chapter 10. 🎃 spooky day! 🎃

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Luz's POV.
paisley yelled brusting into my room.
" Gha!"
I yelled falling off my bed and onto a heep on the floor.
I snapped sitting up.
Paisley smiled walking over to me.
" Sorry. I'm just really excited about halloween!"
I rolled me eyes.
" I can tell."
I grumbled getting up.
" No idea to yell tho"
I added starting to make my bed.
Paisley groaned behind me.
" Can I help it if I tell a lot?"
A sudden thought crossed my mind.
" Have you taken your meds yet?"
paisley yelled running out of my room.
I giggled. Classic paisley.
Wait? Do I have school today?
" Luz hurry up and get dressed! You got school in 20 minutes!"
At school.
" So LIZZE?"
Paisley asked shutting my locker.
" What are you going as for halloween?"
" Werewolf. Duh"
Paisley rolled her eyes.
" You crazy cat and dog lady"
My put my hand on my heart. Having a fake hurt look.
" How dare you pais!"
Paisley only grinned.
" Oh look."
A snarky voice yelled.
" It's paisley and luz! Hi you to!"
Paisley growled softly.
" Hi Jen. How have you been?"
I asked trying to be polite.
Jen sighed.
" Could be better. How bout you two?"
Paisley grumbled something about jen being a brat. Wich I hopped jen didn't hear. Luckily Jen didn't hear it.
" I'm doing good. Can't wait for tonight!"
Jen rolled her eyes.
" The worst holiday ever"
Paisley tsked.
I was about to say something when the bell rang.
After school.
" Yay! No homework!"
Paisley yelled leaning on side door.
" Yeah. Jen tried to ruin that"
I said waving to Mikey. Mikey waved backed smiling at paisley.
Paisley waved back quickly giving Mikey a rude gesture.
" Hello Lizze"
Jackson said appearing by paisley.
Paisley looking unhappy about this.
" Hey Jackson"
I said trying to be polite.
" You ready for halloween?"
Jackson smiled.
" My favorite holiday? Heck yeah!"
I smiled. One of the reasons Jackson and I " got along" was our love of halloween. That's the same reason with paisley to. Even more her. But Jackson and I would celebrit it.
" Yo luz? You alive?"
Paisley asked shaking me.
" Eh? Yeah. Sorry got lost in thought."
Jackson smiled. While paisley only frowned.
" Yeah whatever."
Paisley said kicking a rock.
" So what were you thinking bout luz?"
Jackson asked.
" Was it me?"
I need to lie.
" No! I was thinking about amity!"
Paisley smirked ether at my choice of a lie. Or that she ships us. Both I bet.
" Amity? The green haired chicks?"
I nodded feeling my cheeks heat up.
Jackson faked a smile.
" Cool"
Paisley laughed.
What did I get myself into?
" Oh look the bus! Come on pais!"
I yelled dragging a laughing paisley to the bus.
Time skip to night.
" Wow luz"
Bj said poking me on the nose.
" You look great!"
Paisley rolled her eyes. Fixing her mask.
" Thx bj. But stop poking me on the nose!"
I snapped with a glare.
" Yeah bj."
Paisley said taking off her mask.
Bj rolled his eyes. Floating over to the window.
" What's Amity's costum I wonder"
Paisley and bj grinned.
" No idea. Tho her siblings aren't going out. Their no fun"
The twins aren't coming? Why?
They seemed really excited about going trick or treating this morning.
What changed? Did they cause some sort of problem and is now hiding?
" Yo earth to luz"
Paisley said snapping her fingers in my face.
" You alright?"
Paisley asked pushing me onto the floor.
" Yes I'm fine. Just wondering why the twins aren't coming with us"
Paisley rolled her eyes.
" I know why. Not allowed to say tho."
They told paisley why? Really?
" Eh it's their loss."
Bj said floating over to paisley.
" Got a good route mapped out paisley?"
Paisley grinned pulling out a map.
" Yep. Also made sure to add in some shortcuts just in case"
Do you guys see why we're friends?
" Boo. No shortcuts through the cemetery!"
Bj whinned taking the map.
" There's good reason for that!"
Paisley snapped snatching the map back.
" Oh? And why is that?"
Bj asked leaning on paisley.
" How about all that trouble you caused last time hm?"
I shiverd. That memory still haunts me.
" Eh. I wasn't that bad"
Bj said getting pushed.
" Yeah you were-"
" Uh? What's going on?"
Amity asked from the doorway.
Amity's a vampire?! I swear if paisley or the twins thought this was a good idea due to me dressing up as a werewolf. Ima punch somebody!
Judging on the frown on Paisley's face. She had no idea about this.
" Vampire huh?"
Bj asked tugging on Amity's cape.
" classic. But also boring!"
Bj added with a huff.
Amity rolled her eyes.
" Oh shut up. My siblings told me to dress up like this."
Amity said her eyes landing on me.
Of course the twins planned this. Well at least it wasn't paisley. Tho she hates twilight.
" Are we ready to go or no?"
" Yes!"
Time skip to everyone trick or treating. Brought to you by were wolf luz and vampire Amity.
Amity's POV. ( Since I haven't done her POV in a while)
" Where to next pais?"
Luz asked digging around in her pillowcase.
" Let's see."
Paisley said sacning her map.
" Where are we?"
Paisley added still looking at her map.
" Main street."
Paisley nodded looking up.
" We should go left down main street. Wich will take us back to my house. From there we'll go down Richard street. Trick or treat down there till we get back to luz's house"
Paisley explained rolling her map back up.
" Then let's go already!"
Bj whinned getting annoyed at the people who were starting at him.
As we walked on. I keepted an eye out for my siblings. Part of me knew they were secretly out and about.
Of course planning something. Causing trouble. Or something like that.
Sadly. Only paisley knew what they were up to. And wouldn't tell me.
Even tho I pulled the " I'm their sister" card. She still wouldn't budge. Wich annoyed me. Cause I amity blight never fail!
After a while
" Such a great hal!"
Luz yelled putting her candy away.
I nodded putting my candy under my bed.
" Well. Night Amity"
" Night luz"

Ok. So I know that in the beginning I said amity and the blight siblings would be staying for there months.
But I'm changing that. Their staying till after Christmas. Because I wanna still do both the human relm and boiling iles. With Eda x camilla. And them meeting amd what not.
Before I go. Next chapter will be some bocha x willow. So be on the look out for that.

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