chapter 25. who are you?

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???'s POV.
Huh? What where am I?
Why am I in a jail cell?
And why can't I move my arm's?
Also,why do they feel so sore?
Ugh,what the fuck is wrong with me?
" Ah she's finally awake!"
A voice said.
" Huh? Who's there?"
I asked.
" No need to worry child,I'm a friend!"
A friend? What kind of friend chains you to a wall?
" If you're my 'friend' then prove it spooky voice!"
I demanded, tugging tightly on the cuffs.
Letting a Yelp of surprise as they suddenly snapped.
The creepy voice chuckled.
" Looks like the potion worked Jackson"
The voice said, laughing.
Jackson? Jackson? Where have I heard that name before?
" Looks like it. The question is tho,does she still remember us?"
Remember you? I haven't even seen you fuckers yet!
" Let's see, ash release our friend from her cell,also turn on the lights as Well please"
I yelped at the bright lights.
Give a girl a warning will ya!
A loud creeking told me that the door was now opened.
Thank God.
Sweet, maybe I can get some answers!
" Alright nerds"
I growled, walking out of my cell, spotting a creepy tall dude with a creepy mask,a kid with Short raven black hair,and a girl with Amber colored hair.
" Who the fuck are the three of you? What did you do to me? And why did you do it to me?"
The dude in the creepy mask laughed.
" We made you an unstoppable fighting force! Able to take somebody down in five seconds!"
And unstoppable force? Why the fuck did they do this to me?
"You still didn't answer my other questions"
I snapped, ignoring the laugh from the Amber haired girl.
" As for why we did this to you. It's to help you get revenge on your ex friends who left you for dead"
Friends? Who left me for dead?
" Isn't that you three then?"
I asked, with a snort.
" No,their names are Luz, amity, willow,boscha,gus, Kelly and Sharon"
He explained, snapping his fingers.
Making the black haired boy walk towards me,and give me a photo.
Hm,these guys look so happy.
" Alright, what am I to do?"
I asked.
" Kill everyone,but bring Sharon,Luz,and amity back to us"
The black haired boy said.
I snorted.
" Very well,oh what's my name by the way?"
Everyone hesitated.
" You're name is death phantom. Death for sort. I'm Jackson. The guy with the mask is bellows,the girl is ash. And we're you're new true friends"
New friends? We'll see about that.
" Alright. I'ma go grab my sword and I'll slay and kidnap those who have betrayed me"
I said walking towards the door.
However before the door fully closed behind me,I heard this.
" I can't believe Xavier dosen't remember who we really are!"
" That's a good thing! It means our plan is working!"
Huh? What are they talking about?
And who's Xavier?
Whatever,I have a job to do.
Now where is my room?

Amity's POV.
"I'm afraid you four are correct. My son might have kidnapped her"
Mr. Thomas said leaning on his cane.
Kelly growled pushing luz and Sharon behind her.
" how can we even trust you patton? After all,you hate Paisley as much as your son!"
Mr. Thomas smiled weakly.
" I have no beef with Paisley. Actually Paisley use to help me cook."
Luz's and Kelly's jaws dropped.
" No way! Paisley would never help a Patton!"
Thomas sighed softly, pointing his cane at luz.
" If my memory is correct, then I remember that Paisley hatted this whole blood fued As much as I do! Matter of fact,there were multiple times where young Paisley tried to become friends with my son,Wich of course didn't work"
Sharon sighed, stepping out from behind Kelly.
" Thomas is telling the truth. Paisley has told me all about her plans to stop this fued. But they always failed because of Jackson and ash."
Mr. Thomas nodded again, lowering his cane.
Kelly shook her head, glaring at Thomas.
" That still dosen't give us a reason to trust you! Honestly it makes me auspicious!"
I nodded,now glaring at Thomas.
" You could be a spy for your son,and feeding us false information. So our guard will be down. Well it won't work Patton!"
I said gripping Luz's hand tightly.
Luz smiled.
Mr. Thomas growled, pointing his cane at sharon.
" Fine! Don't listen to me! See if I care!"
Thomas snarled, making Sharon back away.
" Don't come crying to me when you lose Paisley!"
Mr. Thomas added, turning on his heel and walking away.
Kelly yelled.
Sharon sighed again.
" Yet we don't even know where paisley is! How are we supposed to find her?"
Sharon asked, tugging on her necklace.
Kelly shurged.
" We should go spy on Jackson!"
Luz said.
Boscha shook her head.
" What if he's waiting there to trap us!"
I sighed.
" It's the best choice we have. Besides,we all know Jackson kidnapped paisley."
Luz nodded.
Kelly sighed.
" Yeah,but I just get a bad feeling about going to Jackson's house you know?"
Boscha nodded.
" Yeah I'd stay away from there if I were you!"
A voice said laughing.
" Ash?! What are you doing here?!"
Sharon growled.
Ash smirked, walking towards Sharon.
" Just here to deliver a message"
Ash explained, pulling a red envelope out of her pocket.
" A message?"
Kelly asked suspiciously.
Ash nodded, smirking.
" Here you go Sharon. Read it aloud or don't,I don't really care"
Ash said handing Sharon the envelope.
" Now I better get going"
Ash said starting to walk away.
" Ugh what a jerk"
I growled.
" Yeah,but what message did see give you Sharon?"
Sharon sighed and began to read aloud.

Dear Sharon.
Tonight at 8 o' clock. I'd like for you to have dinner with me at Freddy's don't worry my sweet. It will only be the two of us.
After all,I need to talk with you.

With love Jackson.

Sharon read, ignoring the last line. But made sure we didn't see it.
" Huh? Somebody wants to talk with you Sharon?"
Kelly asked.
Sharon sighed, gently folding the letter.
" Yep. Looks like I have no choice but to go"
Luz growled.
" Hell no! You're not going!"
Luz snapped.
Sharon sighed.
" Yes I am"
"No you're not"
" It could help us find paisley!"
" What if it's a trap"
" Then they could take me to paisley!"
" Sharon-"
" Luz in going,and that's final!"
Sharon snapped, stroming away from us.
Oh god.
This is so going to be a trap.
Pleas stay safe Sharon.

And there's Chapter 25 done!
Sorry it took me so long to write!
But hey it's here now!
What do you guys think Jackson has planned for Sharon?
Answer down in the comments below!
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!
I'll probably have the next chapter up by next Friday.
Anyway,I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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