Chapter 19

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It had been awkward for me and Blair after that moment and it was truly my fault. I wished I could tell her what she wanted to hear. She'd avoided me at any given opportunity she got, I thought maybe I should give her time. But it had been weeks now, the school year was nearly over and I couldn't help but think that we had landed ourselves in the exact same situation as last year. Things started blooming and then I'd immediately shut them down. It wasn't fair on her and if I cared for her truly I'd make the effort to try. It wasn't like I didn't want the same thing, I did but I knew better of it.

Cedric was the most smug, him finally able to get the time I'd stolen back. It took everything in me not to go for him. I wanted that time back, I had to make the first move.

In potions she didn't speak to me, acting as though she was interested in whatever Snape had to say. When the bell went she was eager to leave but I stopped her. Grabbing her wrist with my hand, it was the first time our eyes met in weeks and I couldn't help but fall in to them.
"Can we talk?" My voice was weak. I hated this.
"I really need to get to my next class." She tried to argue, pulling her wrist away from me.
"It won't take a second." I was begging, something I never do. "Please Blair, just a second." I saw the defeat in her face but I was glad for it. Now not to fuck this up. We walked through the corridors, heading to her next class, her eyes staring out in front of her. "Firstly I want to apologise if I upset you, that wasn't my intention. You might find it hard to believe but I do care for you." Silence, she didn't say anything. "And that moment we shared it wasn't just sex for me, I wanted to show you how I felt."
"Then why did you go and ruin it?" She snapped. Kind, loving Blair was gone, I'd made her angry.
"I was just being honest." I admitted. "I wish I could just throw it all away and forget about it but I can't, I want you in my life." She stopped, turning to me. "I'm willing to put everything on the line, I don't know if it's too late, if you'd rather settle for Cedr-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before she clashed our lips together. It was short and sweet, she pulled away from me, a small smile.
"I don't want to settle for him." I was glad, more than glad it was everything I wanted to hear.
"I'm new to this you know? Don't expect me not to make mistakes." I pre warned her. I'd never intentionally hurt her but it was inevitable, that was clear to us both. I was going from only caring about myself to know caring for another. It was a big adjustment but I was willing to try for her.
"That's all I wanted to hear." She sighed it's seemed like a weight had been taken off her shoulders. She pecked my cheek. "I have to go to class now, I'll see you at the astrology tower tonight, normal time." I didn't know how I'd done it but I'd won her back. If I knew it was going to be as easy as that I'd done it weeks ago. But the smile on my face wouldn't stop growing because I'd gotten everything I wanted.

It was the night of the last challenge. It was the first one that I managed to sit with Blair, she joined us with the rest of Slytherin, her and Blaise got on better than I'd have thought, I kicked him a few times when he got too friendly. But it was nice having her hear with my friends. Pansy was with Crabbe and Goyle a few rows to the left, giving me dead eyes of course. Crabbe and Goyle didn't mind though, they weren't bothered about Blair, they thought she was funny. They just chose to stay with Pansy out of fear. Blair was her usual nervous self, she worried about Cedric which wasn't what I wanted to hear but I'd get over it because the look on his face when he saw me sat with her was bliss.
"Ive got a really bad feeling about this and I don't know why." She admitted. I looked at her, she was full of anxiety.
"He will be fine, don't worry." I reassured her and it killed me to do so. Friends or not I wished she didn't care about his well being. As soon as the shot fired she pinched at my hand and I chuckled, wrapping an arm around her bringing her to my chest. Again we didn't see much, just heard the announcements, they'd have to work on that next time, it wasn't exactly exciting for the audience. But the band still played and conversations were pounding on who'd bring the cup back, I was hoping it would be Crumb. Thankfully due to Blair being able to read minds she kept tabs on what was going on inside there. I enjoyed having a personal insight.

"There's something wrong Draco!" She looked at me worried eyes. "I can't see Cedric's thoughts." The pools began to form in her eyes. Neither him and Harry were back yet.
"It's okay, I'm sure there's a reason, look." I tried to grab her attention but she was frozen. "I can't see Harry's either. They were about to hold it together and then nothing." The people around us were growing intrigued in our conversation.
"Should we tell someone?" I asked. I didn't know how the mind reading thing worked. Could it mean they were both dead? But they got the cup. Surely it was meant to be over? But then the crowd screamed, both Harry's and Cedric body tumbling to the floor. The bands obnoxious music playing loudly, I couldnt hear what was being said. Then Harry screamed. Dumbledore ran towards Harry, everyone stood confused.
"That's my son! That's my boy!"
I looked at her, her frail body frozen, struck. Her once olive skin running ice cold, all the life in her eyes snatched away, they filled with painful tears. She creamed an unbearable scream, like her heart had just been ripped from her chest. Her knees buckled and she fell to the floor.
"Blair!" I cried out but she covered her hands with her face, the soul destroying sobs never ending. I grabbed her hand it was shaking like a leaf. She latched onto me, and I held her in my arms. "I'm so sorry Blair." I could barely whisper, the tears now falling from my own eyes.

It was now I realised how important it was to be there with her. She loved him, not in a romantic way, I knew that it would feel like losing a brother. I had been riddled with jealousy all year over their relationship, held some sort of resentment over him and I shouldn't have. He was gone, he was dead. I most of all felt the most guilt towards it. I hadn't known of the events but I was god damn sure my father would have played apart in it. Played apart in leaving a monsterous hole in the heart of the girl I loved. The cries and the screams broke out throughout the crowd, everyone driven by absolute panic.

"We've got to get you out of here." Her body still limp, I picked it up and cradled it in my arms, her head buried into my chest which soon became soaked by the flooding of her tears. I took the nearest exit, pushing and shoving anyone who came in my way, sure to protect her from any harm. I ran to my room, alone, it only echoed her cries. I wanted it to stop, each sob taking a dagger at my own heart. She didn't let go of me and I wouldn't let go of her.

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