Chapter 40

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She was gone. She'd read the letter and she would wait. She'd have to wait. The death eaters were already in the school, their presence unknown by everyone but me. From where I stood below, where my body could have possibly fallen only an hour ago, I saw Dumbledore. I had no choice anymore, it was now or never and everything counted now. Me and Blair, my mother, my own life. Dragging my feet to the astronomy tower I was already beginning to mourn. The castle that was my home for many years. It once held happiness and laughter, me and my friends up to nothing but mischief. The place he had fallen in love, experienced true happiness and feelings. Where I'd made many regrettable mistakes, my worst soon to be ripping the life that was left of Hogwarts. The air thick, lights dim, the silence sickening. I could hear him mumbling, talking to someone? Would I be able to do it with someone else there? The death eaters would be sure to soon join me, I wouldn't be alone either, they could deal with the second. But it's a witness, a witness that could possibly end up dead, an innocent.

Stalking the stairs my heart felt heavy, trying to push back all necessary thoughts and think like a death eater, think like my life depended on it and it did. He was grey and pale, weak and lifeless. Never before had I seen him like this. His own body was folding in on himself, he looked like he could snap by a single touch. I scouted around the space looking for an intruder but he was alone. I directed my wand at him, my fingers burning white as I gripped onto it helplessly.
"Good evening Draco." Even his voice was damaged, like all the life had already been snatched away from him. "What brings you here?" I didn't give into his soft voice, my wand still threatening.
"Who else is here? I heard you talking." I demanded but even my tone was mislead.
"I often talk to myself-" he started but interrupted, not wanting to long the moment anymore, my chest was already heavy, my mind clouded. I had to hurry up before I backed out.
"Enough of your bullshit!" I snapped. His face was hollow, I saw disappointment glaze over his eyes as he watched my every move, trying to read my every thought, analysing every feature.
"Draco," he called my name and I tried to push it out but his voice was kind and soft, he didn't deserve this. "You are no assassin."
"How'd you know what I am?" I hissed. "I've done things that would shock you!" I wasn't a sweet innocent boy, I was bad, he had to know that.
"Like cursing Blair Walker," my heart tugged at her name, the tears I fought furiously back. "hoping she'd bear a cursed necklace to me. Draco, I saw you every night in that hospital wing, tears for her, ridden with guilt-"
"Enough!" I shouted, not wanting to hear another word.
"Or lacing a gift with poison? Forgive me Draco but I can't help but think these actions are so weak that your heart must have truly not been in them." I'd tried my best not to get to this stage, to not have to go through this.
"He trusts me! I was chosen!" I finally revealed the dark mark, not proud of it, ashamed. I had been branded for life, never escaping the evil. He look unbothered, like he already knew, in which he probably did but then why wasn't he afraid? Why wasn't he trying to fight back? Where was his wand-
"Then I shall make it easy for you-" he lifted his arms and in fear I quickly reacted, knocking his wand straight out his hand. "Very good." He hummed. Why was he so calm? Did he not believe I could do it? Hell I didn't even believe I could do it, I was fooling no one. If I could do it I would have by now and he knew that, he saw my weakness and he welcomed it.
The sound of the other death eaters approached us, they'd be disappointed that I still hadn't succeeded. I was running out of time.
"You're not alone?" He asked and I shook my head. "How?" He asked curiously, no fear surrounded his face, no fight.
"The vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement, I've been mending it." I explained.
"Let me guess, it has a sister?" He asked intrigued.
"Borgin and Burke." It was like he was dragging out the conversation, prolonging his death that would inevitably come.
"Genius!" He remarked. "Draco, I once knew a boy who made all the wrong choices, please let me help you." He was desperate, he didn't hate me, or even look down on me, he wanted to help me and if I could take it I would but it's too late now.
"Don't you understand!" I spat. "I don't have a choice, I have to do this! I have to kill you." My voice wavered, the undoubted fear scratching at my skin. The thought of my mother and to coffins lying next to one another. "I have to kill you or he's going to kill me, my mother." My voice broke as a single tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly snatched it away with my free hand. He looked at me heartbroken, understanding and he shouldn't.
The appearance of the others helped me stand my ground, my grip even tighter on my wand. Bellatrix gave me an annoyed look, pissed that it was taking me so long but I avoided their eyes, focusing on my target.
"You've done it Draco." She hissed in my ear, her dark demeanour flooding the weakness that I once felt, that I still had. "Do it!" She shot, her aggravation growing.
"He doesn't have the stomach, just like his father." No! I wasn't like him. I would never be like him, never!
"This is your moment, do it!" Her eyes were venomous, compelling me to do all the things I couldn't. "Go on Draco now!" She screamed.
"No." Snape stepped in. I instantly relaxed, my wand dropping. I looked down at the ground in defeat. Blair's words remained in my head, let Snape do it and I had to. I didn't have the strength.
"Severus," his voice sounded pained but not shocked. All our eyes latched onto to Dumbledore, my stomach growing sick knowing this is the last time I would see the great wizard alive and breathing. He truly didn't deserve this, none of it. "Please."
"Avada Kedavra!" The green light blinding my eyes, everything else was a blur. My ears ringing, I heard nothing but that, my eyes watered over with tears destroying my vision, my head completely blank as my heart crumbled. He was gone, there was no hope anymore.

Snape latched onto me, pulling me away from the darkest scene, my hands shook visiously, the tears drowning my face.
"Compose yourself!" He ordered. I looked into his eyes. Eyes full of regret and mourning. Both aware that there was no light at the end of the tunnel.
"Get off me!" I struggled against his hold. "I need to find Blair! Get your fucking hands off me!" I screeched, kicking and fighting. He pushed me against the wall, his dark eyes demanding my attention.
"You will not bring her into this!" He snapped. "If you love the girl you will not endanger her life!" My fighting stopped. He was right, I had to leave her. Only now I wish I told her goodbye, wish I told her how much I loved her. I never believed that would be the last time I saw her but it had to be. I wouldn't ruin her, not anymore. I nodded my head, his hold dropped. Joining the rest, their excitement sickening as they stormed through the halls, destroying anything and everything in their eye-line. The destruction of the great hall, tearing away all the happy memories I once held onto. Friendship, love, trust, all lost. Hogwarts was no longer home, no longer safe and it was because of me.
My feet dragged across the floor, following the darkness, I'd never be free again. Keeping my eyes on the ground, not wanting to see it any longer, not wanting to see Hogwarts fall apart.

"Draco stop!" Block it out, block it out. "Draco stop!" She repeated running straight towards me. Afraid anyone would see her I pushed her against a wall around the corner. Her eyes drowning in tears. I had to let her go.
"I told you to wait." I could barely speak.
"You promised!" She sobbed. "You can't leave me now!" He fists pounded against my chest, her anger finally showing but for all the wrong reasons.
"I'm not going to get you killed Blair." I grabbed her wrists pinning them against the wall, abruptly smashing my lips against hers. I loved her so fucking much. "You have to go, I love you Blair, you have to go." I said defeated. I tried to walk away but she only chased after me, grabbing all the attention from the death eaters. Their sick twisted eyes absorbing her, my heart beat stopped, my stomach twisting into sickening knots.
"You're not leaving me!" She grabbed onto my wrist but I pushed her off. Please Blair, please go! I thought dying for her to read them. Don't do this to me please.
"Who is this?" Bellatrix said twisted. No I wouldn't let her touch her. I stood in front of her, blocking Bellatrix.
"You'll leave her alone!" I barked. A cunning smile laced onto her lips.
"She doesn't want to leave you Draco." She pouted before an evil giggle deafened my ears. No! No! No! "She will be coming with us!" She grabbed onto Blair, I fiercely pulled her back but Bellatrix didn't let go.
"Over my dead body!" I shot, all my weakness gone. If I was to kill anyone tonight it would be Bellatrix. I wouldn't even give it a second thought. Both our wands threatening one another.
"Narcissa won't be happy of my killing you." She seethed.
"No!" Blair, pushed herself in front of me, the wand now staring her in the face. My whole body trembled with fear. "I'll come with you... please." She begged. Everyone laughed, including Bellatrix, I gave Snape a hopeless glance, wanting him to save me again but he looked down shamefully.
"Love does the strangest things." Bellatrix dropped her wand. "Come on!" She shot. "We're on a tight schedule!" Our route back to the manor. She clutched tightly on to my hand, but I couldn't look at her. Why did she have to do that? There was no going back.

Part 5 coming soon

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