chapter 18. flashback time

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It's back story time!

Eda's POV.
" It was 10 years ago when I met paisley."
( Le flashback to when Eda, Lilith,and king met paisley)
Eda's POV.
" Ah! What a lovely day to steal from humans!"
I said jumping out of the portal.
" Edalin keep your voice down!"
Lilith snapped stepping out of the portal.
" We don't want any of the humans to know we're here!"
I rolled my eyes.
" Don't worry about the humans lilly!"
King snapped jumping onto my shoulder.
" They won't bother us!"
Lilith rolled her eyes.
" Let's just get this over with. I don't want to be here any longer than I-"
" N-no! Leave me alone!"
A tiny voice screamed.
" Eda look! A bunch of tiny humans are chasing that other tiny crying human!"
Grr, bully's.
" Oh hell nah. I got this!"
I snapped chasing after the humans.
(Small time skip.)
After a whole lot of running. I cought up with the tiny humans.
" Finally cought you coner"
A boy said sneering.
" J-jacob please just let me go!"
The girl named coner begged to the boy named jacob.
" You walked on our turf and punched me in the eye. Really think we should have mercy?"
Coner shook her head no.
" Least you're honest. Alrighty pais we won't hurt you to bad."
Jacob said turning to face the others.
" Spare coner from any broken bones,any black eyes,and no slapping. Just punch her. Mostly in the gut"
The other boys grinned as Jacob turned to face paisley.
" Do you agree with this?"
Paisley nodded starting to close her eyes,but quickly opened them.
" You can close you're eyes. Don't want you having nightmares-"
" Hey kids!"
I screamed jumping out of my hidding spot.
" Leave coner alone or else!"
Jacob turned to face me.
" Huh? Who do you think you are?"
( I said a whooo do you think you are? Spice girls anyone? No,ok I'll stop)
" Don't worry bout that kid"
I said with a grin.
" I'll give you till the count of five to run away"
Jacob rolled his eyes.
" And if we don't?"
" I'll hex you"
Jacob laughed.
" I-I don't believe you,but I'll just go,you know just in case"
With that he took off running,his friends right behind him.
" There you are edalin!"
My sister growled as I gently picked paisley.
" what were you thinking running off like that?! We needed a-is that a human child?"
" yes,poor thing was about to get beat up"
Lilith sighed.
" is she ok? No broken bones or anything?"
" she's unharmed"
Another sigh from my sister.
" w-who are you guys?"
Paisley asked shivering.
" im eda,the lady who has resting bitch face,is my sister lilith-"
" eda watch your mouth!"
" I've heard worse things said."
Paisley said coming to my defense.
" from your parents?"
Paisley nodded.
" Speaking of your parents,why didn't they come pick you up from school?"
Lilith asked fixing her dress.
" Oh their visiting family in ohio. They didn't even tell me about the trip etiher,how shitty is that?"
( Paisley language!)
" Really shitty."
I agreed gently handing paisley to lilly.
" But we can't just leave you home alone. What if those boys go to your house? Or your school?"
Lilith nodded warping kings jacket around paisley.
" They only go to my school. Nobody really knows where I live."
That's good I guess. But still.
" Why don't you come back with us to the owl house? It'll be safer there."
"Wait a darn second!"
( Back to the present. Still eda's POV.)
" Yes amity?"
I asked slightly annoyed she interpreted me.
" You took paisley to the iles?"
" Then paisley knew about magic way before she burst into my room while we were practicing!"
Luz added smiling.
" Yep paisley knew about magic. Want me to explain that part next? Or keep going with the part of how we met?"
" Paisley at the illes!"
" Alrighty,well paisley was able to get use to the iles pretty quickly"
(Back to the past where paisley learned about the iles)
Eda's POV.
It's now been a week since we met paisley.
And I must say, she's such a sweet happy child!
And good at magic to! Even if it's just drawing the spell on the paper.
" Hey guys!"
Paisley said as she jumped though the portal.
" Hey pais! How's my favorite lier doing?"
" I'm good!"
That's another thing I learned about paisley.
She was a master of lying. Even at such a young age.
Paisley could trick lilith and I with her lies.
" Eda? Are you ok?"
Paisley asked tugging on my dress.
" Huh? Oh I'm fine kiddo"
Paisley shook her head.
" Eda are you sure ok?"
Shit, can paisley see though me? It would make sense after all. She is a masterful lier.
" I'm fine kiddo."
I said picking up paisley.
" You ready to explore the ile?"
" Hell yeah!"
( Back to the present)
Luz's POV
" How did paisley like the ile?"
Amity asked as I put my head on her shoulder.
" Paisley loved the ile. Joked that it was like her second home. She became friends with everyone to. Even bumps."
Eda smiled longing at the celling.
" As paisley grew up,she never stopped visiting lilly and I. Lily and I were surprised when bellows let paisley hang out with lilly while she was working."
I closed my eyes trying not to fall asleep.
" Did paisley ever stop visiting?"
Amity asked ingoring the fact I nuzzled my face into her neck.
" Not really, paisley started limiting her vists when she was 15, because well school and her new friend,Wich I found out was luz,she only visited at night."
Did I hear that right? Paisley could visit the iles when ever she wanted?
" How did paisley vist you guys?"
Eda smiled.
" Well as her favorite mother,I gave her a key and showed her how to use the portal. And yes, paisley does consider lilly and I as her mom. Even if she won't emit it."
I yawned softly,but quickly smiling at this tale.
" You to should head off to bed. And wait to yell at lilith's favorite child tommorow."
( Aww lilith has a favorite. Besides amity)
" Ok,night eda, lilith"
I said gently picking amity up. ( Even tho I was really tried)
" Night you to. Stay out of trouble till I wake up"
" Will do"

And there's chapter 18! And the backstory of paisley!
I'm guessing a lot of you are wondering why had paisley's last name as coner still in the flashbacks.
That's because paisley hadn't changed her last name yet.
Again you all might be asking why paisley thought of the iles as a second home for paisley. Honestly it truely was a second home for her,she got along with everyone,even bellows,and prince bell bumps.
Another question I'll answer for you guys really quick ( since I know you all are going to ask it) is why did eda trust Young paisley with a key to the portal?
Well duh,it was a test to see if eda could trust paisley. Wich of course paisley passed.
And the last question I know you guys might ask is,or last two you guys are going to ask,did paisley truely think of eda and lilith as her mom's? Yes she knew they were sisters. And yes paisley though of them as the family she always wanted.
Last question is how old is paisley now, and why did see limit her visit to the iles at night?
Paisley now is 16.
Paisley limited her vists as she got older because of her friends. Mostly because Luz,ash,and jackson always wondered where she was after school.
Now that I've answered the questions that you might have had while you were reading.
I'll go over what will happen for the next few chapters.
The next chapter will be about how luz meet ash and jackson. Will a bit of their back story as well.
After all the backstory is done. There will be a willow x bocha chapter. Because I've counted how many chapters have happened since I worte a willow x bocha chapter.
After that chapter we'll be back in the human relem with paisley,jackson,ash.
Jackson and ash try to figure out where luz is,and what's going on with paisley.
After that chapter we'll be back with luz and Amity.
A lot is in store!
So stay tuned!

Why did I just sound like alastor from hazbin hotel right there?

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