here are the answers!

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Me: how many chapters are left?
Um,I'm not really sure. Course there's going to be a chapter bout Jackson and bellows planning. Then them doing the plan. Amity and luz still doing school. And so on. Plus, there's going to be two or three new characters as well!
But yeah, I don't how many chapters there will be exactly.

Luz: wait bellows is back?!

Eda: shoves paisley down the stairs*

Amity: Eda why did you just shove Paisley down the stairs?!

Eda: Paisley's close with belows remember?

Luz: oh right.

Willow: anyway,to answer your question.

Luz: if bellows truely is back.

Lilith: he might be after Eda,Luz and I.

Willow: maybe.

Boscha: he might want to get revenge on you three after what happened at the stoning!

Willow: that's one option.

Eda: we'll have to come up with a plan.

Amity: can somebody go get Paisley, Jackson,ash,and Sharon plz.

Luz: Eda,did you lock all the humans in the basement?

Eda: no. I locked ash and jackson in the bathroom.

Willow: what about Sharon?

Eda: she's staying up in my bedroom.

Lilith: Eda go get everyone.

Eda: ok,ok, ok! * Goes to get the humans*

Five minutes later.

Eda: we're back!

Paisley: why was I shoved down the basement stairs?

Ash and Jackson: yeah,and why we're we locked in the bathroom?!

Sharon: guys clam down please.

Paisley: tch.

Kelly: hi guys! Sorry I'm late!

Jake: got cought in traffic

Willow: I was finishing up some school work.

Boscha: I had practice.

Gus: I was talking with bumps.

Paisley: now that everyone is here, let's go on with the questions.

Luz: the next question is, what's everyone's sexuality's.

Paisley: I'm a lesbian

Sharon: bisexual.

Jackson: straight. But a huge supporter of lgtbq+

Ash: ace

Kelly: lesbian!

Jake: straight.

Luz: bisexual!

Amity: lesbian.

Paisley: next question!

Luz: Paisley why do you curse so much?

Kelly: pfft

Paisley: because I do.

Amity: oop.

Jackson: I blame her dad

Paisley: next.

Luz: that's actually all of the questions.

Amity: ok. Bye

I Know this took me three weeks to write this.
My mental health was not ok.
Anyway, next chapter will be updated next Wednesday.
Next chapter will be back in the human world.
That's when the story will kick off bellows and Jackson's plan.
Till then, I hope you enjoy this!

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