Chapter 47

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Storming up the beach had no end destination, I had no idea where I was taking us but I knew we had to move and quickly. Her sobs were clouding my mind and I had to fight the urge to tell her to be quiet. Dealing with her emotions was too much, I was already confused enough, I needed her to make sense of it all with me. She was always so strong but now she is falling apart and having hardly any control over myself I wasn't ready to handle us both.

"Draco!" A voice called. Not Blair's voice, but a voice I recognised. Facing the intruder I pushed Blair behind me, snatching her wand from her pocket, directing it straight for my mother. There was no one else there, just her...
"Lower your wand son." She spoke softly, carefully edging closer towards us.
"How did you know we'd be here?" I barked still not lowering Blair's wand. This could be trap, the others could be looming around somewhere, I had to be certain. But- she was my mother, unlike my father I knew there was love for me, maybe not like a normal mother should, like Blair's parents loved her but she did love me.
"I use to take you here as a boy, I didn't think you'd remember." I didn't at least not at first. "Just you and me, you were fascinated by the sea, always too scared to go in-"
"We can't stick and chat." I interrupted, the more time she spent talking the more time others would find us.
"I want to help you Draco, I will always want to protect you." She cooed.
"What about the others?" I eyed, my wand quivering in my hand.
"They don't know I'm here. Listen I have to go back soon before they realise. Go to Snape, he has something set up for you. Stay hidden, he will meet you in the forbidden forest." She explained and I tried to store the information in my head. "I love you son, keep her safe." Just like that she was gone. It was like I had forgotten how to breathe. The night was closing in and time was going far to quick. So much had happened it was too much for my mind to comprehend. I didn't even say goodbye, tell her I loved her. That could be the last time I'd see my mother and she wouldn't even realise that she meant everything to me.

"Draco, we've got to go." Blair grabbed my hand evaporating us to the forbidden forest. The feeling still constantly make me feel sick. I was on edge, still holding strongly onto her wand. I trusted Snape and I did trust my mother but we were the Dark Lords enemy now, nothing was safe. I was still infuriated that Harry had taken my wand. I was defenceless making the almost impossible task of keeping the two of us alive even more difficult.
It wasn't long till Snape creeped through the woodland. His face still sour and absolutely lifeless. He was clearly still upset with me, probably more so now that I've done the unimaginable. I heard his voice in my head calling me a fool, but the words never slipped his thin lips.
"They say the end is coming sooner." He croaked, his eyes latched onto mine.
"The end is already here." I bluntly spoke, keep Blair behind me once again, her wand ready just in case.
"Your mother told me to give you this." He spoke, her wand coming from his robe. My mouth almost fell open.
"You need something to protect yourself with, you both do." He explained. What would she say to the Death eaters? She lost it? If she were to tell them she'd given it to me they'd kill her. If my father knew he'd probably finish the job. "She also asked for me to accommodate you until your safety is promised."
"Hold on a second." I interrupted. "I'm not letting my mother make any promises with Voldemort." She didn't need to sacrifice herself for me, I wouldn't allow it.
"Maybe she is just waiting for the battle to end." His tone never changed.
"And what if it ends in his favour? What then?" I spat.
"Look Mr Malfoy, you either take my offer or you don't but your other half seems tired and distressed so I suggest you stop being so stubborn and take it before I change my mind." I looked over at Blair the bags under her eyes deepening, she was desperately tired.
"Why are you helping us?" I asked.
"Take it or leave it Draco, I won't offer again." He threatened his patience wearing thin.
"We will take it." Blair finally spoke up.

Where he took us was a shambles. In the muggle world, a house made of wood, freezing. Cabin-like. It was hidden by a towering forest, enchanted with protection charms, it would make do for now. However not up to my expectations, it seemed that Blair was more than blessed to see a bed and running water. Snape didn't stay for long, I thought that with his absence the tension would be released but my heart was still heavy, my mouth filled with saliva and I couldn't keep it down. I should have been grateful but I knew these moments would be short lived and we'd be placed in the exact same situation we was just an hour ago. I was furious at Blair and I shouldn't be, I'd agreed to help free the innocent and I was glad we did but the selfish part of me also wished we'd stayed in the room and pretended that nothing was happening. It was like every decision that I could make would only result in this growing, rotting depression that was bedded so deeply.

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