chapter 23. Paisley kicks some ass

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before we begin the story,I'd just like to say I've decided to change up the plan.
before you all ask,yes this chapter still kicks off all this drama that our dear crew will have to deal with because of jackson.
all the other chapters were just the rising action,rising action,yeah I think that's what it's called. anyway,all those chapter were the clam ones that are part of the-ok you know what,nevermind. forget all of that.
lets just start this damn chapter with the owl house crew.

amity's POV.
" luz sh!"
I hissed glancing up at the teacher.
luckily she was to busy yelling at some random student.
luz giggled grabbing my hand.
" come on amity,let me flirt with you"
luz said kissing my hand.
eep! luz why do you do this to me?
" l-luz knock this off!"
I growled snatching my hand from Luz.
luz pouted turning back to her work.
is luz really trying to guilt trip me?
doing a awful job if she is.
" sorry about that class"
the teacher said smiling softly.
" a student would not listen to the rules,so I had to deal with that"
yeah by making the poor girl cry.
" now,where was I with our lesson?"
you mean this lesson you've taught us for a month now?
are these teacher that bad at their jobs? surely not.
after all this is hexside! and my mom claims to they have the best teachers around!
that's clearly not the case with mrs. Ross here.
she's lucky I already know all this,or eles I'd have failed her class long ago.
" ah! there's the bell everyone!"
mrs. ross yelled clapping for some reason.
( she's happy to get ready of you guys. yikes I shouldn't have said that)
" tomorrow we will pick back up on the history of magic. and have a pop quiz of Wednesday"
I hate this teacher so much.
I quickly packed up all my books and sped out of the classroom.
after all,I have more important things to worry about then my hatred for Mrs. Ross.
it's my turn to choice what Luz and I do for date night.
of course I already have a classic date night idea lined up.
watching something on Netflix.
might even be some cuddling too.
" hey,watch it blight!"
boshca snapped as I shoved her to the ground.
" sorry!"
I snapped back as I ran out of the school.
" wait,amity come back!"
Boscha yelled making me stop in my tracks.
what could boscha want? even more so with me?
oh no,could Boscha have a crush on me?!
" sorry to stop you while your clearly busy"
boscha said jogging over to me. well,I'm not sure if that's even what she said. after all she was jogging over to me.
" yes I'm very busy Boscha"
I snapped needing to go.
" listen,I know that human and you are dating"
is it wrong that I want to punch boscha for calling luz that human?
" yes we're dating"
I snapped growing angry.
" good,because I was wondering if willow and I could join you guys for a double date?"
haha! willow agreed to go on a date with boscha?
how the heck did that happen?
after all the mean things boscha done to her?
wait,I should't talk ethier. after all,I did some things to Luz too.
if it weren't for luz's friends Paisley, and kelly,then luz and I wouldn't be dating right now.
Maybe I should help Boscha get together with willow.
what am I even saying? I'm not a matchmaker like Paisley! and kelly!
wait,that's it!
I can help boscha out,and Paisley or kelly can help me out to!
" amity? hello amity? are you there?"
boscha asked breaking me from my thoughts.
" alright boscha"
I said with a grin.
" you can come with luz and I on our date"
Boscha's eyes lit up with joy.
" thank you amity!"
she yelled grinning happily.
boscha owes me big for this.
after all,Luz will flip when she finds out what I'm doing.
witch I should probably go start planing for.
after saying a quick goodbye to boscha,I pulled out my phone,trying to find Paisley's number.
after three or four tries,I finally found Paisley's number.
" what is it blight?"
Paisley growled into the phone.
" aw? did I call at a bad time?"
a string of cruses was heard on the other end.
" no,I needed to get out of that class anyway."
Paisley said sounding less angry.
" your still at school?"
I asked feeling bad for calling.
" yes,and no. it's hard to explain"
ok then.
" alright Paisley,I need a favor."
I said hearing a faint snort.
" you need a favor from me? my do I feel loved!"
maybe I should have called Kelly.
" so what's this favor? do you need me to come up with some sort of lie? or con somebody for you? or do you need me to kill somebody for you?"
" no,what I need is-wait have you killed somebody before?"
another snort.
" course not. if I killed somebody it would have been jackson or ash. or both if I can help it"
why does this not surprise me?
" anyway,what I need is some fancy human restaurant for tonight"
laughter erupted from the phone.
" are you bloody kidding me blight? "
Paisley howled.
" your lucky I'm not kelly,or else I'd really let you know how disappointing this is"
if I wanted disappointment then I'd talk with my mom.
" just texted my the place!"
I snapped hanging up.
was that rude? very.
will I send Paisley a basket of muffins later? yes.
after about five minutes my phone vibrated,letting me know Paisley texted me.
great! now I can get this plan a started!
( le time skip to the date)
" why are we here amity?"
boscha asked studying the lobby.
" for the date"
I snapped scanning the area for luz and willow.
oh man is luz going to be mad. mostly at boscha.
" so um,does luz know about the double date thing?"
boscha asked attempting a smile.
" no,sadly Luz will soon"
boscha groaned starting to pace.
" why are you doing this for me amity? since you know luz will be angry when she finds out"
that's what I keep asking myself.
maybe I should have asked Paisley to come up with a lie for this. then again Paisley promised sharon she wouldn't lie unless she really needed to.
plus,Paisley's going on a date with Sharon tonight anyway.
and man are they a cute couple!
I kinda came up with a couple of cute ship names to! paisron,and then shaisley.

I'm In Love With A Human ( lumity) ( Editing)Where stories live. Discover now