chapter 13. the romantic date

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Here is the big date! Let's hope everything goes well!

Luz's POV.
" luz stop pacing will you!"
Paisley snapped angrily.
" Sorry Paisley!"
I snapped back stopping my pacing.
" You know I pace when I'm nevorves!"
Paisley tsked running a hand though her hair.
" Yes I bloody know you do Lizze"
Paisley said pushing me down into one of the chairs she had set up.
" But you can't just get up and pace druing your date! Trust me,that doesn't go well"
How does paisley know this? Note to self ask paisley this later.
" Now!"
Paisley said breaking me out of my thoughts. And honestly I didn't realize she was still talking.
" The plan here is simple! Amity meets with me over by the pathway. I lead her down the pathway to the beach and to this table I set up"
I nodded already knowing what the plan is.
" Next you will be be a gentleman,or gentlwoman in this case!"
I swcoled at paisley.
" Once that's done, I'll get the drinks. You two chat about nerd stuff-"
" We don't just talk about nerd stuff paisley"
I snapped.
" Also stop being your britsh self will you? Don't say ' bloody hell' or ' chat' or ' are you mad?' or whatever britsh stuff you say!"
Eraning only a glare from paisley. I sat down.
" Anyway. After dinner you two will walk along the beach here. Maybe share a dance,and a quick kiss."
Oh my God. Paisley stop
" And what will you be doing after dinner?"
I asked.
" I'll be making sure jackson or anyone else. Doesn't ruin your first kiss!"
" I've already had my first kiss corner"
Paisley rolled her eyes.
" Yeah with patton"
" We never kissed pais"
It's true. I was always to scared to kiss Jackson. Paisley must not have known I never kissed Jackson. That or she knew, or ingored me when I talked about jackson.
" Bloody hell! I'm late to meet Amity!"
Paisley yelled dashing off. Very much reminding of that rabbit from alice in wonderland.
and she didn't hear me. Why and how is she so fast after getting her cast off? Like how?
No time to think about that! I need to be romantic!
Pick up lines? Wait, kelly told me no pick up lines.
No Flowers. Paisley told me no to that.
She also told me chocolate. But I'm pretty sure paisley ate the chocolate I was going to give amity.
Ugh! All I have is this candle lit dinner,a walk on the beach. And maybe a kiss. Tsk!
( Have you not read romance story's luz? I'm pretty sure you read a lot of those. So you should know)
I should know how to be romantic!
I've read so many romance novels.
Why can't I do this?
" Right this way my dear"
I heard paisley said somehow sounding britsh.

Five minutes before luz was freaking out.

Amity's POV.
I'm so going to mess this up.
If I'm not going to. Jackson is.
I've seen him a few feet away crying.
Some blonde chick had kicked him hard in the gut.
Poor guy. Must have desverd it.
" Ah amity my dear!"
Paisley said sounding britsh? But wasn't talking like it?
Paisley had slicked back her hair. Making it looked greasey.
Tho her dark blue dress shirt with black dress pants and black dress shoes to match. Made up for it. Tho luz I bet was hotter. Way hotter.
" Welcome to beach day romance. I am your sever Paisley Coner"
I couldn't help the smile that apperd on my lips.
" Let's go paisley"
Eh small time skip. To them all being on the bench.
Still Amity's pov.
I was right! Luz did look way hotter than paisley!
( Oof poor paisley man)
" Right this way my dear"
Paisley said sounding britsh again.
How is she doing this?
Oh wait, it's to annoy luz. I'm not sure why this annoys luz. But it does.
" Hello amity"
Luz said putting on a dazzling smile.
" H-Hi luz"
Stop it blight! You need to get a grip!
Wait when was I sitting down?
Must have been paisley or luz setting me in the chair.
" As I told this green haired chick. I'm Paisley Coner-huh damn it kelly!"
" Hi I'm kelly Peyton!"
( Yes Peyton is a middle name! I looked it up)
Kelly said helping paisley up and handing paisley her cane.
" And I'll be you're sever tonight!"
Ugh Why is it so hard not to laugh at paisley being replaced? Tho paisley seemed fine with it. Cuz she limped away with her cane.
" Well Mrs Kelly"
I said with a smile.
" May I please have a grape fanta, without ice?"
Kelly smiled jotting my order down.
" And for you?"
Kelly asked luz.
" A Coke no ice plz"
( The soda. Not the other stuff)
Kelly smiled jotting that down.
" Ok! I'll be back in five minutes!"
With that she jogged away.
Man luz's friends are freaking awesome. There so nice,and crazy.
Hm I wonder how luz met them?
I'll ask luz that later. Right now,ima just enjoy this date!
After dinner. Amity and luz go for a walk on the beach.
Paisley's POV.
" Man look at them!"
Kelly yelled taking photos as luz and amity had started to dance.
I smiled leaning on my cane.
It seems everything has gone to plan.
Jackson ( as far as I've known or seen) has been back at the boardwalk. With ash. Now she was somewhat of a problem. Tho that might not be till later.
For now ima just enjoy watching luz and amity kiss! Oi their kissing!
I quickly took my phone. Snapping a photo or two. While kelly fangirled besided me.

Luz's POV.
I broke the kiss smiling trying not to blush.
" So amity will you be my girlfriend?"
I asked smiling.
" Yes!"
Amity yelled causing paisley and Kelly to grin.
" I love you amity"
" I love you to lizzie"

Welp here you go!
I hope you all enjoyed!

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