For Thee and Only Thee Part XVI

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You spent the rest of the evening helping Enjolras with his speech and brainstorming local cafés to attend. He had clearly been so preoccupied with having a reason for you to stay that he had not considered all possible options yet. You did not discuss any more about the future of your relationship; as it was, he had not clarified that he even wanted to be seen as a couple yet in public. Instead, you sat in a corner of his apartment where you had set up shop: mainly some blankets and pillows Valjean had packed for you. Leaning against the side of Enjolras's dresser, you spend a couple of hours proofreading with one of his quill pens. There was not much to correct, but once in a while you would cross out a redundant sentence or find something to reword.

Enjolras sat on his bed, surrounded by various café brochures from other student groups, and even some copies of their speeches. Every once in a while, he would cock his head, murmuring to himself, and move a brochure to one pile which you presumed to be his way of whittling down the places he wanted to speak.

Once you finished with his speech, you dropped it gently next to him and began rummaging through what Valjean had packed for you. The suitcase took up the entirety of Enjolras's small couch. Valjean had packed about a week's worth of clothing, all the necessities, and even a small sack of money, "For the cause," or so said a note attached to the sack. You flipped the note to read what it said on the back. "To get you started on your new journey."

Sweet Lamarque, it's like he thinks I'm getting married or something! you thought, quickly tucking the sack away with a smile, vowing to only use it if absolutely necessary.

You went out back to wash, and by the time you returned, it was the midnight hour. Enjolras, upon hearing you come in, beckoned you forward. "(Y/N), it has come down to three choices. Come, help me pick." And he told you the stories of his times with the workers of one café versus the students of the other and the someone bourgeoisie at the third. In the end, he seemed most passionate to help the workers, so you both agreed to speak with Feuilly first thing in the morning to encourage him to join you.

"Won't he need time to prepare for a speech, Enjolras?"

"I know Feuilly; he speaks from the heart, and it impresses the workers. This may be my first speech there, but it is certainly not his."

Then he went out to wash while you took the pamphlets to the area of pillows and blankets on the floor where you were camping out and read speeches which were certainly not as good as Enjolras's. In fact, they quite literally put you to sleep.

You did not hear Enjolras's return, nor did you observe the way his features softened when he gazed at you deep in slumber.


The next day brought new memories.

You awoke with a jolt of excitement when you realized where you were and what had happened last night. You immediately felt in your pocket and removed the slip of paper, breathing a sigh of relief as you did.

"Je t'aime, (Y/N)."

"Good morning."

You jumped, perhaps half a foot, at his voice. "Good morning," you replied.

He had a slight smirk on his face, and you quickly hid the note in your pocket. His smirk widened. "I have notified Feuilly of our plans, and we are to meet him shortly. In the meantime, I brought breakfast."

"Oh..." you rubbed your eyes. "Right. You don't need to pay for -"

"I want to."

"Oh," you said, rising from your spot on the floor and joining him. The studio apartment was so small there wasn't even a kitchen, so you sat on the couch and ate the fresh bread he had bought at the baker's. "This is incredible," you said, speaking with your mouth full, for this simple breakfast was, in fact, the second best meal you had ever consumed - Combeferre's spontaneous picnic taking first place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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