For Thee, and Only Thee - Part II

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You awoke when there was a knock on your door.  "Miss..." called Cosette.

"I'm awake," you groaned, and then your eyes burst open and a huge smile crossed your face as you realized where you were.  You rolled onto your back and stared at the ceiling, then to your side, staring at the curtains, and the bedpost...your very own bed, in your very own bedroom.  You smiled, and for one moment, you were carefree.

Cosette came in and offered you a brand new dress, but you told her you wanted to keep your same clothing that you'd always worn - torn dresses where you'd sewn up the holes - and you wanted to continue wearing it to rebel against the monarchy.  Tears formed in the corners of your eyes as you remembered that Valjean was going to get everyone in your community a fair job.  Speaking of which, as you came downstairs for your first full meal, he was there at the head of the table.

Why are we up so early? you thought to yourself, for the mantel clock in the large kitchen read 6 AM.

"Good morning," said Monsieur Valjean, standing.  "We were not properly introduced last night."

"Your name," clarified Cosette.

"(Y/N)," you stated, leaning forward to shake his hand.  "I still don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you for helping our community-"

"No more words," said Valjean gently, giving a small smile.  "Work hard, save your francs, and give back to the world.  I've found you a job."

So that was why you were up early...

You bowed your head.  "I am most grateful."

"It is not a problem.  The Madame who will be your boss is a widow who has had her own share of tragedy.  She will be good to you.  Your shift will be 7 in the morning until 7 at night, with one 1-hour break in-between as well as off periods during the day.  It is a lot, but I gave you a hard job.  You will do it well.  I am working on getting jobs for the others but already, Paris has gained three street-cleaners, five chimney-sweeps, and ten waiters."

"Bless you," you said quietly.  "You are a good man."

"Oh, you're going to do amazing, and Papa said you'll tell me all about it, won't you?" asked Cosette.

Growing excited about the people you'd meet and the food you'd get to try, you nodded.  "Of course, Cosette.  What is the name of this place, Monsieur Valjean?"

"The Café Musain."


The Café Musain was outside of the seven streets you had known your community to be a part of, so you had never seen it before.  You were immediately amazed at its sheer size, and how all the other buildings were dwarfed in comparison.  It was rustic, and welcoming.  The smells emanating from within - coffee, and spice, and everything nice - was warm and inviting.

"The University is just a ten minute walk away," explained Valjean as he walked you in.  "You'll get a lot of the students as customers, and you'll hear all sorts of things - what they're studying, all the theatrics..."

You smiled.  He was nervous you wouldn't like it.  "I'm sure it will be quite comfortable," you assured him.

He introduced you to Madame Hucheloup, a burly woman with a hearty laugh who you immediately felt a bit intimidated by but nevertheless you remained optimistic about the job at hand.  Then, Valjean departed, and you were brought behind the bar and introduced to a girl maybe a year younger than yourself.

"This is Musichetta," barked Madame.  "You two look nervous, but once them boys'll come in at 8 before their 9 AM classes, you'll be fine.  They love talking to the waitresses."

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