping something from him I could tell by his crooked face.
"I can't help you." Head back in his book. "If there isn't anything else, you'd like to pester me with, the doors there." The door slammed open, the slivery snake, always accompanied with his sour attitude.

How much help that was! It wasn't a spell she was using, it was a gift she was born with, if true that is. Back at stage one. I looked at the time on my watch, nightmare! I was going to be late. I ran down the corridors barging anyone who came in my way, I wasn't going to miss this! Down the bridge and through the arch way, Crabbe and Goyle had already taken their positions. Finally, a distraction from Blair Walker and although I wasn't the slightest bit bothered about the bird's death, I would take any chance I had to forget about her for a few moments. The crows were already squawking, getting ready for their dinner. I rubbed my hands together impressed that me and my father had gotten our own way yet again.

"Didn't think you was going to make it." Goyle patted my back. We all crouched down, waiting for the show to begin.
"Did I tell you?" I looked at them their eager eyes staring back. "My father said I could keep the Hippogriffs head." They both laughed, boosting my ego already. It was nice to still see the admiration in their eyes, least they didn't see me as a weakness. "Think I'll donate it to Gryffindor's common room." I added.

But sadly, we were interrupted by no other than Harry Potter and his pathetic pals.
"Awe come to see the show?" I laughed as Hermione charged towards me, the anger shaking her every move. Her two boyfriends not far behind her. Ha! What great protection they were. Weaslby and scar head, great.
"You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach." Her wand now in my face, fear began to rise in my stomach, it wouldn't be the first time one of them had attempted to cast something on me nor would it be the last. But Granger oozed with rage, her posture stiffened, her screaming flame eyes narrowed. I attempted to gulp back the fear that kept rising up, but it was no use, it only created raged breathing and trembling teeth. She was the scariest of the trio, I could only imagine what awful curse she'd trap me with. But then she lowered her wand. What a coward, I couldn't help but laugh, Crabbe and Goyle joining in to. Then out of nowhere her fist came flying towards my face, sparking me in the nose, jolting my head back towards the hard rock. The dirty little mudblood! The pain tore at me sending bolts of agony to both my face and back of the head, she'd pay for this someday, but I wouldn't give her the chance to give me a black eye too, so we scampered.

My father would know about this too, if that little rat had left a mark on my face, she'd pay for it. I threatened the two of them to never share a word with anyone about the savage punch. Had she completely forgotten who I was? Worst of all we'd have missed execution, such a rotten, foul mudblood ruining all my fun as per usual. Could my day honestly get any worse. Oh yeah, of course it could I haven't had an argument with Blair yet. She stood at the end of corridor hands over her chest, blocking my escape.

"We will leave you with your girlfriend." Crabbe mocked.
"Don't get punched by this one." Goyle laughed as they slipped by her. Great, what did she want now?
"You are a horrible person." She scowled. "You deserve the punch."
"Yeah if I'm such a terrible person, what are you still hanging around for?" I tried barging her, but she wasn't having any of it.
"You're so cold!" She squealed annoyed.
"Yeah? Want to complement me anymore?" I would let her words bother me. Maybe if she saw what the real me was like she'd get over it.
"I have a few words I'd like to say." I wasn't going to let her grill me anymore, she'd need to get the picture I didn't care sometime soon. But once I slid past her, she came pacing up behind me.
"Save it for someone who'd like to hear it."
"You're cruel, nasty, you string people along, you've hurt my feelings." She wasn't giving up any time soon. In situations like this it was kind to be cruel.
"You're nothing special. Did you really think I care how you feel? You were just a pawn in my game." The words hit harsh, doing their job. She stopped following me, surprised by my lies, but she believed every single word of them. There was no going back now, I couldn't go crying back wishing for her friendship. She would hate me now, it would be easier that way.

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