For Thee and Only Thee - Part XIII

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"CONGRATULATIONS!" chorused Bossuet, Jehan, and Bahorel, as a little tyke you'd never seen before with mousy hair came rushing through the crowd. He was maybe twelve or thirteen years old.

"WHERE'S COURF?! WHERE'S COURF?!" he was shouting, and Bossuet picked him up and swung him around as he shrieked "Gerrof me! Gerrof me!"

"You didn't tell me Enjolras had a kid," you said, incredulous.

"HA!" laughed Bahorel. "Good one. This is the Thénardiers's little devil. The king of Paris. Gavroche, this is Mademoiselle (Y/N), and she has just been sworn in. What do you say?"

"Congrats, m'am," the boy said, executing a prolonged scrape of his foot behind him, which is the most respectful of all possible salutes. "A pleasure. 'Ow d'you do?"

You bowed. "It is an honor to meet the King of Paris himself."

Gavroche took one look at Enjolras yelling at Courfeyrac, then turned to you with a toothy grin. "Maybe if us little folks wos in charge, you wouldn' have t'worry much about th' problems th' current man in charge provides. Now if you'd 'scuse me, I hav'ta go rescue my best friend." And he jogged over to Courfeyrac and began tugging on his tailcoat. Enjolras gazed sharply down at him and began barking and scolding, but then the young boy stood his ground with his hands on his hips and began barking something right back. Enjolras took a step back, running a frustrated hand through his hair.

The three Amis beside you were busy chatting, so you made your way over to where the boy was yelling in his cockney accent. "Enjolras!" you cut in. "You would yell at a child!"

"He was not invited," humphed Enjolras.

"Maybe not, but I am mighty glad he came," you said, with a wink at Gavroche.

"She's alright!" chirped Gavroche. "Take that, you pale skeleton."

You burst out laughing - your harsh laugh from the streets - as Courfeyrac tousled the boy's hair.

Enjolras sighed and was about to retort, but Combeferre placed a hand on his shoulder and they began to talk.

Gavroche was looking at you seriously. "Your laugh sounds like my sister's," he said. "Her name's 'Ponine, y'know her?"

"I don't recall that name, no."

"You grew up on th' streets, though, didn' ya? I can tell by your laugh."

"I did, the people here are my friends..."

"Yeah, Courf says to me you wouldn' have your initiation without 'em an' I didn' believe my ears. An' here it is, an' you're quite respectabable!"

You smiled widely. "Well, you and your sister are good people."

"Aye, the best, ay, Gav?" said Courfeyrac fondly. "This kid never would leave me alone during the rallies. I don't know what he sees in me, but we've been inseparable ever since, and he's even been inducted as an official Ami."

"He's th' fun one, they call 'im th' center," said Gavroche, clinging onto Courfeyrac as a son would a father. "Pick me up!" he complained, and then Courf knelt and Gavroche leapt onto his shoulders. Courfeyrac made a big scene about how Gavroche was breaking his back, but it was all in good fun, and he straightened up.

"I don't think I've gotten the chance to properly congratulate you, (Y/N)" grinned Courfeyrac. "You've melted our marble leader's heart of stone."

"I always knew 'e wos a big baby inside," piped up Gavroche, not giving you time to answer. "Look, Courf, she's blushin'!"

"Of course she's blushing, Gav, they're in love," spoke Courf, and you turned to hide your blush.

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