chapter 19. a bit of drama and romance

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My friend better be happy that I'm changing the plan. Or else ima be mad. Sadly,ima have to do the backstory next week. And the willow x bocha after the backstory. Sorry this changes everything guys.
Blame my friend.
But I promised you romance,and so there will be romance!
Anyway,in this chapter we're back in the human relem with jackson,ash and paisley.
Jackson and ash try to figure out where luz has gone. While paisley has her own adventure.
We start with jackson's POV. Their at school by the way.

Jackson's POV.
Sigh, another day with out seeing my dear friend luz.
And yes I did say my dear friend luz. Because I know she no longer loves me.
That and luz loves amity. Wich I must emit is a cute ship.
Just like luz's and i's before I became a jerk.
If only I ran away from home sooner, I could have been back to my normal self.
But no I didn't ran away. I was scared to.
" Hey Jack!"
Ash said poking me.
" Yes ash?"
I asked with a huff.
" So I checked out all the boarding schools in and outside of our town,and guess what!"
" What?"
I asked with a sigh.
" Luz isn't at any of the boarding schools!"
What?! That can't be!
" Impossible!"
I growled making sure the teacher was still reading.
" If luz isn't at a boarding school? Then where is she?!"
Ash shurged handing me a pice of paper.
" You know what this means right?"
Ash said.
" Coner lied to us!"
"Clearly,coner is a master of telling lies."
I said looking over at paisley. Who was quitely scowling at the book she was reading.
Why was she scowling?
" This causes a huge problem for us jack"
Ash said with a huff.
" Clearly. But what's on this pice of paper you gave me ash?"
Ash smirked.
" I found a portal"
Oh joy,ash has gone crazy.
" A Portal? Really ashley"
Ash growled.
" Just listen to me before assuming I'm crazy!"
" Fine"
I said.
" One day I was walking around in the woods what a brown door suddenly appeared out of thin air!"
Ash has gone crazy.
" Of course I quickly dive into some bushes so I can spy"
Is it just me? Or is ash sounding crazier by the second.
" It's a good thing I did to! Because out stepped luz and some dog looking thing"
No way.
" You're kidding!"
I said grabbing the pice of paper off my desk.
Ash smirked.
" I'm not! Luz is in another world!"
Another world? How?! Why?!
Did coner know about this?!
That doesn't matter right now. What does matter Is finding luz,and making sure paisley doesn't stop us.
Luckily I've got a plan.
" Ash call paisley over to us"
I told ash.
" What,why?"
Ash asked.
" We need to distract coner so we can search for the portal!"
" Hey coner?"
Ash yelled making paisley look up from her book.
" Come here!"
Paisley mumbled something as she closed her book.
" What do you nerds want?"
Paisley growled walking over.
" Oh nothing"
Ash said with a giggle.
" We only wanted to get you in trouble!"
" Mr. Harvey!"
I yelled.
" Yes jackson?"
" Paisley's distracting us while we're trying to read!"
Ash nodded.
" Mrs coner"
Mr. Harvey said.
" Is that true?"
" W-what no!"
Paisley yelled.
" Ash called me over here!"
Mr. Harvey tsked.
" I don't like liers mrs. Coner"
Ash giggled.
" I'm not lying sir!"
Paisley said looking ready to cry.
" Also it's Xavier, not coner"
Paisley changed her name? When?
" I don't care."
Mr. Harvey snapped getting up from his desk.
" What I do care about is the fact you've disruptiued the class,and lied about it!"
Yikes,I think mr. Harvey hates paisley.
" B-but-"
" No buts! Go to the principals office!"
Paisley growled quitely, thorwing a glare at ash and I, before she left the room.
Mr. Harvey shook his head sitting back down at his desk.
" Looks like our plan worked!"
Ash said giggling.
" Yep. Now we can search for this portal after this class!"
Ash nodded.

Paisley's POV.
I slammed the classroom door. Not giving a damn if I got yelled at.
What was mr. Harvey's problem?
I wasn't disrupting the class! I didn't walk over to jackson and ash.
I was just quietly reading my book.
But no,ash had to call me over. Jackson had to yell out that I was " bugging them"
It's always me that gets the blame in that class! All because I'm a lier!
I wasn't even lying that time! And he knew that! Hell mr. Harvey can't even tell if I'm lying or not!
He just thinks I am.
" Why?!"
I growled ready to kick a trashcan.
But stop halfway there.
" Self control paisley"
My mom's voice said in my head.
" It's important!"
Self control? I hate that with a burning passion!
But it's a good thing I stopped myself from kicking this trashcan.
I don't need any more trouble today.
" Are you ok paisley?"
A dream voice asked me.
" I'm fine"
I said turning to face my crush Sharon.
Sharon sighed walking closer to me.
" You're spouse to be in mr. Harvey's math class"
Sharon gently tucked a stary pice of hair behind my ear. Wich made my heart beat like crazy.
" What happened?"
Damn it heart! Damn my sexuality! Damn these gay thoughts!
" I got sent out"
Sharon sighed taking a step back.
" Mr. Harvey blamed you for something you didn't do again?"
I nodded hopping I didn't look ready to cry.
" And I'm guessing it had something to do with jackson and ash?"
I nodded again unable to speak.
There are times I hate being lesbian.
" Don't worry paisley"
Sharon said softly.
" I'll talk to my mom about transferring you out of that class"
It was that sentence that helped me find my voice.
" You don't have to do that my dear!"
I said looking away from her, wondering why sharon was caring about a lying loser like me?
Sharon giggled placing a hand underneath my chin and made me look into those ocean blue eyes of her's.
" I'd do anything to make you smile paisley~"
My face turned a dark cherry red.
Ahhhhhhhhh. Damn these thoughts! Damn the fact Sharon is one foot taller than me!
" If you say so"
I said with a huff.
" But I better get going"
I added running a hand through my hair.
" Don't want to get yelled by your mum ethier"
Sharon nodded dropping her hand from my chin.
" Bye paisley"
" Bye sharon"
( Le time skip to after school! And Paisley being at the beach)
Ah, finally alone! No jackson,no ash.
No teachers that hate me.
Just me and the waves.
I can't believe princbell liz let me transfer out of mr. Harvey's class tho.
Heck she's even going to be teaching me now!
Honestly,liz is the only adult that likes me in that school.
Sure the other teachers don't hate me. But they don't like me ether.
Wich makes me sad. And feel like a loser. An ugly ass lying loser.
Yet,liz doesn't seem to think that.
And nor does her daughter Sharon!
Oh sharon the goddess. That long Raven black hair. Her ocean blue eyes that brings out her face.
How she looks good in black and gray.
Or her dreamy and gentle voice!
Ugh! Damn these thoughts!
" Well,well"
A voice said breaking me out of my thoughts.
" Look who's at the beach!"
Gulp. Sharon's here.
" Sharon!"
I said taking a deep breath.
" You're here"
Sharon giggled walking closer to me.
" Why are you out here?"
I asked frowning.
Sharon sighed.
" I was just walking around,when I saw you over here"
My,my,my. Sharon is lying!
" Ok"
I said running a hand through my hair.
Sharon giggled walking closer to me.
" Any more trouble with jackson or ash?"
Aww, somebody's worried about me.
" Nope, haven't seen em all day."
Thank god for that. I would have punched them.
" That's good"
Sharon said smiling.
I nodded with a yawn.
" Why are they so mean to you anyway?"
Sharon asked after about five minutes or slince.
" Long story. The only thing they aren't jerks about are my sexuality"
Sharon titled her head.
" What's your sexuality?"
Sharon asked.
" I'm lesbian"
And lets see what happens.
Sharon smiled walking closer to me.
" Looks like I won a bet"
A bet? Shit.
I started to back away.
" A-a bet huh?"
I said backing away more as sharon started walking closer.
" Yep. My mom and I made a bet about weather you we're bisexual or lesbian. Looks like I won"
" C-cool!"
I said having backed into the wall of the board walk.
Sharon nodded now and inch away from me.
Ugh! Why is this happening?!
I need a plan to get away. Looks like I'll have to kiss her and run.
( Wow,amity much?)
" Lovely night huh?"
Sharon asked.
I nodded gasping as sharon moved closer, making my back and head press up against the wall.
Ok that's it.
" Very lovely"
I said running a hand through my hair.
" The moon-"
I grabbed sharon by her shirt, pulling her closer as I kissed her.
Sharon's ocean blue eyes went wide. Her face turning a cherry red.
As I was about to break the kiss, sharon kissed back,gently shoving me into the wall,as she closed her eyes and warped her arms around my waist.
I soon closed my eyes, and warped my arms around sharon's neck. Not going to lie,I'm enjoying this kiss.
After 20 minutes ( to me it felt like forever) I broke the kiss, panting slightly.
" D-damn coner"
Sharon said as my heartbeat slowed down.
" That was nice"
I nodded.
" Sharon"
I said softly looking down at the sandy ground.
" I-I love you. I've loved you since I meet you there years ago."
I didn't look up from the ground.
" I-its ok if you don't feel the same. It's fine if you also hate me."
I said taking a deep breath.
Luz and Kelly would be so proud of me if they were here.
" It's ok if you hate me. I'm just tried if hidding these feelings"
Sharon giggled placing her hand underneath my chin, making me look at her.
" Hate you? How could I ever hate the coner that I'm in love with?"
My heart started to beat like crazy at that.
" I love you Sharon"
" I love you too Xavier"
She used my new last name. Why?
" You know coner"
Sharon said pulling me closer.
" I've loved you for three years. You were so kind,so smart. Willing to protect others even if it meant you got hurt."
Sharon said brushing a straned of hair behind my ear.
" When you smiled it would make my heart melt. When you cried or were up set,my heart would break."
I blushed smiling.
" I hated seeing what jackson and ash did to you."
Sharon added letting me go.
" I couldn't do anything back then. But now I can do something. Try to make you happy"
( Awwwwww this is so cute!)
I smiled taking sharon's hand into my own,then placed a gentle kiss on it.
" You've done plenty to help me my dear"
I said smiling at the fact I made her blush.
" G-good."
Sharon said pulling me closer,and warping her arms around my waist. I quickly warped my arms around sharon's neck.
" You're to tell me if anyone is mean to you tho"
Sharon added her lips and inch away from mine.
" I will."
I said kissing her again.
" JAKE!"
A voice screamed making sharon break the kiss.
another voice yelled.
Oh my god. I'm going to kill kelly and Jake.
" Bloody hell you two!"
I growled letting go of sharon.
" Paisley got a girlfriend!"
Kelly sang dancing around in a circle.
Jake grinned clapping.
I snapped fixxing my jacket.
" Paisley's in love!~"
Kelly and Jake sang.
" Oh that's it!"
I growled running towards them.
Kelly and Jake giggled running away.

And there you all go!
So yeah,next week will be the back story of jackson and ash. And after that will be a bocha x willow chapter.
Sorry the plan got all messed up.
Again blame my friend.
Till then! I'll see you all next week!

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