For Thee, and Only Thee - Part III

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"You should probably get upstairs," you told Grantaire.  "My shift is over, though I wish to hear more about the revolution."

"Do you understand that you mustn't tell a single soul about the...word you just said?"

"Well, it was pretty obvious, if you mean the revolution.  I mean -"

"Was it indeed?"

"A bunch of students mysteriously disappear into the back room of the Café Musain, but no, it's just a paint-and-sip, totally not hidden away so that you couldn't be infiltrated by the police..."

"Is it that obvious, or are you just more observant?

"More observant than the bourgeoisie, certainly..." you mused.

"I won't argue that."

"Do me a favor.  Go up there and ask them if I can join."

"(Y/N), it has been a long day, you just cleaned the entire back room from head to toe; I'm not so sure you should be going anywhere but home...besides, Enjolras doesn't-"

"Please, Grantaire.  Please."

Moving his hands up in surrender, he grinned and conceded, shuffling away as you stretched your weary legs, trying to stand again.  You just had to find out more about the revolution, and their plans.

You stood, and gave a small wheeze of pain but quickly gave a few small jumps and you were back on your feet, turning back to where Grantaire had just been and finding someone much more intimidating standing in his place, leaning slightly forward, clearly wishing to speak with you.  It was the man from before, the one everyone was talking about: Enjolras.  And yes, you knew it was him without him even having to introduce himself.

"Bonsoir," you managed to say, forgetting all about the pain in your feet and more like you were terrified for your own life

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"Bonsoir," you managed to say, forgetting all about the pain in your feet and more like you were terrified for your own life.  "Is there something I can help you with?"

"I would like to inquire about the cleaning out of the back room."  It wasn't a question, but a command, spoken by the man with a voice like golden silk.

You looked over to Madame for help, but she was serving food to a couple on the complete other side of the Café.  This was all you.

"Oui Monsieur, you can talk to me.  It's my first day here, and having met Grantaire, Combeferre...and hearing they all use the meeting space, I was appalled at the shape it was in.  Meaning, the candle wax, the...stains, I -" You were rambling now, terrified at what the man behind those icy blue eyes was thinking about you.  Judging you, most likely.  Stupid! you thought.  You shouldn't have touched anything.

The man seemed unconcerned with the ramblings, and his icy eyes flickered from just behind you to meet your eyes.  You looked down, breaking the uncomfortable eye contact.  That glance burned like fire.  

"Am I correct in believing you to have cleaned that room with no outside assistance?" he spoke.

You made a small noise of - nervous laughter? Frustration?  "Yes, my co-worker decided to take her break - Madame gives us a one-hour break in a twelve-hour shift..." 

ENJOLRAS X READER ONE-SHOTS/For Thee & Only TheeWhere stories live. Discover now