Chapter 38

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Obviously I ignored Pansy. She'd pissed me off, she could be so hateful and I don't know why I continued to put up with it. Because she liked me? That's her own fucking problem and I'm sick of feelings guilty about it. I wouldn't apologise to her because she didn't deserve an apology, I didn't care how she felt, she'd have to deal with it on her own.

The poison failed. Ron of all people drank it, sadly it didn't kill him off either. The worry began to pound down on me, I was running out of options. I wouldn't last a minute in a duel with him, that would be pathetic. But what else was there? Clearly everybody else was getting in my way, making it so much harder than it already was. I was running out of time and with the cabinet near enough being finished I'd need to hurry up and make a move.

Flustered a barged into the main hall, wanting to be anywhere that wasn't by myself. My anger ignited and fuelled when I saw Harry Potter talking to Katie Bell. Why did anything I do concern him so badly? Why was he so desperate to dog me out? Why couldn't he keep that crooked nose of this, out of other peoples business? I eyed them carefully, wanting to listen in on what they were saying but when Katie Bells hollow eyes met mine, I began to panic. She was still terrified of me, that much was clear but who better to go to than the Hero himself, the chosen one, he'll protect you from demons like me! His face shot to mine, hunger in his eyes. I wasn't going to take this shit! Storming out the great hall, I rushed to the prefect bathroom. I was hot, too hot, my skin felt like it was boiling, I threw off the first few layers but it did me no help. Did she tell him it was me? Did she tell him I gave her the cursed necklace? What would Potter do with that information? I splashed the cold water on my face, trying to snap out of it. But I felt sick to my core, my stomach twisting in knots, my lungs feeling like they'd been squeezed. I let out a pathetic cry, that's all I was capable of. Now an empty shell, no meaning, no purpose, no soul. Everything I loved I destroyed, the picture of her captured in the air, the scream ringing through my ears, I'd never be able to get that out of my head. Why me? Why did I have to be cursed with doing the most unforgivable? Why did I have to fuck it up so much? I was weak, so weak.

"I know what you did Malfoy!" He shot, breaking me from my thoughts. I whipped around, rage over taking my entire being. "You hexed Blair didn't you?" How dare he speak her name!
"What did she say to you?" I spat referring to Katie. If she said a god damn thing I'd kill her. I'd kill her with my bare hands.
"Nothing! Because she's scared of you." He seethed. "But by the look on your face, I knew." I silenced him snapping my wand quickly in his direction, my intentions to hurt him and to shut his stupid mouth. He dodged it, throwing one right back. Filled with adrenaline, my mind buzzed, moving quickly from his shot, smashing one straight back. All I wanted was for him to fuck off. He ruined everything for me! I hated him so much, my fury not allowing the battle to stop. The water spewed from the pipes we'd burst, filling the silence as we waited for the next attack. I silently got down onto the floor, waiting for his legs to appear in shot, delighted when I saw his face, directing my wand straight at it. He dodged it again. Running to challenge him again, ready to ruin him.
"Sectumsempra!" He shouted. I felt the slice at my core, stumbling back onto the bathroom floor. I felt the blood oozing from my body, the pain was suffocating, my vision going blurry, a sharp ringing in my ears, I was dying. I could feel myself slipping away as the blood fled my body. I pictured her, her in my arms, looking into the most gorgeous eyes. I removed the pain with her touch, the air with her smell. If I was going to die I wanted the last image in my head to be her. I'd miss her.

I woke up in the hospital bed, alive but barely. My entire body aching, it burned. I whipped away the sweat that laid on my forehead and even that hurt. It was nightfall, I must have been out for a couple of hours.
"Draco!" She screamed, running towards the hospital bed, her frail body slamming against mine, head on my chest, arms wrapped around me tightly, her tears soaking through my clothes. I grabbed her from under her arms and pulled her towards my face, it hurt awfully.
Her eyes almost black with fear, swollen and damaged. She'd seen it all, she'd watched through our minds, I saw the heartbreak then and there.
"I thought I lost you forever." The tears trickled down her rosey cheeks, I pressed my thumb against them wiping them away. Her face was mesmerising, the most pressure diamond, she had to be protected at all cost.
"You have to leave." My voice quavered. Not only could I not put her in danger, I didn't want her to know what I was about to do, she would never forgive me. She pushed herself up from my body, rejection wrapped in her features. "Leave Hogwarts...please." If any of them put a hand on her, what would I do? She had to go.
"I won't leave you." She promised. I tried to get up but she pushed me back down, I winced in pain. "I won't let you push me away again, I won't lose you." I saw her falling apart in my very arms. I couldn't fight it back anymore, I couldn't watch her cry for any longer. I pressed my lips against hers, I'd missed the way they fitted in mine so perfectly, her salty tears, trickled till I could taste it to. I put my hand to her jaw and caressed her face. Please don't cry, I thought. Her eyes looked at me like they had before, she loved me, she loved me more than she loved herself and it pained me to see. I wished I could run away with her, start a new life, just me and her.
"I know what you're about to do." She confessed, her hand falling down to my arm that was cursed with the dark mark, she traced its pattern, wincing. I pulled it away from her touch.
"Stay out of my head." I warned her. Her eyes scanned mine, trying to read any thoughts I had, I kept the space clear.
"You had blocked me out, I hated not being able to hear your thoughts, not knowing how you felt drained me. I was searching through everyone, to see if I could piece the clues together." She explained. "I caught onto to Snapes, I know a lot more than you know, I'd have known more but he realised what I was up to and he blocked me out." What did she know that I didn't? "I know he swore to protect you, and I'm glad. That's why I went to him when I saw Harry's thou-" Her voice broke and she couldn't finish her sentence.
"Then you know how important this is." I said coldly, I wanted her to be no part of this.
"You have a choice Draco, let me help you." I pushed her off me, forcing my self to sit up, the pain slicing at my frame.
"I won't let you!" I shouted. "They'll kill you, they'll kill me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if..." I thought of her dead body on the floor, the death eaters above mocking her. I would never let them touch her, never. "If you died. Don't ever say anything like that." I finished. She had to know how dangerous this was. Why wouldn't she just run away? Why did she always come running back when I treated her so wrongly.
"I love you Draco." The tears began to fall again. I loved her so dearly, no one has ever loved someone as much as I loved her. More than how my mother did for my father, more than any woman and man could on this earth. "I'll do whatever you want me to do, I'll stand by your side, or leave if that's what you want." I saw her crumble before me.
"I would give anything to stay with you." I told her, hand under her chin, she had to see how sincere I was. "But I'm not about to put your life in danger, I won't risk losing you."
"Then I'll wait." She interrupted. "You'll know where to find me, I'll wait for you, as long as it takes." I embraced her in my arms, head falling into the crook of her neck. So precious, so gentle, I didn't deserve her, I never had. I instantly thought back to Christmas with Pansy, I'd be unfaithful she must have known.
"Did you-" I couldn't get my words out. Letting out a long sigh, I really didn't want to know the answer. "Did you see what happened with Pansy?" I couldn't look into her eyes, not knowing I had betrayed her.
"Pansys thoughts are questionably loud." She said lowly.
"I'm sorry." Was all I could stomach.
"No I'm sorry, it should have been me there protecting you, helping you. I should have been there and I wasn't, I'm so sorry Draco." She rested her head against my chest, the tears falling again. I wrapped my arms around her bringing her close.
"You don't need to apologise, I hurt you." I whispered against her hair.
"She loves you, you know?" Her eyes peering up to me.
"But I love you," I said it, I finally said the words. "and I wish I'd told you sooner, I wish I never lied and told you I didn't. The truth is I've always loved you and I don't think it will ever stop." A small smile crept onto her face. She leaned in setting a gentle kiss on my lips. Why was it so easy to forget about everything else when I was with her?
"May I stay with you tonight?" She mumbled against my lips and my smile grew wide. "I'll leave after that, if that's what you need me to do." She was searching for a thought.
"You can stay tonight." I hummed, pulling her to lay down with me in the bed, the single space, forcing us to be pretty much on top of each other. Our lips rejoining, my heart hammering against hers. I could hardly breathe how it was but now intoxicated by her kiss I was struggling. But I'd take it, my last breath being with her. Her hand wrapped in my hair, mine exploring her body, I'd missed this so much. She positioned herself on top of me, straddling me. I looked up at her in awe, taking her shirt off over her head, revealing her bare breasts. No bra, it was breathtaking. My hands fumbled over top of them, gently squeezing them as she rocked her hips against my waist. I was instantly hard, craving her touch, my hands stroking down to her hips, following her movement. She rejoined her lips onto mine, biting at my lip. She trailed her lips down my neck, across my stomach, she began to undo my trousers, I leaned up watching as she did so.
"Lay down." She said seductively, pushing me back down. The trousers off, my dick slapping against my stomach. She kissed at the top, her hand pulsing around my length before she took it all in her mouth.
"Fuck." I breathed. My hand sinking into her hair, tugging at it whilst she bobbed up and down, she was mesmerising to watch, her mouth doing all the right things, her tongue railing up and down, circling the sensitive tip. She shoved it to the back of her throat, her hands massaging my balls. "Do it like that." I moaned, my stomach turning. She carried on, her hand taking over the rest of the space. As amazing as it was I didn't want to cum like this, I wanted her entirely. My hand wrapped around her jaw, forcing her to look into my eyes, my dick falling out her mouth. Fuck. "Come up here." I ordered her. She did as she was told, back to sitting on my cock, rubbing herself against me. I could even feel her wetness through her underwear. I moved them to the side, allowing myself access, pushing myself into her, her head rolling back. She was so wet, so tight, so warm. I wasn't going to last long. Grabbing her by her sides, guiding her up and down in a slow motion, she circled her hips, leaving me panting for air. It was only her that could make me like this.
"I've fucking craved this for so long." I groaned in between pants. She picked up her pace, her tits bouncing from her movements. The best fucking sight. The most amazing sounds falling from the most fuckable mouth, I couldn't take this much longer, I was going to blow.
"B-Blair." I could hardly spit her name out, my body tensing from her amazing touch as she flexed around me, her walls clenching. "I'm going to cum." I chocked out, my eyes squeezing shut, but she didn't slow down, no, she went even faster, taking me deeply.
"Do it Draco- do it for me." She almost screamed, forgetting we were in the schools hospital, thankfully we were alone. Without another second I released my load in side her. My entire body in euphoria as I let go. My hands shaking, legs tingling, my stomach up and down at a rapid pace. She rolled off, her arms wrapping around me, we both laid there trying to catch our breath.
"I love you." I finally spoke. "I love you so much Blair."

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