chapter 12. planning for a romantic day

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Luz's POV.
" so why are we here lizzie?"
Paisley asked leaning on her cane.
Ugh. I hate ash so much for breaking paisley's leg. Tho why use a cane? And not a wheelchair? Why just a cane?
" luz! Earth to luz!"
Kelly yelled shaking me.
" h-huh?"
I said pushing kelly off me.
" Dude, why did you call us out here?"
Kelly asked fixxig her sunglasses.
" Well. I need advice"
Paisley and Kelly looked at one another. Then back at me.
" What kind of advice Lizze?"
How should I phrase this?
" Well,I need help asking somebody out-"
paisley and Kelly yelled grinning.
" Then why did you-"
Paisley cut me off.
" As we've said. We knew,or thought you having us meet here would be bout asking amity out"
Tsk. Fangirls.
" Who's amity?"
Jake asked appearing behind me.
" A girl luz here likes"
Jake grinned.
" So luz is finally asking this chick out? What could go wrong?"
My heart sank at those words.
" Jake! Don't put thoughts like that into luz's head!"
Paisley snapped whacking jake with her cane.
( Dude I'd so whack people if I had a cane! Even more so if they wouldn't stay six feet! I'd get in so much trouble. But it's worth it!~)
" Sorry! Besides it's just a joke!"
Jake said hidding behind kelly.
" Still! Don't say thing's like that! You'll give luz a whole bunch of ideas of what could go wrong!"
Jake rolled his eyes.
" Oh like what?"
Paisley growled pointing her cane at jake.
" You know what!"
" Guys knock it off!"
I yelled making paisley and jake go quite.
" Thank you! Now, back on task please!"
Kelly had brust out laughing.
" Well,you know what you should do."
Paisley said leaning on her cane.
" Ask out Amity infront of jackson!"
Was that a good idea? Would jackson hurt amity after?
" I don't know. What if jackson goes after amity? I wouldn't want Amity to get hurt"
Paisley snorted.
" Jackson wouldn't go after amity. He knows better remember? Besides I'll be there while you ask amity out!"
Ah good old paisley. Such a thrid wheel.
" Oh? Are you just gonna whack him with your cane?"
I teased.
" Hell yeah I am! He's the damn reason I have this cane after all! So whacking him will be fun!"
Paisley scares me.
" Well,you have protection... I guess"
Kelly said making paisley scoff.
" But you need a plan on how your asking amity out"
Jake said quickly glaring at paisley.
Who was pretending to whack some invisible being with her cane.
" first I need to decided where I'm going to ask amity"
I said sitting on the bench.
Kelly raised her hand.
" Yes kelly?"
" How about at school!"
" Why there?"
Paisley asked frowning.
" Don't know. I thought it would be the easiest"
Kelly said.
" How bout the mall?"
Jake surgsted shoving paisley next to me on the bench.
" Yeah! We can go to hot topic! I've been meaning to go back there!"
Paisley said smiling.
" You just wanna go see that one girl that works there paisley"
Kelly said with a grin.
" SHH! But we all know jackson loves hot topic,so he'll definitely be there as well!"
This is true. Jackson ( when we dated) use to let me buy anything I wanted when we ended up at the mall,or hot topic.
" Ok,so we have where we're going. Have jackson here. What else?"
I asked with a yawn.
" Oh I'll do the rest my dear! Let's just get you home!"

Le time skip brought to you by whack! Next day after school..

Amity's POV.
" Paisley slow down will you!"
I snapped surprised she could walk so fast with her cast and cane.
" We're late amity! Luz is ganna kill us!"
Sigh. What are we even late for? And luz isn't ganna kill us. She's to nice.
Paisley finally stopped infront of a store called hot topic.
" Hot topic? Paisley why are we here?"
I asked quickly putting my hood up.
Paisley didn't reply. Must be due to her panting. And clasping on the ground.
Sighing again I lifted paisley up from the ground and shoved her onto a bench outside of the store.
" S-see luz amity?"
Paisley asked standing up.
" Nope. I see jackson tho"
Joy,why is that creep here?
" I'll be right back"
Paisley said quickly walking into hot topic.
" Wait! Don't leave me out here!"
I snapped quickly following paisley into the store.
God this place is crampted. How do these humans not bump into eacher?
" Hello there amity"
Jackson said once I got over to him and paisley.
" Hi patton"
I spat back not wanting to be nice.
" Oh please amity dear"
Jackson said smiling.
" Call me jackson. I'd rather prefer you call me that. If you don't mind of course!"
" I'd rather call you patton"
I said trying to be nice.
Jackson nodded his smile never fading.
" Well this was nice."
Paisley said shoving jackson away with her cane.
" But I'ma go talk with someone over there now"
With that paisley left. Leaving me along with Jackson. Who was stuck in a rack of shirts.
" Ah amity there you are!"
Luz said appearing out of nowhere
" Sup"
Was my only reply.
" Well. I need to ask you something"
Luz said looking at the fallen jackson.
Ask me something? Hm?
" Ok. Ask me"
I said smiling.
Luz took a deep breath.
" Amity blight"
Luz said taking my right hand and getting down on one knee.
" Will you go on a date with me?"
" Yes!"
I said quickly trying not to be to loud.
" Really?"
Luz asked as jackson got free from the shirt rack.
" Yes!"
Paisley was laughing now.
" Well,let's go home you nerds!"
Luz rolled her eyes.
" Your a nerd to pais"
Paisley rolled her eyes shoving jackson back into the shirt rack.
" Let's just go home"
Paisley snapped walking away. With us walking after her.

Jackson's POV..
" Um? Need some help jacky?"
Ash asked holding out her hand to me.
" Yeah. Thank ashy"
I said taking ash's hand.
" I can't believe lizzie asked that green haired chick out infront of you!"
Wait,she did? I was kinda distracted.
" Did you not see it happen?"
" No. I did"
I lied starting to fix the mess I made. Also making sure I didn't damage anything. Luckily I hadn't.
" That's cold tho."
I kinda deserved that. But I'm not telling that to ash.
" Yeah. But I should let them be. Luz deserves to be happy"
Ash slapped me.
" Your really going to let luz go just like that? You. Dummy!"
Oh no.
" We're going to get luz back. And that green haired chick,and paisley,wont stop us!"
Oh no.
" Let's go back to my house and start planning!"
Ash yelled dragging me out of the store.

It has happened!
I must say. I enjoyed the parts where paisley whacked or shoved people. But common you guys. We all know we'd do that if we had a cane right? I would!
Anyway,next week is the date we've been waiting for! Will it go as planned? Will ash ruin the date? Will jackson just hide somewhere?
We'll find out next week! Or whenever I updated this!

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