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I wanted to give this a try; I wrote one mini-story a day over one week for your enjoyment...you can imagine what happens next and perhaps comment what you think happens if you would like!  Each is left open to your interpretation on purpose.  

Each mini-story is inspired by an event that happened each day.  I'd challenge you to give this a try, because it's very fun and doesn't take a lot of time!

Want me to continue/elaborate on one of these?  Tell me which one(s)!  Have a prompt?  Lmk!

~ Monday, 2/8 - Inspired by a quote I read in one of my assignments ~

You found him in silent meditation in a quiet corner of the barricade, and as much as you didn't want to disturb him, you knew he had already heard your arrival.

"If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up in mine, then let us work together."

He had spoken so gravely and so quietly - not in an angry way, just...mournful - and you reached out a silent, comforting hand to place on his arm, because you understood this was how he told you he...

~Tuesday, 2/9 - Not the most productive day, so I took out my frustration on my fanfic! ~

He arrived home perfectly on-time and gave the door a little tap to announce his arrival.

You couldn't meet his eye, for you had promised him that you would have all your work done on time so you could have a romantic dinner... your distractibility and procrastination had messed up his evening.

You didn't have to say a word - he jut let you hug him, and he told you, "I know you'll do better next time, and I would never love you any less for being human and making a mistake, knowing that you will do better next time..for the time being, let's finish our work together."

~Wednesday, 2/10 - A modern piece, inspired by a 2.5 hour Zoom class X((( ~

You despised Zoom breakout groups, especially the one-on-ones, because nine times out of ten, the person on the other side of your screen hadn't done their work, so you were a bit taken aback by the new face that appeared on the screen, one you'd never seen before.

He had a frightening ferocity about him, from his dark blonde hair to the bright red tailcoat he wore, and his crystalline blue eyes looked like they were boring into your soul, searching your face just as you were searching his, trying to determine whether you would be a serious student, a good partner.

"Salut, je m'appelle (Y/N)," you spoke first, with a strength about you that did not match the way you were feeling inside, and he tilted his head slightly and returned the gesture: "Je m'appelle Enjolras."

~Thursday, 2/11 - Subtle harassment is still harassment! And it's unacceptable! Happened to me in class today~

You burst into the Musain and as everyone looked up in concern, you burst out, "Enjolras, I need to talk to you; it happened again."

You met him in the doorway, and you explained how that same person at Paris University had made an uncomfortable comment about how nice you looked yet again, and how you were sick of it and how you'd already told them to leave you alone.

He replied with a long hug, and after, he reminded you: "You're so strong and should never have to put up with any of that; always remember I'm here for you, and if it gets any worse, I have a good sucker punch that knocked out Inspector Javert!"

~Friday, 2/12 - Yup, your girl watched Beauty and the Beast today ~

You watched in shock as the blinding golden light surrounded the creature you had known as the Beast and you shut your eyes, only to open them and find yourself face-to-face with:

You watched in shock as the blinding golden light surrounded the creature you had known as the Beast and you shut your eyes, only to open them and find yourself face-to-face with:

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"(Y/N)," he said breathlessly, slowly walking toward you and laying a gentle hand on your cheek - "It's me."

And it was, and you burst into a grin at the wonder of the situation, as he held you for the first time with his human hands and pressed a tender kiss to your lips.

~ Saturday, 2/13 - I had a waffle this morning ~

Your pre-Valentines date with Enjolras was talking over breakfast at the Musain - steamy waffles with maple syrup and sweet butter, and you wanted nothing more than to wolf down your share as quickly as possible.

"Heyyyy, hold on, (Y/N), you are at the greatest waffle house in Paris, so you're going to learn how to eat waffles my way now - close your eyes, let that first bite sit in your mouth, get all the flavor in there..."

You had to admit he was right (it was phenomenal!) and then you taught him your method, which was to scarf them down without barely tasting anything, and the morning ended with a scolding from Madame Hucheloup because you both were laughing so hard...

~Sunday, 2/14 - Happy Valentine's Day ~

You were all alone at the Musain on Valentine's Day, as all the rest of Les Amis - that you were aware of, anyway - had dates and were taking them to fancier restaurants across Paris, so you were surprised when Enjolras walked in and sat down across from you and ordered a Sprite.

"Enjolras," you hissed, and he replied, "What?  Everyone else had a date, I don't like fancy food, I'm lonely on this awful holiday I despise, can't I eat with you?"

You gasped, "IS THIS A DATE?" and the slow blush spreading across his face confirmed it, and you went to his arms and enjoyed a hug that only Enjolras could give...

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