Chapter 45

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"So Snape are we going to sit here and talk about my sex life or what?" I snapped. He scowled at my comment probably too drained to argue back. He abruptly got up from his chair that he sat at his desk from and stormed towards me, fury burning through his eyes.
"You continue to ruin her." He stabbed. "I told you leave her behind but you're selfish, you're digging her grave." I pushed him out the way, heading straight for the door. He enchanted with a lock, trapping me in here with him.
"I tried." I spat. What more could I have done? Does he not know Blair at all? She's the most stubborn person I've come to meet, she would never take no as answer.
"Not hard enough!" His voice boomed in the room.
"Look just because you couldn't protect Lily-" before I found the words to finish my sentence Snape threatened me, his wand in my face. "I'm not like you Snape." I dared. "I'm not a coward." He hit me with a curse that sent me flying across the room, fumbling to find my wand it was no use as he snatched it from my hands. He towered over me, I could see the hurt that pained his face, the weakness that would always show. "What else do you want me to do?" I shouted infuriated by him. I know what I've done but there's no going back now.
"You will not be permitted to see one another. Due to your foolishness all boys and girls are to be separated. The punishment... severe." I could hear the amusement in his voice. What good did he think this would bring? Blair couldn't be without me, she'd crumble.
"This is bullshit!" I expressed.
"I'm disappointed in you Draco." He said sternly. "You are more like your father than you think." He'd hit a nerve, a big fucking nerve. How dare he? I was nothing like that man! Nothing!
"Open the fucking door." My mind was a blur, my wand point straight at his neck. With no clue what I was going to do, Snape seemed to believe it. The click of the door unlocking shooting my body straight out the room.
"You're expelled Mr Malfoy. You'll be leaving Hogwarts tonight." He ordered.
"Already planning on it." I spat.

The truth was I couldn't go back home. Hogwarts was meant to be our safety and I had ruined that. Returning to the mansion would only drag us further into the Dark Lords black hole. I had already promised I wouldn't get her involved. But where else to go? I had money, lots of it but is hiding away really the right answer. Would it be an indication that we don't stand for the Dark Lord? Would it make us one of his enemies? Why was every choice so dangerous towards her life.

The screaming screeching through the hallways led straight to the Slytherin common room. Fear stood forward like it always did and I tumbled into the room not only to be shocked by what laid in front of me. Blair and Pansy scrapping like apes on the floor. Hair in hands, Blair's body collapsed onto hers holding her down. Although Blair was in better hand and fight soared in her favour I couldn't fight back the urge to pull her away from her. Pansys face reddened with blood and embarrassment. For once she wasn't the winner, shame.
"You foul, evil, rotten," Blair screamed at the top of her lungs using all her will to fight against my hold. "Cowbag! If I ever see you again a broken nose isn't all you're going to have to worry about!" Throwing Blair up the stairs, trying to push her into our room but she refused. "I am not going in there!" She demanded.
"What the fuck is going on?" My anger was building. I needed to know.
"She was fucking touching herself!" She almost screamed, surely everyone heard but it still made no sense to me. "In our bed, in our sheets, thinking of you!" The tears in her eyes finally began to fall, the anger slipping away. "I won't step another foot in this damned school! I want to leave... right now Draco." I knew my silence not only in words but in thoughts was driving her insane, she was desperate for answers. The only help I could give her was my hand, a hand out of here and to a destination in known. She took it as easily as she always did, I evaporated us both straight out the suffocating space that was once home. There was no home.  

A desolated beach, where the only sound to be heard was the waves crashing down on the rocks that struck out in the sand, the moon, shimmering across the sea, our only source of light. It was the only thing I could think of, the only place I knew we'd be alone.
"Where do we go now?" She almost whispered, her hand still gripping on tightly.
"I honestly don't know." I admitted. Her eyes deepened with fear, both knowing we were lost.
"We must go back to your home." It wasn't my home, I thought. Her brows knitted together at my thoughts. "Where else then Draco? I'm cold, I'm upset, I'm tired-"
"I don't know what you want me to do!" I snapped. "I can't keep you safe do you not see that? Find your parents Blair, I'll go back there alone." My words hurt, her face twisted, rotten with anger.
"Are you taking the piss!" She screamed pushing her hands against my chest. "You're just going to leave me now? What happened to us working through this together!"
"And what are you going to do when he asks you to kill someone?" I retorted. "To kill Neville, Ginny, Ron. What will you do then? If we go back there you're going to be dragged down to the grave with us all!" I couldn't help myself, I was being selfish but there was too much on my shoulders.
"I would refuse, kill me if he must I know what I've gotten myself into." Her tone was still stern but I never would accept the words she had to say.
"Do you think I could live without you?" Finally she was silent. "If you die Blair my existence means nothing, I don't know how many times I have to tell you this for you to understand but you are my world now and I can't let you go."

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