-Questions Part 1

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Amber's POV

"He's okay Alpha. He just has wounds on his leg and his chest but nothing that is fatal." Rick, our pack doctor, explained

"Did anyone else get hurt?" I asked concerned for the well being of my pack

"No Alpha. You trained them well," he said

"Thank you, Rick. Is it okay if I go in and see him?" I asked

"Yes, he should be awake. You know a mates touch actually helps the healing process excel." He said

My mouth opened as I realized he knew. But how the hell did he know? No one else knew but my brothers and me.

"He wouldn't stop asking for you, even when he was in pain and he was covered in his blood he was more worried about you than himself. Now correct me if I am wrong Alpha, but I don't think unless he was family, that he would worry more about you than himself," he said before bowing his head and walking down the hall.

He was worried about me?

I left that thought lingering in the back of my mind as I headed into the doors that lead to the hospital rooms. I passed three empty rooms before I found his. As I stood outside I smelled his scent as it escaped out the bottom of the door. It surrounded me like a blanket, a warm blanket that smells like heaven and you don't ever want to leave it.

I was nervous for some reason, I have nothing to be nervous about but here I am standing outside his door hesitating to walk in. After a quick pep talk with my self, I took a deep breath and entered the room. As I opened the door it creaked and his scent got even stronger.

He was laying in the bed as if he was waiting for someone. He had the white sheet around his body. His eyes snapped to the door and at first, they stayed on my eyes before he assessed me from head to toe for any injuries. Once he saw that I was not injured he stood up and the blanket that was around him fell.

He had three large cuts going down his chest. They went from his collarbone down to his hip. They looked really deep and I have no doubt if the Doc wouldn't have cleaned him up He would have looked like he had just got massacred.

He had a bandage around his calve and it was stained with blood. I looked around the room and saw a lot of bandages that were no longer white. They were drenched in blood making them a dark red color. He tried to walk toward me but limped and almost fell and I instantly went towards him. He put his arms around me and stood up straight. He kept most of his weight off of his injured leg.

"I was worried about you." he said sticking is nose in my hair by my ear and sniffing my scent

"I'm okay. What happened?" I asked putting my arms around his chest.

His naked toned warm chest. His soft smooth heaven smelling chest that's making me want to melt and snuggle closer to it if it weren't for the wounds I probably would have. The chest that I would lay on at night. The chest our kids would lay on when he rocks them to.........

WOW! I need to stop. Geez, we barely got to the point of talking and I am already thinking about kids.

'I was looking for you because you disappeared and a wolf attacked me while I wasn't looking." he said tightening his hold on me

"I can protect myself you know. I am an Alpha."

"I know but..... I still worry," he said pulling away only at arm's length so he could assess me again.

"Why...Why did you fight? It wasn't your pack to fight for why would you risk your life for a pack that has nothing to do with you?"

"I fought because we are allies now. I know I didn't have to but this is your pack and if you would risk your life them then I would risk my life as well. As for the pack having nothing to do with me you are mistaken. This pack has everything to do with me because it possesses the only thing that I couldn't live without. One thing I would die for, you."

He looked me up and down before his eyes met mine. We stared into each other's eyes and something clicked. It was like as if I accepted him before I told him I did. I knew from that moment on he had my full trust and I didn't have to question anything.

I placed my hand over his heart and used my healing powers to heal his wounds. Not once did I break eye contact completely confident in my decision to show him what I am capable of. He looked down as the sting from his wounds started to vanish, He looked shocked but did not move. Once the wounds were completely healed his eyes came back to mine.

"How...how did you do that?"

"Angels have powers. Some of them were passed on to me from my mother." I said taking my hand off of his chest but he put his hand on top of mine and kept it there.

The sparks going through my hand into his chest and back into my hand were making a connection between us as our wolves made the bond that made us one. I could feel it. It was like wires connecting themselves between us. Like two magnets that finally have the chance to connect or puzzle pieces being put together.

He smiled and placed his hand on my cheek as more sparks ignited through my body. He leaned down until his lips brushed against mine. Little sparks going through my lips made them tingly. I have never wanted... no needed anyone's lips on mine more than I need his.

"Thank you," he whispered before placing pulling back slightly leaving my lips tingling.

It took me a moment to recompose myself as none has ever done that. Once I finally got my mind in check I registered what he said and asked him

"For what?"

"For accepting me. For giving me another chance. For letting me in and trusting me with your past and your special gift. Thank you for letting me be here with you." He broke eye contact and I instantly miss looking into his eyes.

He looked at the ground almost in sadness. He grabbed my hands in his large rough one and held them. He then made eye contact once more and there was this desperate need in his eyes.

"I know you could live without me but I don't know what I would have done if I wouldn't have found you. If I had to live my life...or run our pack by myself I.... don't think I would have done it. I would have gone crazy without you. The feeling of not being complete would eat me alive and I know neither my wolf or I would even try to imagine a life without."

"Jose" was all I could say as what he was saying hit me.

Of course, I felt the emptiness. It was like a black hole that none could fill but him. Sometimes that black hole would get too big and I would take it out on anyone around me. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't go to that meeting.

He shivered as I said his name making me tingle in my stomach at the reaction he has at me just calling his name. I took one of my hands out of his and he looked confused before I placed it on his cheek.

He leaned into my touch and it warmed me that he feels this way about me already. I regret doing everything I did to him. He is so sweet and caring. If I would have just listened to him when we met in the forest this could have all been avoided. I put us both in so much pain because my Alpha pride couldn't take the rejection.

"I am sorry for leaving. I don't ever want you to think about what if because that doesn't matter anymore. I am here with you and you don't have to worry. That mark is still on there but you are mine and I will mark you. I know you want me to do it soon but I am just not ready for that right now." I said dropping my hand only for him to place his hand on my cheek. He used the pad of his thumb to rub my cheek and it soothed me. I leaned into his touch and waited for him to speak.

"No mi amor.Pasar un día contigo Ver películas, jugar, comer a tu lado, ser dormidos del cansancio eso es lo que quiero."

Before I got the chance to ask him what he meant he leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. I momentarily froze and didn't move. He looked into my eyes and down to our lips almost asking no pleading for permission to close the little space between us.

I closed my eyes and he took that as a yes and slowly leaned in. Just before his lips were fully on mine the door burst open and a bloody Jordan busted into the door breaking our sweet moment.

Jose growled at the interruption before it abruptly stopped at the state Jordan was in. He was drenched in blood and was panting. He said something that made me rush out and leave both boys behind me.

"Jayden's hurt."

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