For Thee and Only Thee - Part XIV

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"The door is unlocked," you heard a familiar voice call, and you gently pushed it open and walked into his one-room apartment. The candlelit room had even more papers scattered around it than usual, if that was possible.


"(Y/N). Come in, come in." He was drying his hands in his kitchen area, and as he turned to look at you, you couldn't help but stare. You didn't think you had seen him this disheveled before, and it made him strangely beautiful. His hair seemed even more tangled than at the initiation just an hour prior, and his cravat was askew. Without his tailcoat, his wrinkled dress shirt underneath was unbuttoned at the top.

"Enjolras, what's wrong?"

"Nothing!" he said in an unusually higher timbre. "Nothing is wrong, I..." he sucked in his breath. "I need your help, and quickly."


He took a brief moment to catch his breath. "I want to speak in public another café. We still need another week to prepare for a town square appearance by Les Amis, the safety of another café! I did not think of it before, and now I have little time to prepare a speech. I need your help."

He wanted you to bring a spare pair of clothes to stay the night to help him write a speech. This was...this was so Enjolras.

So you spoke up.

"I don't understand," you said, placing your suitcase down and crossing your arms. "You tell me you do things 'for thee and only thee,' and then you abruptly end the conversation. You initiate me into the Les Amis de L'ABC, then leave without saying goodbye, only to invite me over through another person? You could have just told me what you wanted, Enjolras. You could have invited me yourself."

He was pacing, then sat on the couch. "Not now, (Y/N), I..."

"That initiation..." you pushed. "It was special. And not just because I was the first female to join. It was special because of what I felt. I thought I saw something in you, Enjolras, as I lit my candle. I thought I saw a spark. I saw something I had never seen before, and it made me feel like I wanted nothing else. And then, before Courfeyrac started being Courfeyrac, I know you felt it too."

He stared straight ahead at the wall.

"Why am I here, Enjolras? I cannot go through life in this superficial manner."

There was another knock on the door.

"The door is unlocked," said Enjolras wearily, and Combeferre walked in.

You rolled your eyes and scoffed.

"Oh dear," said Combeferre. "Was that not enough time?"

"Combeferre," said Enjolras darkly. "Do not speak of that."

"What the hell is going on?!" you asked, voice rising.

"Take this," said Enjolras, grabbing a fancy book with gold lettering on its spine. "Take it in the hallway while I speak with Combeferre, and then he is going to leave while we sort this out."

You glared at him as you snatched the book, still confused about what was happening, and went to stand in the hallway, closing the door a bit too forcefully behind you.

You started flipping through Rosseau's Discourse on Inequality, which was the book he had thrust at you. "Definitely some good ideas for a speech, but what is he thinking?!" you mumbled to yourself.

You noticed an annotation at the bottom of page 32, and you squinted to read his messy handwriting. What you saw written there sent a bolt of electric shock through your body.

Je t'aime, (Y/N).

ENJOLRAS X READER ONE-SHOTS/For Thee & Only TheeWhere stories live. Discover now