For Thee and Only Thee - Part IX

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Trigger Warning: R has withdrawal

That evening, as you curled up in bed, there was a sudden banging on Monsieur Valjean's gate.

"MUST BE JAVERT! He's found my cover at last! I've got to get Cosette away..." you heard from the next room over.

What fresh hell was this?

Suddenly, perhaps foolishly, your mind shot to Is Enjolras ok? What if he needs help with his essay?

You peeped out the bedroom window, through the garden which made up the front lawn at the Rue Plumet, and sure enough, there it was...a flash of red, pacing beyond the gates.

Your heart leapt.

"Oh...IT'S JUST MY FRIEND, MONSIEUR!" you called into the next room. "I'll get it!"

"You will do no such thing, I must tell you something," said Valjean, bursting into the hallway as you were already making your way down the steps.

"It's not the police, Monsieur," you assured him, and he looked at you, stunned that you already knew. "You're not the only one who perhaps has had a run-in with Inspector Javert," you said calmly, pushing those memories away. "It is only Monsieur Enjolras. Something is wrong. Please come with me."

You hurried out to the gate, and sure enough, Enjolras was pacing.

"(Y/N), it is Grantaire," Enjolras burst out the moment you reached him. "He is very ill. He passed out at the apartment and Joly came running to find me because I was there when he was showing symptoms last night. I was not paying attention to him; you are the only one who can accurately describe his symptoms. Joly believes it to be withdrawal."

Monsieur Valjean was listening as he opened the gate. "Say no more, Monsieur. We will do what we can to help." Cosette was on her way out now to see what was the matter. "Cosette, fetch the horses from the stable, and quickly. I will need to drive the carriage."

"You can do that?" I gaped.

"I can. Let us hurry. Withdrawal is nothing to take lightly. I should know. Come with me to move the carriage."

"Good man," breathed Enjolras, as you stared for a second in amazement, then jogged over to help move the carriage. No one looked twice at a woman helping to roll the heavy carriage down the drive. These two men had no doubt in their mind that you could handle the strength.

Cosette brought around the horses and gently but quickly harnessed them to the carriage. Then you, Cosette, and Enjolras scrambled up into the carriage while all Valjean had to do was pet the horses, and they were off. Valjean sat up front to steer while you and Enjolras sat in the cab across from Cosette. The small space on your bench allowed you to steady yourself against Enjolras without moving a muscle and he to you, which caused goosebumps to involuntarily make their way up your back. However, Cosette was having a different problem: the carriage was moving so fast and jostling so much that she looked very uncomfortable alone on the other side of the carriage, bumping side-to-side with too much space and nothing to steady herself against.

"Cosette, hon, come here," you said wryly, and she gratefully came to sit next to you on your right, as far away from Enjolras as she could possibly get. This meant you were now squeezed in the middle, forced closer to Enjolras, and your arm was now pressed against his red tailcoat. He was once again rigid as stone. Cosette was clinging onto her side of the carriage for dear life while Enjolras kept his balance perfectly. You put both hands down on either side of you to steady yourself further and froze as your left hand landed on a larger, stonier hand. His hand. You snatched your hand away and went flying into Cosette when the carriage gave a sharp jostle. She squeaked as you accidentally crushed her, and you suddenly felt a pair of stiff hands entwine around your waist and you tried to straighten up.

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