chapter. 28. betrayed

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Jackson's POV.
" So let me get this straight Jackson"
Bellows growled, starting out the window.
" You told Sharon about us making Paisley an unstoppable killing force"
Bellows slowly turned around to face me,his eyes glowing a light blue.
" Y-yes. But it was for a good reason!"
I said, slowly backing away.
Bellows burst out laughing, fixxing his mask.
" And what's this reason?"
He snarled, slowly stalking towards me.
" It was to show Sharon how her darling Paisley was evil!"
Bellows laughed again.
" Foolish human! Don't you realize that could have back fired on you?"
Back fire on me? How could that have back fired on me?
Was there something I wasn't seeing?
" Luckily, I've come up with a different plan incase you're dumbass screws up."
Wow, bellows sounds like Paisley.
" Another plan?"
Belows nodded, raising his hand.
" Yes,in two weeks,on Friday,ash,you,and my choicen men, will ambash Sharon and her friends at the lake"
Glup,why do I suddenly not like this plan?
" An ambash? Bellows aren't we-"
" Quiet! You don't get to talk just yet"
I gluped again.
" There you'll battle you're ex and her friends and win Sharon's heart. And of course kill Paisley and those other fools"
K-kill Paisley and everyone else?
I'm okay, kinda of,with killing Paisley. She is after all my mortal enemy.
But killing willow,gus, Luz,Jake, Kelly and whoever else is there, dosen't sit right with me.
" Bellows we can't kill anyone besides Paisley!"
I snapped, trying not to tremble in fear.
Bellows snorted, turning towards the window.
" Fine, we'll only Kill Paisley. I'll find other uses for the humans and the witches."
Other usese?!
I don't like that either!
" Leave me Jackson, you've already messed enough things up"
I nodded, quickly speed walking out of bellows room.
Ugh! I don't like this new plan! Well, I don't like part of it.
The ambashing Luz and her friends part is something I don't like.
But the part of how I still kill Paisley and how I kill her is fine to me.
I'm happy to kill that jerk.
It is Paisley's fault I'm in this mess after all.
So wacthing Paisley die a slow painful death will be so much fun!
Matter of fact,I can't wait to kill her!
If only I could kill her now.
Then that'll ruin bellows plan-wait that's it!
In two weeks,on a Friday I'll kidnap Paisley, and drag her to the lake, making sure that bellows men aren't there, I'll kill Paisley!
Making sure everyone that cares about paisley is wacthing,and then I'll capture everyone and take them to bellows!
Wonderful! That new plan is great!
" Buzz,buzz"
A bee buzzed around my head.
Ugh,a dumb bee got into the castle.
I thought the iles didn't have bees?
Whatever, I don't have Time for this.
Swating at the bee, I hit towards the wall, winching slightly.
Ew,I didn't mean to hurt the bee,but we'll. Nevermind.
I'm going to bed.

Sharon's POV.
Ow! Did Jackson really have to hit me towards a wall?!
Ugh! That boy is not a gentle man!
Then again, the fool thinks I'm a dumb bee.
Which yes I'm a bee. But couldn't he be a bit nicer to bee's?
" Young Sharon? Are you alright?"
Paisley asked, gently scoping me up in her hands.
" Buzz!"
Paisley winched as I buzzed.
Oh right, Paisley's scared of bee's.
Hmph, what's so scary about bee's?
Better transform back.
I took a quick Deep breath closing my eyes.
" Ah! So it was you my dear!"
Paisley said happily.
" You didn't think I was that bee?"
I asked, blushing as I realized Paisley had scopped me into her arms.
" Nope,it was just a lucky gusse"
Paisley said, turning to look at the window.
" Ok, where's gus by the way?"
I asked.
" He's hanging outside of the window"
" Damn it death"
I mumbled, stroming over to the window and unlocked it.
Gus hopped in,and glared at Paisley. Who only smirked.
" Now that we're all here. We're going to split up. Paisley and Gus you go look around on the lower level. I'll stay here and look around the upper level. Deal?"
Paisley and Gus nodded.
" Good, now behave,both of you"
Again they both nodded, before running off.
An hour later.
Ugh! It's been a freaking hour and I haven't found anything useful!
How is this creep bellows so good at hidding shit?
Hmph,I can't give up tho.
After all, I'm doing this to save everyone I care about!
So I can't give up!
" Foolish human. You're lucky I can't kill you. But I can still lock you up"
" Huh-"
I couldn't get the words out. Because my vision went black.

And there's Chapter 22 Done!
I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Hopefully I'll have the next chapter up by next Friday.
Depends if my damn cold goes away or not.
Till then,I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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