chapter 34. the final Battle part 4 of 4

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The final battle part 4 of 4

Sharon's POV.
What did I just do?!
Did I just stab my girlfriend?!
No! This has to be some sort or prank right? Right?
" ash? What the hell are you doing?"
Jackson asked,watching ash bend down beside Paisley's body.
" Jackson,this isn't right"
Ash said softly.
Jackson snorted.
" isn't right? What are you crazy? We finally ended the Conner bloodline!"
Ash shook her head, gesturing for Luz and amity.
" Luz,take Paisley to the hospital."
Amity nodded,quickly scoping Paisley up,and rushing out of the cave.
Didn't ash say for Luz to do that?
" ash,what are you doing?"
Jackson asked.
" Your not betraying me are you?"
Ash didn't say anything.
" ash! You're not betraying me right?"
Ash still didn't say anything,only looking at where Paisley's body was a few minutes ago.
" ash what the hell?! After everything we've been through! Why betray me now?"
Ash didn't say anything,she slowly turned towards me.
" traitor! guards! Kill them all! Except Sharon!"
Luz growled,pulling out a small piece of paper.
" let's fight Jacky"

Luz's Pov.
" let's fight Jacky"
I growled,charging Jackson.
Jackson huffed,quickly jumping out of the way.
" This is the last fight Lizzie."
Jackson told me,his black eyes shining with anger.
" if I win this fight,you and all your friends on the battlefield right now,die"
Jackson said,glaring at ash.
" and if I win,you go to jail for everything you've done"
Jackson nodded.
" deal"
" deal"
I growled,quickly using a thorn blot to knock Jackson of his feet.
Jackson growled,cutting his cheek on one of the thorns.
" witch! Your a dirty witch! Just like my mom!"
What? Jackson's mom was a witch?
I didn't really have time to think about this more.
Because Jackson jumped up and threw a knife at me.
I quickly ducked,but got punched by Jackson.
I stumble back,gripping my head in pain.
" dirty move Patton"
I snarled,making an ice sword.
Wow! I made a sword of ice!
Jackson laughed,wagging a finger at me.
" you witches are all evil! Hopefully I find a way to end all of their lives! Starting with you!"
Jackson snarled,throwing a knife at my head.
I quickly ducked, while pulling out another glyph.
Jackson was growling again.
Wich means he's going to charge again.
damn it,how can I end this battle quickly without either of us getting hurt? more.
" scared Lizzie?"
Jackson asked,teasingly.
" would you like to surrender? I'll give you a quick death if you do"
I wrinkled my nose in disgust.
" no way in hell Jacky"
Jackson sighed,shaking his head.
" it's funny Luz"
Jackson said,slowly lowering his sword.
" how I've done everything bellows told me to do. find a dear friend that I can trust,kidnap Paisley and then capture Sharon since she was spying on us. turn Paisley evil so all her friends would hate her. and so much more!"
ash and Sharon looked away in shame.
" the worse part of this whole thing is,how after all I've done for Sharon and ash,is now down the drain. you know how hard it was to kidnap Paisley? poor ash was down for a week! you wanna know how hard it was to get what bellows needed to make Paisley evil? hard! everything was not easy! and of course,I knew it wouldn't be."
Jackson said,laughing.
" yet I've only accomplished one of my goals"
Jackson said,slowly dragging his finger down the blade of the sword.
" and that's to end Paisley's pitiful life. if you really think about it luz,Sharon and I did her a favor."
Sharon screamed,trying to get free from ash.
Jackson rolled his eyes.
" yes we did,use that big brain of yours Sharon"
ash tighten her grip on Sharon's arms.
" your referring to all the pain Paisley's gone though from her family?"
Jackson smirked,nodding.
" now she doesn't have to worry about living up to her family name,or living up to what her mom and dad wants. she's probably much happier now"
ash shook her head,slowly dropping Sharon.
" then why didn't you kill her yourself Jacky? she's you enemy after all?"
Jackson rolled his eyes,turning to face ash.
" you don't get to ask or know why I did anything I've done. after all,you betrayed me"
ash clutched her first.
" because I realized what we were doing was wrong."
ash explained,bending down to pick up Sharon's sword.
Jackson's eyes narrowed at ash.
" what do you think your doing ashy?"
" what I should have done in the beginning"
ash said softly,pointing her sword at Jackson.
" fight me instead of luz,the deal you made with her still stands,It's just me that will be standing in her place"
Jackson shook his head in disgust.
" very well"
Jackson said.
with that they began to fight.
( three hours later)
" do you yield?"
ash asked,pointing her sword at Jackson.
Jackson looked up at ash with a pure look of hatred.
" I yield"
eda screamed,pumping her fists into the air.
" this stupid war is finally over!"
Sharon yelled,hugging king.
" good job everyone! now,let's clean everything up"
Lilly said smiling.
everyone nodded,smiling.
( A day later)
" Any word about Paisley?"
Sharon asked,her Ocean eyes swimming with hope.
" Nope, haven't heard from either Paisley or amity"
Sharon choked back a sob,but quickly nodded.
Jackson snorted.
" You haven't heard from either of them because one of them is dead. And because the other is ashamed of failing you Lizzie"
Sharon once again held back a sob.
" Shut it Jackson"
I snarled, giving Sharon a hug.
Jackson smirked.
" Give it up Sharon. Paisley's probably dead!"
Sharon sobbed loudly into my shoulder.
" Don't listen to Jackson, sharon"
Eda said, with a fake smile.
" Also kid, you're phones rining"
Eda added, hugging Sharon.
How long has this been ringing for?

🎶I hate the world today
You're so good to me
I know but I can't change
Tried to tell you
But you look at me like maybe
I'm an angel underneath
Innocent and sweet
Yesterday I cried
You must have been relieved
To see the softer side
I can understand how you'd be so confused
I don't envy you
I'm a little bit of everything
All rolled into one
I'm a bitch
I'm a lover
I'm a child
I'm a mother
I'm a sinner
I'm a saint
And I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell
I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way
So take me as I am
This may mean you'll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that when I start to make you nervous
And I'm going to extremes
Tomorrow I will change
And today won't mean a thing
I'm a bitch
I'm a lover
I'm a child
I'm a mother
I'm a sinner
I'm a saint
And I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell
I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way! 🎶

My eyes went wide when I heard the ring tone I set for Paisley went off.
" Oh my god Paisley!"
I screamed into the phone.
" Sorry Luz it's not Paisley"
Amity said, trying to hold back her laughter.
" How's paisley?"
Sharon asked,snacthing the phone away from me.
" Paisley is-"

And that's sadly where I'm leaving off today.
It's because of this really cute girl that looked like a angel!
Wearing a light pink top with nice white pants.
And her long brown hair!
Such an angel!
Yikes,my amity kin is showing.
And the best part of all this is.
The girl walked by my locker while my friend and I were talking.
Now I have little miss perfect stuck in my head.
Even her name is heavenly!
Ehm,slince gay thoughts.
Yes,I'm lesbian. I'm a girl. Pronouns are she/her.
And I'm actually taken. I'm just allowed to find this girl cute okay?
Don't judge me.
Anyway, there's two chapters left!
The next chapter will be the gang five or six years older.
Hint they all can get married.
Also paisley's fine. She's alive.
After all, I can't get rid of the lesbian crew members, amity, paisley,and Kelly of course.
Anyway, next Friday hopefully, I'll up this book. Tho I've been doing Pretty good with updating this book every Friday.
Then again something happens no and then.
But anyway, hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter.
I'll see you all next Friday!
Now,if you excuses me, I'm going to go listen to little miss perfect on loop till my friends come and get me for the football game.
Good bye for now!
( LoL the football game ended two hours ago. Then again my friends and I left to hang out in town since we we're losing really bad)

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