For Thee, and Only Thee Part VI

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"Grantaire!" you scolded, flushing at his words. "After all of this time, you go and get yourself drunk again?!"

"Alas, you work here no more, chérie-"

"Oh, do shut UP!" you interrupted. "You certainly must have more dignity than this! How can you call yourself a...a revolutionary and then spit in the face of the cause? Do not disgrace the revolution!"

At this, Grantaire sauntered up to you so close you could see the mischief in his eyes. "I'm not here for the revolution. I can fire monarchists all I want, but there's no chance in uprooting the system. I'm only here for him."

"Enjolras?" you gasped, wondering. "Do you lo-"

"Farewell, oh goddess of sobriety!" Grantaire interrupted.  "Your eyes shoot daggers at me but your heart still beats its appreciation that I got you involved with the cause. Now that Enjolras approves of you, perhaps you can forget I ever exist. And as far as the wine - I have had none. Withdrawal has very untimely symptoms. I will stagger home a sober man, but all you will see is the lowly drunkard I forever will be in your eyes."

You rushed across the room and stopped him in his tracks, throwing your arms fiercely around him. "Hush, cynic! I misinterpreted your behavior for a drunken slumber. What do you need?"

Grantaire gently pushed your arms off of him, and looked to Enjolras, who had stood and was gazing out the window onto the street below, silent in his pondering.

"What I need, chérie, I cannot have," spoke R forlornly, running a shaking hand through his curls, and quickly leaving the room before you could say a word.

"Grantaire, wait - !" you said, charging down the stairs and through the hallway, staring at the closed front door, which you gave a swift kick of frustration. It began to swing open, and that was when you realized...


"Combeferre left with the key!" you exclaimed, a bit out of breath from the stairs.

Enjolras was still staring out the window.

"Did you hear me? Madame told us to lock up, and 'Ferre was in such a daze, I told him to leave to get some rest...he took the key with him! That's the last time Madame lets me back here..."

Enjolras seemed overly calm given your irresponsibility. "I have not been able to get Grantaire sober for more than a few hours. It seems you possess something within you that the rest of us are lacking."

"Enjolras, Grantaire and I just fought; I doubt he will stay a sober man much longer. If he was staying sober for me, there's no reason for him to anymore. And we're stuck here, we're literally....Monsieur Valjean won't be happy about this."

He seemed unconcerned with this news. "I will stay here, as I have many a night, until Combeferre returns to fetch me for class tomorrow morning. It is not an issue."

"And Grantaire?"

"What about him? I predict he continues on this path of sobriety. We will have Joly check on him tomorrow morning, regarding the withdrawal, but right now, we should be giving him some space."

"Ok, I'll guess I -"

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!!!" you heard a high-pitched call interrupt you from the streets.

"That would be Cosette," you said, rubbing your forehead in embarrassment.


You met Valjean and Cosette at the door. "Oh, thank gracious we found you!!! Papa has been so worried you got hurt!" Cosette drawled.

"Monsieur Valjean, I am deeply regretful for causing you to search for me at such a late hour."

"I just spoke with members of your community," Valjean stated. "They knew not where you were, just that you had been with two young men. I presumed that they were students, so I thought I'd check here."

"Yes, that is correct, and I am so sorry I had not gotten home sooner. It all started when my new friend Combeferre got me a job at the library..."

Valjean's brow furrowed. "You mean to tell me you do not work here anymore? It has only been a day..."

"No, monsieur, I wasn't fired, I just...impressed my friend and he wanted me to get in at the library."

"I had no idea there were positions open."

"There weren't, monsieur, but...they allowed me in. I supposed I am lucky."

"And not only that, but you have been gathering stories for the students, or so I have heard," commented Monsieur Valjean. "And all in the span of one day? It seems undoable...I am grateful you are safe."

"I am so sorry, Valjean, it has been a long day..."

That was when Enjolras came to the door.

"Well hello there," said Valjean curiously as Cosette shrank behind him under the fierceness of Enjolras's gaze. "I am Monsieur Valjean, and this is my daughter, Cosette."

"And I am indebted to you, monsieur," said Enjolras, bowing his head. "I have heard much about your good deeds about the city, but I have never had the honor and privilege to meet you."

"I see my reputation precedes me," said Valjean. "The pleasure is mine, Monsieur..."

"Enjolras," spoke the blond, and they shook hands. "I cannot thank you enough for providing jobs for individuals such as (Y/N)." And he placed a firm hand on your shoulder.

"That is all very well," said Valjean, both taken aback and...possibly somewhat amused. "What my question to you is, whatever are you two doing here at now close to three in the morning?"

"One might say we are watching over the café until morning," said Enjolras. "Our friend Combeferre took the key on accident. I will be staying here until morning, and I trust that (Y/N) is in safe hands now with such an honorable citizen as yourself."

Valjean smiled at you. "You have found good company, (Y/N)."

"Oui. Monsieur wouldn't mind if I stayed here?" you blurted, shocked at your audacity. What were you thinking?

Enjolras, too, seemed surprised, for you felt his hand leave your shoulder and you felt his gaze upon you.

Valjean took one look at Enjolras, sizing up his long lashes and mane of blond hair. "I see. Do you feel safe here?"

"Oui, monsieur," you breathed. "I promise to always let you know my whereabouts so this does not happen again."

"A promise is a very great thing, (Y/N)," said Valjean softly. "I see you are in good hands. And you, Monsieur Enjolras, are you alright with this?"

Enjolras gave a brisk nod. You didn't turn to see his expression, for you were still feeling flustered.

"Well, it seems we have our situation arranged," concluded Valjean, placing a hand on your shoulder in farewell. "Goodnight, and Godspeed."

Enjolras raised a hand in farewell, and as you caught this movement out of the corner of your eye, you turned to quickly glance at him.

There was a faint smile upon his face.


Once Valjean and Cosette were out of sight, you let out a shaky breath you didn't realize you were holding in. "They are good people."

"So you are staying. Or is there some ulterior motive you have to get them out of your hair..."

You laughed, unbelieving that this man of marble was joking with you. "No, they are lovely, and provided me the first bed I've ever slept in."

"You are quite serious?" He seemed taken aback. "Why in heaven's name would you pass that up?"

You led him back inside and shut the door. Leaning against the door, you regarded him before you. "Tell me about the revolution."

ENJOLRAS X READER ONE-SHOTS/For Thee & Only TheeWhere stories live. Discover now