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"What?" Were the first words that he muttered after I told him

"I'm sorry, my hearing must be off, did you just say you are half Angel? As in the white wings and heaven?"

"Yeah," I said facing away from him

"Imposible! No puede ser. Cómo? Por éso es más rápido y es más fuerte qué nosotros. "

I had no idea who he was talking to. I'm guessing it's his wolf.... which reminds me why is mine being so quiet?


Yes? My wolf responded hesitantly

Why are you being so quiet? You are the one that wanted me to tell him.

I know but I don't want to hear what he says if he rejects us.

We've been through this, remember we already moved on and made a pack without him. We are an Alpha of a pack all by ourselves. If he does reject us we will move on and remain strong. Just remember it's his loss, not ours.

Yes but what about when we have another. .......

My wolf didn't finish her sentence because Jose said something that made me snap my attention to him.

"Show you?" I asked just making sure that I heard him correctly

"Yes. If you are what you say, show me."

Show him. My wolf chipped in

"Fine. Just...just don't freak out. The last people I showed fainted." He only nodded a little hesitantly

I put my fingertips on the hem of my shirt and started lifting it.

"Qué estas haciendo? " Jose said his voice coming out heavy and filled with lust. His eyes slowly turning darker and darker.

I ignored him and finished pulling off my shirt. I was left in nothing but my bra. I didn't really care considering he was supposed to be the only one to see me like this.

After my shirt was on the floor I looked back up and saw he was looking at me in pain. He had a sad, guilty, angry look in his eyes. All previous lust gone from his eyes as if it was never there.

"Who did that to you?"

I ignored his question and continued my actions. I concentrated on how it felt when I had my wings. The feeling of being able to fly and be free, no limitations.

The entire time I did not break eyes contact with Jose. Even when I felt my wings break the skin in my back and push themselves through.

He broke eye contact once I felt my wings were completely out. Stretching them out to their full length, they were at least seven feet long. They were a snow white just like my fur and very powerful.

He stared shocked at them for a while as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"How long have you known this?" he asked not removing his eyes from my wings

"Since I was a little girl," I answered moving my wings slightly

"Is there any way to.... to fix it?" he questioned now looking me in the eyes

"It? There is nothing wrong with me." I said getting a little angry at him for saying that and my wings reacted with my mood and closed behind my back

"What do you mean there's nothing wrong? You have wing's." He said pointing to my wings like they weren't already obvious.

"They are not a problem. " I said angrily through a clenched jaw

"But how can you deal with that?" He asked

"Its a part of me what do you expect me to do?" I questioned him

"But........." he started

I interrupted him because I could feel my wolf curling up in a little ball in my mind. Every time he said something else she would curl up more.

"Look I get it. I'm different and it's confusing as hell, but I am the one that has to deal with it not you. If you can't except it then reject me and we can both move on. "

My wing's moved because of the tone In my voice. They are now slightly extended out and facing down towards the ground making it easy to escape.

He looked up at me as of he was in deep thought. He looked right into my eyes then back at my wings. He did this a couple of times before he did something that confused the hell out of me.

He started to laugh and rub his hand down his face. He broke eye contact and laughed facing the floor.

"What the fuck is so funny?" I growled out making him snap his attention back to me. His eyes showed so many emotions I couldn't tell what he was feeling or thinking.

"This...." he says gesturing between us then to my wing's. "Is what's so funny. " he finished before he used his werewolf speed to close the gap between us.

My wing's, reacting immediately, wrapped around me as a shield. I waited for the impact from him..but it never came.

Instead, I felt him touching my wing's, caressing them. I slowly unraveled my wing's and he stood there fascinated.

My wing's, sensing there was no threat, folded behind me. He closed the distance between us and I was immediately wrapped in his scent.

He cupped my cheek in affection successfully sending sparks through his body to mine and said

"Mi vida, mi amor ya té deje que no te voy a lastimar. You are my mate. If the Moon Goddess thought I was good enough for you then who am I to go against her. I don't give a damn that you have wings. They are what makes you-you and I will love them just like I love you. I have wanted to find you my entire life and now I have. No más tú y yo, nadien mas ,el amor de mi vida."

He uses his other hand and puts it on my waist pulling my body flushed against his. My wolf purrs at our close proximity. His eyes connect with mine for a split second before they start to go from my lips back to my eyes. He bites his lip making a low growl erupt out of my mouth before I could stop it. He looks back to my eyes and starts stroking my cheek with his thumb sending more sparks. He then leans in very slowly, once our noses touch I automatically close my eyes.

He surprises me when instead of kissing my lips he kisses my cheek. Then my kneck then trials them down to the place were his mark would be made. Each kiss was filled with sparks, the last one sent waves of sparks considering it was a sensitive spot.

I suppress a moan and my wolf's purrs just got a whole lot louder.

"I promise I won't kiss you until you ask me too." He says pulling back.

I don't know what it was but something made me want to tell him to kiss me. I quickly reminded myself of my promise and cleared my head.

"Do you keep your wing's in wolf form as well?" He asks putting a little space between us. He has a lot of self-control considering he didn't kiss me on the lips and he stopped by himself.

I looked at him smiling. Before answering with.

"Let me show you."

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