For Thee, and Only Thee - Part V

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You felt your cheeks grow warm as you glanced down at Enjolras's hand resting gently on the cover of the Robespierre book. Enjolras himself appeared to be lost in thought, as Combeferre continued to speak about Robespierre, how he was a man of the people and a true hero to be celebrated.

You shyly raised your eyes to look at Enjolras's expression as he gazed at the book. Through his stony exterior, he appeared...touched.

You had realized that Combeferre had stopped talking, and there was a momentary silence.

"Thank you, (Y/N)," spoke Enjolras softly.

"I had no idea, it was totally a coincidence," you blurted.

"Enjolras and I don't believe in coincidences," replied Combeferre. "Everything happens in its due course."

You considered this, then frowned suddenly. "Then with that logic, could you explain the reason why I was forced to live on the streets?" you said, challenging 'Ferre, because he was easier to look in the eye than Enjolras. "Everything happens for a reason. So was I fated to starve, supporting my community, for a predetermined reason?"

The silence that followed was chilling.

"You aren't used to talking to people like me, are you," you commented wryly.

"I do believe that you have come into our lives for a reason," spoke Combeferre, his clear voice cutting into the silence. "We...have a difficult time talking to the general public. We cannot control where we were born, and how we were raised. We do not have insight into the magnitude of the oppressions you are facing. So yes, I do believe you are here with us now for good reason, and we cherish your ideas. We will do all we can to help you."

You nodded, semi-satisfied with his answer.

"The sign we have been awaiting," murmured Enjolras, perhaps more to himself than to anyone else.

Your mind went blank and your heart starting racing as you put together what Enjolras had just stated.


"Whenever you are ready," Combeferre was saying, "Enjolras and I have discussed it."

"You actually want me to..." you said, trailing off, because you could not quite remember what they wanted you to do, as your thoughts were still on what Enjolras had said and your heart was racing. Could you be starting the revolution?

"If your community is open to strangers," said Combeferre.

They wanted you to take them now, right this very moment, to your community.

"I will take you to hear the stories of my family," I spoke. "But be warned - you might not be used to hearing such thoughts. It is like my challenging you just now...but worse, because these people have lived their whole lives on the street. They will hold you accountable. With that being said, what we should be discussing is, are you ready to go?"

Enjolras lightly tapped the front desk two times - a nervous habit.

"Let us go, (Y/N). We are ready," said 'Ferre softly.


As you left the library, leading the way, and the two men stayed silent the entire way. You let the silence sink in. This was their time to educate themselves, and speak if they had a question.

Then you were there.

You felt their gaze upon you as you greeted the members of the community, explained to one of the elders why there was "yet another stranger, never mind two" visiting the community, and hugged the young ones.

ENJOLRAS X READER ONE-SHOTS/For Thee & Only TheeWhere stories live. Discover now