For Thee and Only Thee Part X

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TW - some language

You awoke to the sound of a quill pen scratching and your eyes snapped open once your brain caught up with the events of the past several hours.

Enjolras was seated next to you on the couch, stooped over the coffee table and writing furiously.

The sun streamed in through the windows, and you heard the familiar morning noises of street vendors selling their wares.

You had missed this sound.

You quietly stretched and sat up, rubbing your eyes, and watched Enjolras work. This seemed to go on for an eternity until he made a triumphant noise in the back of his throat and slammed down his quill. He gathered his papers and put them in order, obviously having just finished his essay right on time. He smacked shut the book on his lap. You jumped slightly at the noise, and he turned and properly nodded at you. "Good morning."

"Did you...forget I was here?" you replied, a smile at the corners of your lips.

"No," he said, breathing in stiffly and standing up to stretch, his papers in one hand.

You were taken a bit aback. "How long have you been up writing this?"

"I rise with the sun," was his response.

"You're going to fall asleep in class again," you warned, causing a fierce scowl to cross his face.

"I will not."

"And what makes you so sure of that?" you said, raising an eyebrow.

He sighed. "I will be too busy debating this Buonaparte fanatic on his wrongdoing in the teaching of his subject."

"While getting yourself expelled in the process...?"

He snorted. "As if I care about that. The idea, (Y/N)!"

You recalled how out-of-place he seemed at the university and you bit back a remark. "I suppose I'll go visit Grantaire, then, while you debate...Buonaparte," and you pronounced the "u" much to his satisfaction.

He smirked. "Perhaps you will have a spare moment to read this over while I get ready," he said, and he held out the papers to you.

"You...actually want my opinion?"

"Indeed," he said, his blue eyes piercing.

You carefully took the papers from his grasp and sat in the middle of the couch now as he futzed about, in and out of the apartment. He changed and washed, then came to check on you.

"You're not mad that I decided to stay," you commented, on page fourteen of his essay.

He looked at you with an unreadable expression. "Not particularly."

Then later: "This is well-written," you commented, now on page twenty. "I can see exactly why you feel this way about him through your writing."

"Perhaps you can explain that to the professor," smirked Enjolras, and he turned away to continue getting ready as you continued reading.

"A+," you called once you were done, as he was putting on his boots.

"You finished it that quickly?"

"Oui, and for someone running on only a few hours of sleep, this was...acceptable," you said with a smile dancing on your lips.

His brow furrowed, amused. "And only that?"

"And only that. Now, your political speeches on the other hand...I spoke with 'Ferre..."

He scowled in surprise as he continued to get ready.

ENJOLRAS X READER ONE-SHOTS/For Thee & Only TheeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant