An (Almost) All-Nighter (Enjolras x Reader, any gender)

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You had a really important test at Paris University tomorrow - your first big exam since you enrolled this year - and you found yourself doing some last-minute cramming at the Café Musain.  It was already 11 PM, and most of the students had already left due to early morning classes.

"How fares the studious (Y/N)?" you heard a voice speaking from behind, and you spun around, grinning, to face the love of your life.

Enjolras was the year ahead of you, so he already knew the ropes of how the tests worked...keep in mind the tests in 1832 Paris were A LOT harder and required more memorization of petty facts than the tests of today...

"When am I EVER going to need to know this, Enjolras?" you complained, as you scanned your notes for the name of the monarch what's-his-name...

Enjolras was already a week ahead in his work, and had finished all of his usual, the better student...

Although this made you jealous, it meant more time to help you get acquainted with your schoolwork, and you appreciated his help.

"I know, (Y/N)," replied Enjolras.  "I know you do not think this will be needed, and I agree as far as the monarchs go," he commented, taking a seat next to you at your desk and placing a gentle arm around you.  "However, knowing where we've been...the mistakes we've made in the past...knowing that, of course, will help us plan a better future."

Man, the way he said things...

"Might I tell you something?  Think of a strategy you can use to memorize the dates.  A lot of these families came back after a time, see...?" and Enjolras began to show you all of his tips and tricks of how he memorized all the dynasties and kings...

Before you knew it, the hours were flying by and it was 2 AM.  Neither of you were the slightest bit tired.  Enjolras stood at one side of the Musain, arms crossed and unable to keep the smirk off his face.

"Robertian dynasty."

"ODO OF PARIS!" you shouted, laughing.







You were having a ball screaming across the room at Enjolras, who by this point was giving his quiet little laugh and unable to continue...

That was where Combeferre found you...

That was where Combeferre found you

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"Um...  (Y/N).  Enjolras.  It is 2 AM, I saw the candles still on from my apartment and...wanted to make sure everything's ok...?"

Enjolras, still wheezing, cleared his throat: "Ahem, yes, Combeferre, as you know, (Y/N) has a very important test tomorrow, and...honestly, I think they are going to do very well.

Combeferre looked to you, adjusting his glasses.  "Well?"

"'Ferre, you just woke up, got out of bed, got dressed, walked all the way down and across the street to scold us, when we all know you've been cramming for your midterm, too?" you laughed.

Enjolras gave you a look, and Combeferre reddened.

"It's ok, 'Ferre!" you said.  "You're my best friend, don't look so down, ami...we're glad to have some company.  What are you studying?"

Combeferre brightened.  "The various uses of neurological medication in modern-day medicinal procedures!"

You blinked.  "Well, Enjolras has the key to the kitchen, let's make up some hot cocoa and take a break.  We still have...a few hours," you said, winking.

Combeferre stifled a yawn, and as you followed suit, Enjolras smiled gently: "(Y/N), maybe it's better if we walk Combeferre home and make sure he gets some S L E E P tonight."

Combeferre was too tired to even protest...that's when you knew it was a serious situation.  "Enjolras, we gotta get this boy home."

You put on your coats, shuffling Combeferre along down the stairs, across the street...and making sure he was in bed, glasses off, and fast asleep, although as you left the room you heard him muttering formulas in his sleep...

And then, once back out on the street, the two of you immediately began laughing about Louis X the Quarreller and Louis XI the Universal Spider.

You ended up going back to your apartment because Enjolras lost his fun streak and said you needed at least 6 hours of sleep before your 10 AM exam and it was now 3 AM, and therefore, you needed to get back.  After much eye-rolling, you agreed, and fell asleep very quickly.


"ENJOLRAS!  ENJOLRAS!!!!!" you screamed, running across the quad the next day

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"ENJOLRAS!  ENJOLRAS!!!!!" you screamed, running across the quad the next day.

He gave you a warm embrace. "How fares the studious (Y/N) today?"

"AMAZING!  I was able to remember the timeline, thanks to you...all of those nicknames, tips, and professor saw I was the last one to finish, and he skimmed over my test after he collected it...Enjolras, he said it already looks 'stellar!'"

"I knew you could do it, with a little bit of faith," replied Enjolras.  "You just completed your first university test, and you should feel so proud."

"We can celebrate tonight at the Musain!" you exclaimed.

"Indeed, we fact, we can start celebrating right now," spoke Enjolras, pressing a quiet kiss to your lips.

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