Chapter 49

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"Draco." She whispered. Slowly coming over, her thumb stoking the tear that slipped down my face. "I'm so sorry." I couldn't wrap my head around it, I couldn't believe it. There was no breath in his lungs, no beat to his heart. I wish I hadn't taken him for granted, I wished I realised how much he looked out for me, especially when my own father couldn't. He didn't deserve death and all I hoped for was that he'd find peace.
"We best go." Blaise speaks up. I looked over at my hands, now covered in blood, my clothes consumed in smoke. Was I ready to witness more death? How long would this last? I got up from the floor, trying to push my emotions to the back of my mind. Her hand clasped around mine, giving it a tight squeeze.

The attack had paused but the trauma hadn't. The great hall it's own morgue. Lifeless bodies spawned across the floor. There wasn't one person not injured, not one person felt strong, everyone had lost something or someone. The cries and tears crowded the room sitting heavily over the silence. I saw her eyes linger, looking for any of her friends. Although she didn't recognise anyone her eyes still filled with pools. All our hearts were heavy, even Blaise. Someone who never shed an ounce of emotion was distraught. My eyes caught with Pansy and although we hadn't been in good terms a sigh of relief broke from my lips to see her still alive. Her body collided with mine, her tears soaking through my shirt. It was rare to see Pansy cry, it showed that even the darkest hearts had a melting point.
"It's okay Pansy." I whispered against her hair as she sobbed. We shared the same difficulty, our parents on the dark side. She would be just as confused as I was. She released me, surprisingly going over to hug Blair for a short moment and then Blaise. The war had really changed us all.

The four of us leaned against the rubble that once was our home. We didn't speak a single word, all our minds racing, trying to take grasp on the situation we caught our selves in. We didn't know how much time we had but we was thankful for the time we had to breath. I was thankful to have Blair's hand in mine, to have my friends by my side. I'd already lost two people I cared for, I would fight to the death to keep the rest alive. I couldn't help but think back to my mother. We were on opposing sides, she was defenceless. I had to hope that my father loved her enough to keep her safe.

Time was irrelevant, it was like it had stopped. But when the Death Eaters returned, the anxiety soon came back. But there was no sparked fear. The room wasn't lit green again. Joining everyone else, we went face to face. I clocked onto my mother, she was alive, not a single mark on her. I saw the worry in her eyes as she took in my appearance, saw the hollowness in my eyes but she was glad I was still breathing. Lucius on the other hand disgusted to see me latched onto Blair. I refused to look at them again, the ground offered more safety.
"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort boomed. I looked straight at Blair, a gasp fell through he cracked lips and a single tear fell from dirt stained cheeks. All hope she had was diminished, the hope of our future stripped away from us.
"Harry Potter is dead!" He repeated and his following all laughed repulsively. My heart throbbed and my mouth filled with saliva as the fear deepened. "Now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us." He slivered, his eyes scanning through the broken children. Everyone stood like concrete, unmoving. Not a single word left any of our lips either from shock or fear. "Or die." But still no movement, everyone's loyalty stuck. His face grew rotten, his manipulative techniques were for the first time unsuccessful even with nothing else to fight for.
"Draco!" My father ordered his voice rough and unwelcoming. Blair's hand squeezed onto mine, I refused to look up at Lucious. I felt everyone's eyes latched onto me, the blood running from skin I felt faint. "Draco." I heard him whisper. Through all the years of him battling with me he had no more fight left in him. He no longer had the power to over rule me, to use me as his puppet. For him I had failed him as a Son but for me I had escaped the trap.
"Draco," my mother called and I felt my heart sink. Her voice delicate, my father may have accepted losing me but she never would. I just wish she could see that their is no happiness on the opposing side. "Come." I almost fell, I almost went back not because I believed in anything they were fighting for, not because I was afraid being on the losing side but because it broke my heart knowing this would be the last time I saw my mother. A delicate memory flashed my mind, us playing in the gardens, I was only four. The world seemed a lot brighter back then, the mansions grounds covered in flowers and greenery, it was my favourite place. My mothers smile glowed in the sunlight, my laughter singing with the birds. Even the house Elf danced across the grass. The memory was still destroyed over by the black smoke of my father. Stealing all the happiness away, I wondered if he'd ever showed a moment of compassion. That stood me in my ground, reminded me that I had made my decision and I couldn't help whatever my mother decided.
"How disappointing." Voldemort muttered. He would have guessed it, I had portrayed him. I gripped onto Blair's hand as tight as I could, my eyes diverting toward her for reassurance, she let out a simple smile. She was proud of me, letting my eyes close I thanked her in my thoughts, it wouldn't be possible without her.

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