Chapter 30

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A knock at my door interrupted my sleep. I rubbed my puffy eyes, scanning the room only to find my mother.
"Draco." She gasped. Her face was pale, it looked like she'd not slept for days, her cheeks hollowed out, eyes bloodshot. Why was she here?

I got out of bed, edging my way toward her, she was as still as a statue but I could tell her mind was racing. She took in my new appearance, not the same boy she last saw at Christmas. I could have sworn I saw her heartbreak.

"What's happened to you?" Her voice cracked, as her fingers cupped my cheek, she was desperately searching for answers through my eyes. I knew it would break her.
"Why are you here?" I asked and she dropped her hands, diverting her face in another direction but I caught the tear slipping down her cheek.
"I need you to come home." She couldn't even look at me. "I have something to tell you but not here, not here." She started packing my clothes away, dashing into our small bathroom getting my other bits. "I need you to come home with me." I grabbed her arms pausing her from her erratic packing.
"What's going on?" I knew something was seriously wrong for my mother to turn up at Hogwarts. It had only ever been my father who'd come here if necessary.

She shoved everything in my trunk, before grabbing my hand. We evaporated out of the building, straight home. Something was urgent. I dropped my luggage at the side of me, desperate for my mother to give me answers.
"It's your father." She cried, the tears tumbling down her face. "He's been taken to Azkaban."

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